Britains Early Hollow Cast (2 Viewers)

Hi Jrsteel,

I really enjoy the painting of those castings! I was wondering if the ones in yellow were Dutch or Nassau Troops. The Red Coats look great too. I have heard that there are usually a good distribution at the shows of old and new sets but I guess it will be a while before I get a chance to hit one of the shows.

Also Hilo Thanks for the information I will see if I can hunt down one of Opies books to get a look at the pictures.

All the best

Hi Jrsteel,

I really enjoy the painting of those castings! I was wondering if the ones in yellow were Dutch or Nassau Troops. The Red Coats look great too. I have heard that there are usually a good distribution at the shows of old and new sets but I guess it will be a while before I get a chance to hit one of the shows.

Also Hilo Thanks for the information I will see if I can hunt down one of Opies books to get a look at the pictures.

All the best


Dave the yellow ones are the Swiss Neuchatel Battalion. The musicians are Dutch Grenadiers band members.

Great work I have to get really motivated to paint the gurkhas because I have to have a lot of illumination as well as the glasses (I hate getting old)

I hope we'll see some more old and old style ones from the other guys soon.

If you like the Wessex range by Andrew Rose you should try out Dorset Soldiers (painted sets and castings), SoldierPac (castings) and Glebe Miniatures (both) these are in the uk and are in the style of the old Britains Hollowcast.

These sets below are from SoldierPac recasts and painted by myself (and my wife!).


Great job on the gun team, That is one set I have always wanted.
I have the centenary set but I would love to get one of the old sets
with outriders.
Cheers Rob
I got these today so thought i,d post a shot, both soldiers of the world
royal scots greys [photo of horses didnt come out too well] and RHA gun team.These will be my last shots as i,ve already hogged a bit of the thread
[and lead it astray from britains sorry Dave].But i have realy
enjoyed looking at the photos you guys have posted.


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There were lots of Britains. Two grades, set commanding lots of Money and mixed junk in boxes for $3-10 per figure. The old stuff was at least $100. per box with old gun teams etc going for $400. and up. Yes I live in Hilo Hi. I moved there about 6 years ago. A great place just lots of rain. never gets below 75 degrees. Tom
There were lots of Britains. Two grades, set commanding lots of Money and mixed junk in boxes for $3-10 per figure. The old stuff was at least $100. per box with old gun teams etc going for $400. and up. Yes I live in Hilo Hi. I moved there about 6 years ago. A great place just lots of rain. never gets below 75 degrees. Tom

I envy you living in HI. It's a dream of mine. Maybe when I'm retired? I've been to the 4 main islands. Was in Kona and Volcano Natl. Park a few years ago but didn't make it around to Hilo. Any good beaches in the Hilo area? Is there anyplace that sells toy soldiers in HI? I've never come across any.
There were lots of Britains. Two grades, set commanding lots of Money and mixed junk in boxes for $3-10 per figure. The old stuff was at least $100. per box with old gun teams etc going for $400. and up. Yes I live in Hilo Hi. I moved there about 6 years ago. A great place just lots of rain. never gets below 75 degrees. Tom

Wow another treefrogger at the W.C.. Sorry I did not get a chance to meet you. I was the tall guy in the kilt. Not to be confused with Woody, also in a kilt.:D :D
There's just something about a classic glossy toy soldier. I am sad to see folks like Imperial and Trophy (hopefully just temporarily until Ken Jackson gets up and running again) stop producing. They both had theirown unique styles, both capturing the classic toy soldier in different ways.

Its good to see interest in new and old gloss figures. I liked your Field Marshal find - Dave, and the RHA gun team at the gallop was stunning.

Ken, Andrew Stadden and I are having a great time with the classic figures.


Hi Richard,

I have also been trying to get my hands on one of the sideways turn officer from one of the Lancer sets because i think thats a really cool pose.

I certainly hope that Trophy or Imperial come back they made some really great sets! I still think Britains should produce an heirloom set like the ones Imperial used to make that would give you an entire square in one box and them build on it by adding Artillery and Cavalry in support. Oh the possibilities!

Anyway keep up the great work!

All the best

Hi Dave:

Good luck in your search for the turned lancer officer. Might be a good one for us to commemorate someday in solid cast.

Ah.. the heirloom sets - that would be really cool. Was just looking at one the other day in the Great Book Of Britains and thought how nice it would be to do a 100 piece run of something like that someday. Probably be anywhere from $1,500-$2,500.

Hi Richard,

I think that if there was a 100 piece run of something and people were given plenty of time to save up their allowance it would sell. Of course I would have to beg my wife to be able to spend that sort of money but it would be worth every bit of grovelling. I guess we'll just have to wait and see if that happens some time.:rolleyes:

Have a great day!

All the best

Dave,Dave, Dave, Have you no shame? Groveling? ................Does that really work? Do you give lessons?:rolleyes: :D :D :D
Hi KV,

Do you remember the scene where Belushi is begging for his life from Carrie Fischer in the Blues Brothers?:D :D :D Sometimes it works but the payback can be really brutal...:eek:

I dont recommend it for the faint of heart.

All the best

Great photos! The Soldiers of the World range looks excellent! I also regret having discovered Imperial only after they closed down! Got 2 sets and will be looking for more, I am inclined to go with Shannon, they are the best, the more I look at them the more I like them! I also enjoy matte, but there is something special about gloss, I guess I have fallen in love with it after having glossy soldiers in my hand:) . What about William Hocker? Fantastic. Also liked the 2007 Classic Collection Britains photo, those figures look excellent.
I'll try and add some photos over the weekend.
Here's one of my favorite Britains set from the WW1 glossy range.


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Here's some Band Of The Line figures.


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I picked these up today, some pre-war Royal Scots.


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Hi Jrsteel,

Where did you find those Scots? They look pretty cool in their trews.


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