My position is quite clear and, here it is I hate thieves cut their hands off no problem quite clear. I have not said that the death sentences were wrong for the war criminals, what I have said through my criminological and psychological education etc is that I don't see the horns and hooved feet argument.
Its been expressed that such and such is evil but, I am saying from the research and the reading behind the scenes of people like Hoess, Eichmann etc they were able to live a relatively normal life outside of the actions they undertook. They were able to have normal marriages have children adore them and do all the other things ''normal'' people do.
The only extraordinary thing was the work they undertook and, my point was that you cannot say the amount that took part in these acts and the einsatz actions were all evil. other circumstances had to be in existance for these acts to occur which, I have outlined in other posts.
Now, thats exactly the same as the bosnian war the acts in afghan and Iraq, 9/11, 7/11 and the list goes on. We deem them evil as it upholds our values and veiws of what is right or decent but, our decent values can, as has been shown, also slip whether state sanctioned and, we can discuss CIA torture and MI5 torture rendition as being state sanctioned but, it shows normal people can do extraordinarily nasty acts under many banners from state sanctioned or victorious troops to freedom fighters. They all need extra circumstances.
If we go down the road of saying these people are evil are they born evil or raised evil probably similar to the nature/nature debate. I suppose I am of the nature part for evil that circumstances and events bring this out in people. If we go with the other scale does that mean that Bormanns child was evil? well, no he was not, Heydrich's children have not become murderes etc nor did Eichmanns children.
This enigma is not so. I can see that we as human beings put into certain circumstances will do horrendous things. I hate theives as I said who prey on the hard working members of society now, I am quite mild mannered but, I could easily if I had my way sign a decree that sent them out to the combat zones and let them clear IED's and mines to save the lives of our troops. Now I am not evil but, I could do that. How many would shoot dead a burglar in their home? I bet plenty. There is no enigma on my part there would had I said the sentences were wrong for the war criminals of WWII and kept the strong stance on theft but, my reaction there was because it was recidivism and he new most of the people he was doing it to so, worse than stranger theft.
I just pointed out that these people were living and were able to live normal lives and, were not evil isolated madmen. I fully understand the evil debate and why its used so much but, in the cold light of day when you ask why or how can people do this it turns over rocks and shows things people don't want to see or accept.
All apologies as I know I am taking this thread off topic so I will let this beaten horse trod off to the sunset and Mitch, Rob and I and whomever can continue this via pm.
BUT- I find those actions in Abu Gharaib as despicable as anything done by the nazis- they were a disgrace to my uniform and my country and should've been strung up and shot. Not only do their actions undermine the image of my nation, it also makes the sacrifices of the heroes who died to achieve my nation's aims over the years leading up to that in vain. To me, the CLEAR cut difference here is that the treatment in Abu Gharaib was in no means official US policy. Extermination of jews and others was official Nazi doctrine. As you readily admitted, some people just kill and I think we both agree they are outliers to the dilemma.
Again, I think your position is somewhat of an enigma wrapped in a mystery given some of the statements you have made regarding the nazis and then other polarized views against seemingly less aggregious claims against thievery...{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}
Wasn't Queen Elizabeth ( I hope I got her right- all apologies if I have the wrong Queen here), pretty much distrustful of the Nazis?? (Not sure where i am going with that :redface2:{sm4}).
I dunno bud, I am a bit simple in my views. I certainly understand what you are saying and your point, I just think if we fail to call evil, evil, then we forgot all those hard learned lessons from the 1940's.
All this talk of Evil has me jonesing to watch some Austin Powers flicks {sm4}