Britain's Zulu War (5 Viewers)

Hi All

Just thought I'd chime in here, not in relation to the tea debate (although I'd have to say PG Tips which may not mean much to our US based forum pals), but more to do with the Xmas set and Standard which has been under discussion earlier on in this thread. As Ken's already hinted at the new Xmas set is Zulu themed, and I must say he's done a superb job with it. I saw it for the first time last week when I was given the images to finish off The Standard, which by the way is now at print, and it looks superb. Ken's loosely based the set on an old Harry Payne military postcard, but with a Zulu twist, so I'm sure all of you who are fans of this conflict will enjoy what he's done.

So to answer the question, yes there will be images of this set in the new Standard, along with pictures of the 4 new Club figures for 2008. Yes you are reading correctly, instead of just a choice of 2 exclusives next year all members get a choice of 4 brand new figures only available when joining/renewing Club membership, and don't worry if you want more than 1 of the figures Richard has assured me members will have the option to purchase the additionals.

Hi Mark and welcome. It's always nice to be able to talk to insiders.
Glad I joined the club last friday. I can't wait to see the preview.
At least it's some sort of indication what we'll see for the gloss ZW range.
Glad to be of help guys and if I can, Like Richard and Ken, I'll always try and answer questions for you just bear in mind my main area in the Club. Just sorry I hadn't signed up to the forum before seems like a great place to chat.

All the best
Thanks Mark for the information on the Britain's club figures. On another note about TSC magazine. I had difficulty renewing my subscription and letter came back and mailed again. Any chance of a US agent for renewals and information about the magazine or prize game?This would be easier then mailing overseas. Welcome to forum and with you, Richard, Ken and Andy we have good access. Leadmen
Hi Leadmen

Technically I know this is not the right area to discuss TSC so sorry to other members in advance. In answer to your question the new owners Guideline are, I have been told, currently working with a specialist subscription agent in the US. This agent will, I understand, handle all US subs making it easier for any of you guys "over the pond" to deal with them. If you're still having trouble then the best thing to do is drop them a quick email as usually they do respond.

Hope that's of help and sorry again to other members for this discussion not being under the "mags" section, any other Britains questions guys just fire away.

Hi Mark,

Great to hear from you and now I find myself in a bigger dilema on what to pick for the club figures. I do mainly focus on the traditional sorts so that should make it easier but that combined with a Christmas set will certainly make things much more interesting. Looking forward to the Standards arrival!

Please keep the info coming!

All the best

My first issue arrived today and I just signed up end of last week.
Looks very nice, nice catalogs too, the figure I have chosen (sapper) will be sent to me in a few weeks so can't comment on that.
Dave there will be a choice of two gloss and two matt figures for 2008 so hopefully you'll love one if not both of the gloss figures along with the Xmas set. And Joachim glad to hear the pack got to you safely (as I mailed it) and I'm sure you'll love the Sapper when you receive it, I'm sure some of the other Britains Club members on here who already have him can attest to the quality (mine is helping batter down the gates of Hougoumont behind me as I write)!

All the best
Will the new Britains Zulu War vstuff be compatible with Trophy and LittleLegion.
Damian Clarke
Hi Damian

The Xmas set figures certainly would do. As for other figures going forwards I'm not 100 percent sure of Richard and Ken's plans so they'd have to answer that question for you.

Hi Joachim

The Standard is at print and the new catalogue is just going to print. Both should be back with me by the end of next week so mailed either next Friday or more likely the following Monday. Therefore all Club members should start receiving the pack w/c 3rd September, please just bear in mind those members like yourself who are overseas may not get it until the following week depending on the postal services.

Hi There! This would be the new band in the 'Limited Edition Collection' series. The pictured item is the all new Band of the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, Napoleonic Wars Ca, 1815. This is the full Band of Musick, along with Field Musick, Bandsman in Exotic Dress, Colour Party and addtional other ranks to build a band in review for the occupation of Paris after the battle of Waterloo and defeat of Napoleon. As with other bands in this series these will be offered in Gloss finish...and I have to say that the metal samples are beautiful. I plan on displaying the Full Band, Color party and a company of ORs...this should pretty much fill a shelf! All I need now are civilian on lookers...Hmmm?
Really great picture of a Napoleonic British Line Infantry Band. Ken, Richard, Mark, do you guys have a pic that you could share?? Looks like very new production.:)

Talk about nice pics. I'm drooling all over the 07 catalog here. There definately is a difference seeing pics online or in a hardcopy catalog.
If it weren't for the two ZW series that I'd like to collect I'd be all over some of those sets pictures.
I hope the sapper I will receive in a few weeks won't draw me into Hougoumont.
Talk about nice pics. I'm drooling all over the 07 catalog here. There definately is a difference seeing pics online or in a hardcopy catalog.
If it weren't for the two ZW series that I'd like to collect I'd be all over some of those sets pictures.
I hope the sapper I will receive in a few weeks won't draw me into Hougoumont.

If it does , I have an early North Gate dio near mint in the box with the original book for you:eek:
Some time ago I asked Ken not to forget beards on the ZW figures. I don't know which post/thread.
People who own books like "Brave mens blood" can remember seeing group photo's of troops during the war and a lot of them wear beards.
Not a few but many. Half of them at least.

I hope this will be somewhat reflected in the two ZW ranges by Britains.
How do you fellow collectors feel about this?

On a side note; Ken does wonderful beards and moustaches already on the ACW figures for instance. Check them out. They look very nice :cool:.
I'd almost grow one myself for that very reason :eek:.

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