Britain's Zulu War (2 Viewers)

Looks great JP, that is some serious amount of space you have for a display. Looking forward to it develop over the coming months.
Thanks guys. Well I plan to do some recruiting but I will buy a few figures here and there. Lt I was taking a look at your drift on page 70, and have a ? Where did you find alot of those boxes? And do you no of any other buildings that would work for the store?
Thanks guys. Well I plan to do some recruiting but I will buy a few figures here and there. Lt I was taking a look at your drift on page 70, and have a ? Where did you find alot of those boxes? And do you no of any other buildings that would work for the store?

Jag I got the boxes several years ago and the last time I went to visit the shop it was no longer in it original location. They're only two sources I'm currently aware of that provide a Storehouse one is JG Miniatures and the other is Form Tech. and of the two I'd chose Form Tech for the time being and you'll find it cloer to scale. You'll have to paint it but it should'nt be a problem. I'm enclosing a photo of the Form Tech building and you can see what JG has to offer by going to the Treefrog Shop and checking them out in the building section of the shop. Hopefully WBritain sometime in the near future will provide the Storehouse and the Form Tech building will fit the bill until then....The Lt.


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The Lt. is right on. Go with Formtech or Imperial. The JG stuff is awesome but goes with the movie, not reality., Mike
The one thing about Britains that they make really good walls and the faces on the figures are superb.
Lt could you provide a link or tell me where I can find this building I try searching form tech that didnt do anything maybe im doing something wrong?
Lt could you provide a link or tell me where I can find this building I try searching form tech that didnt do anything maybe im doing something wrong?

Jag check with Matt at the Hobby Bunker or one of his staff at or phone him at 789-321-8855 and I'm sure if he doesn't have it in stock he'll order for you. Nice choice on the storehouse for now.......The Lt.
Another photo which appeared in The British Press in Febuary 1879...The Lt.


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Ken is at work on a W. Britain storehouse for 2009. Got to finish what we started after all!
Ken is at work on a W. Britain storehouse for 2009. Got to finish what we started after all!

Not planning a gun team desperately trying to escape the Zulus at Islandwana by any chance? The storehouse sounds good
Office is being swept for South African bugs as we speak...

Got a good hunch that we'll see a Rocket Battery as well Damian and hopefully two differently manned 7 pounders as WBritain continues towards Isandlwana adding to "The Closing Stages of Isandlwana and no this Yank hasn't got the office bugged but working on it:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: But we first must have the VC and DCM winners manning the Mission Station along with members of the Commissary and Medical Staff and lets not forget the 5 members of the Royal Artillery and Lt. Adendorff along with CPl Schiess and his 5 fellow CPLS and we're still short one Natal Mounted Policeman and let us not forget The Reverend Smith along with a couple of Sergeant and Cpls of the 24th Foot and let us not forget the Zulus as well. Got a hunch Ken and his Fellow Sculptors have got their hands full:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:..The Lt.
The guns and Rocket Battery would be just marvelous if done. But what the Lt said about the VC winners and others would be most appreciated. ;)
Well either it is bugs...or a good idea is a good idea no matter who thinks of it. I suppose if it is a great idea several folks will think of it at the same time!
Richard and I are always revising the line list as far as what is coming next. The storehouse and the other scenics needed to create the defense is a given. The January offering is pretty well rounded out already for the Zulu War range with several other interesting items that will show up throughout 2009.
Keep the requests coming...
All the Best!
Ken Osen
Got a good hunch that we'll see a Rocket Battery as well Damian and hopefully two differently manned 7 pounders as WBritain continues towards Isandlwana adding to "The Closing Stages of Isandlwana and no this Yank hasn't got the office bugged but working on it:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: But we first must have the VC and DCM winners manning the Mission Station along with members of the Commissary and Medical Staff and lets not forget the 5 members of the Royal Artillery and Lt. Adendorff along with CPl Schiess and his 5 fellow CPLS and we're still short one Natal Mounted Policeman and let us not forget The Reverend Smith along with a couple of Sergeant and Cpls of the 24th Foot and let us not forget the Zulus as well. Got a hunch Ken and his Fellow Sculptors have got their hands full:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:..The Lt.

You forgot the Buffs! A 7/9 pdr would be quite intrigue in either gloss or matte. So would a RA gun team fleeing. And how about Maj. (Brevet Lt Bird) Crealock making a sketch? Or a Natal Carbineer? Enough wishing... Mike
Apologies if this question has already been answered but why do some of the series numbers end with an "A" while others do not?

Plus will the Isandlwana set be added to????????

I'm loving the work so far and have everything from the series but I'm going to run out of room, which is why I think Isandlwana has always been easier to depict!
Apologies if this question has already been answered but why do some of the series numbers end with an "A" while others do not?
Plus will the Isandlwana set be added to????????

I'm loving the work so far and have everything from the series but I'm going to run out of room, which is why I think Isandlwana has always been easier to depict!

Not too sure on this answer but I think those ending in an A are the Osprey series? I am sure Ken or The LT can clarify this though :)
I think Scott is right about the Osprey series. Maybe it means "Art"? Anyways, glad to have you aboard the HMS Treefrog! Mike

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