Britain's Zulu War (6 Viewers)

Joachim, I'm sure that you'll find that the beards will be well represnted thoughout the series. Hope all's been well at your end seems your busting at the seams awaiting the ZW Series and beleive me it'll be well worth the wait...The Lt.
Joachim to answer your question (sort of) I can confirm that 1 of the two figures in the Zulu Club Xmas set does indeed have a fine beard. In addtion the two piece 24th Foot which is being produced exclusively for UK retailer Modelzone will also feature beards and moustaches.

Hope that helps.

All the best

PS - Both the above sets will be shown in the next Standard which is due to mail to all members around Friday next week.;)
You are right, the post battle photograph at Pinetown of the much reduced B Company 24th Foot has 51 NCOs and ORs pictured. Of these 51 there appears to be only 21, possibly 22 of them clean shaven. We have already picked up this detail and we will try to reflect this in the sculpts.
More to come in Oct/Nov!
Lt, All's fine here. Over there as well I would expect? Since you seem to know a lot more than I do concerning WB plans. All cloak and deggar stuff :cool: [ the 'cool' symbol is used as a 'men-in-black' symbol here]

KV, I might well do that. Lot's of cheap hairgel could substitute for the gloss coat. Will keep you posted.:)

Mark thanks for the info. Obviously the subject is alive:). So Modelzone will get a exclusive? As long as we won't get too much of that get-it-while-you-can limited edition stuff. I have had my share of that while collecting movie memorabilia and in the end, being a completist, it put me off.

Ken, research/doing your homework has never been a issue with you.
Looking forward to many beards. And the figures attached to them of course.
Joachim with all the information provided by Ken and Mark your as well informed as I am.....The Lt.
Hi There! This would be the new band in the 'Limited Edition Collection' series. The pictured item is the all new Band of the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, Napoleonic Wars Ca, 1815. This is the full Band of Musick, along with Field Musick, Bandsman in Exotic Dress, Colour Party and addtional other ranks to build a band in review for the occupation of Paris after the battle of Waterloo and defeat of Napoleon. As with other bands in this series these will be offered in Gloss finish...and I have to say that the metal samples are beautiful. I plan on displaying the Full Band, Color party and a company of ORs...this should pretty much fill a shelf! All I need now are civilian on lookers...Hmmm?

Thanks for the kind comments Ken the Napoleonic band were fun to make and certainly a little different.......I can't wait to see how they turned out cast & Painted.:)

On the theme of this thread ....of course, I only know about the Zulu's so far, so I'm also looking forward to seeing your 24th foot :)

Welcome AlanB and what a excellent thread to make your first post in :cool:

Question for WB: Are there any plans or ideas to create another set(s) based on CE Fripps painting? The original glossy WB figures are pretty nice (I have the first set) but it might be nice to have them in matte as well (and maybe again in gloss to fit with the new style :cool:).

Maybe just the core characters pictured.
Joachim it would be nice to see WB creating single figures in poses that appear in the photo which can then be put to use in other events that occured during the campaign.....The Lt.
These three guys in the middle are my favorites. I can't find a higher resolution pic of the scene on the internet but if you have it at home: look at those eyes. Some people say a picture is worth a thousand words. It's certainly the case with this painting.

Also included is a picture of unique figures sculpted and painted by Bill Horan (as credited with the pic I found).
This is the drama I'm looking for. It are just three hand-to-hand sets grouped together really.

click for larger image.
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Thanks Joachim for posting the photo of the Diorama by Bill Horn, I've never seen it. Here's a larger photo of the painting by CE Fripps you'll note that sets 1 and 2 of Holding the Line by WBritain are also featured. The photo also appears in an earlier posting in the Zulu War Thread......The Lt.

Welcome AlanB and what a excellent thread to make your first post in :cool:

Thanks for the welcome Joachim, it's really nice to see the interest in this series and I hope everyone is happy with what comes out :)
I have seen the Bill Horan piece very close up, and it is really astounding's now owned by a collector in Italy by the way .
Thanks for the welcome Joachim, it's really nice to see the interest in this series and I hope everyone is happy with what comes out :)
I have seen the Bill Horan piece very close up, and it is really astounding's now owned by a collector in Italy by the way .


I take it that you have had some involvement in the above? I had a look at your website......pretty amazing stuff. :)


True, amazing work. Nice fakir in your gallery :cool:.
There are many "officials" on the board, which is excellent.
If only they would tell us more :p.

Lt, I have a print of the Fripp painting (a big one) that I bought from Cranston fine arts. Yesterday I tried to look them up to see what else they had (plenty ZW stuff).
It seemed the one print I always wanted to buy (but never got around to) was on sale so I bought it. Nice victorian just like Fripps. At least I hope it's nice since the biggest pic I found of it is linked below.
Got it a 50% discount :D

Pic of Ulundi:

For those interested:

I take it that you have had some involvement in the above? I had a look at your website......pretty amazing stuff. :)



Jeff, I should introduce myself maybe ........most of the personal info is on our website ,as you may well have seen , but I have also been doing figures for Richard for about 5 or 6 years now.....

I did the Agincourt (matt) figures, a lot of the WW1 series, a couple of the bands are work I did ( the USMC band & colour party , the Guards band & Colour party and the new Napoleonic band that Ken was so kind about )and now the Zulu War series, where I have been doing the Zulu's.

Ken is obvioulsy the lead sculptor , but I get to help out some times , which is fun :)
However I have to be careful what I say , as I wouldn't want to spoil any surprises that Richard & Ken have in store ...:cool:

Anyway, I hope that explains my posts , which I didn't mean to be cryptic.
I hope Richard, Ken and yourself do understand that, with all the secrecy and talk about surprises, expectations are extremely high :eek:.

It never occured to me several sculptors are involved in one series. On the other hand, I've always wondered how Ken could have so much output, with all the time in sculpting and research involved.

It's nice to have a bit of inside info every now and then.

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