As Richard has posted elsewhere there were several delays at our factory in Mainland China this year. Some of the sets that were ready at this end for a Fall catalog, were held for the January edition so there would be a realistic delivery time. As a result there are more sets coming on line that we had planned.
I have mentioned before that we try to spread out the releases so we financially stress the collectors a bit less, so hopefully this will not reoccur again in 2009.
This strategy was a bit risky when 1st Gear first acquired W. Britain, but I would like to think that Richard has proven that we design ranges that invite later additions.
Gone are the three figure sets that have three unrelated poses in them...that never got follow up add on sets. Even our Classic Gloss singles have been getting additional poses and ranks to slowly build units.
Hope this helps.
The new catalog should be going to press in about four weeks.
Hey Collins did ya hear the news we've got help on the way and boy we sure can use it. Info was receive a short time ago from Lord Ken Osen. Got to admit Hitch is sure up on what's going on.........The Lt.
Hi All!
2009 should be a pretty good year for you Zulu War collectors. By my last count there are 13 new figures that will appear in the January catalog alone. The storehouse should follow later along with more new 24th and Zulus...
Stay tuned for details!
The Little Captain Wishes You All A Very Merry Christmas
Nice shots, if you guys keep posting great pictures, I might be forced to start buying Britian's Zulus.
Nice seeing you creating photo dio's and I'm sure you'll agree the Brit figures are fun to play with. ? It's my understanding that the hand to hand set from Modelzone is a one piece set true or false and if not could provide photos of it. Looking forward to your next batch of photos...........The Lt.
Seems like we can't stop these pesky Zulus.........The Lt.