Britain's Zulu War (4 Viewers)

It has been seen before but such a great set and worthy of seeing again. Thanks for posting up the pic !! :)
Thanks for posting the picture... Those mealie bags are the best I've seen..Britains for sure! Mike (PS- price is to kill for, not die for)
I'm sure you all agree the set's a beauty but be aware the figures are set on the base and can't be removed from their base...........The Lt.
Their first appearance match against Colour-Sergeant Bourne.....The Lt.


Nigel Greene in full kit
I been looking at Britians New Matte Zulu War figures lately and thinking about going for the plunge and buy them. There are alot of you that collect Zulu figures what do you think?
I have 3 of them and they're very very nice. Why only 3? Because _ and that are their only defect _ they are long much in appearing!

( and still not officer!)
I been looking at Britians New Matte Zulu War figures lately and thinking about going for the plunge and buy them. There are alot of you that collect Zulu figures what do you think?

You'll be very pleased if you plunge into the series and buying them. I'm looking forward to adding to figures I've got as they become available....The Lt.
Thanks for the replys. I no I will be pleased with them. I will probably go with buying the Hospital first and a few figures. And General Custer, yea thats weird they didnt do a officer in any set yet. I could see them doing one for there collectors club or something like they did with the Civil War Union Officer. Time will tell. :)
Thanks for the replys. I no I will be pleased with them. I will probably go with buying the Hospital first and a few figures. And General Custer, yea thats weird they didnt do a officer in any set yet. I could see them doing one for there collectors club or something like they did with the Civil War Union Officer. Time will tell. :)

There's no doubt in my mind Jagdpanther that we'll see in the future the officers who received the VC for their efforts at Rorkes Drift and others as they build the series. General Custer you must remember that WBritain just begun the ZW Series in matte and Rome wasn't built in a day...The Lt.
The Anglo-Zulu War, another black hole of the TS World. Once you're in well.... It was nice knowing ya! Seriously there are no bad toy soldier wars. Lots of goodies and the latest incarnation of WB has been getting some nice figures out. Various manufacturers are producing all kinds of support for the defense of Rourke's Drift.

Go for it!!!
You'll love it. It's the biggest Toy soldier box in my house. Well packed and I'll take it out someday. Glad to know there's at least two in NJ:) Mike
I am going to be buying a table so I can set it all up. And I need some suggestions on making the vegetation terrain for South Africa What kind of materials could I use? I no alot would be be like dry grass. Lt are those JG miniatures buildings in you photos from there Rorke's Drift set?
I am going to be buying a table so I can set it all up. And I need some suggestions on making the vegetation terrain for South Africa What kind of materials could I use? I no alot would be be like dry grass. Lt are those JG miniatures buildings in you photos from there Rorke's Drift set?

Jag both the Hospital (Witt's Home) and the Commissary Storehouse I created and built. They're a number of helpful hints along with photos on creating terrain features poted in the How To Section of the forum as well as asking Ken Osen for some helpful hints when he returns from the Chicao Show......The Lt.
Ok Lt, I was wondering in some of your photos your using some sort of mosey dry stuff what is that?
Ok Lt, I was wondering in some of your photos your using some sort of mosey dry stuff what is that?

It's LEMAX Moss Display Matt which is 39"x18" LMX24801 which you can find at ACMoore's or Michael's in their Hakkoween Display Sections........The Lt.
Well here is my table with terrain on it still have some things to add here and there, also waiting for the rest of the Zulu's and Brits.


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