That is really a great piece Lt. I hope they get around to doing a 24th foot casualty set.
I agree jag it's a great piece and willing to bet that Richard and Ken have something in the works or plan to have in the near future for 2009. Ken's mention he's spent some time with Richard in Chicago and has just returned home so maybe he'll give us some insight on the subject. In the mean time I'm finding it hard not playing with my current figures as you'll see once again in my next photo....The Lt.
Well if you have a home it needs furnishing right?
and here is how it looks together.
Where are you going to put the flat-screen? I put mine in the parlor.
I apologize on behalf of myself and the other dirty rotten scoundrels for giving you this infectious bug! NOT!!!
Today was a good day, wasn't it?
Extremely relevant and very valid comment Spitfrnd. In my 15 years of collecting a consistent 54mm scale has caused me far more grief than cost/paint finish/poses/troops I would like but nobody makes etc. etc.
"New Britains mattes" are always a consistent size whether cavalry mounted troops or infantry-(well they are in my boring army of Rebs and Yanks) and as I do not have a single glossy in the collection I was really surprised at the difference in scale to a 54mm matte as seen in Joe's picture. I had not noticed that before as they have got to be closer to 1/35" rather than the old 1/32".
But as Randy posted if that's what you collect what the heck! What does really annoy me is when manufacturers state 54mm or 1/32 scale when any collector worth his salt and as soon as he sees them or picks them up clearly knows they are not.
Scott it's nice to see that you've furnished the Hospital for the additional incoming members of the 24th as well as the biscuits boxes soon to be used in the defence of the Mission Station......The Lt.
The troops have arrived at our local post office, unfortunately I will not be able to retrieve them until tomorrow after workOn the upside though they will arrive at my Mission Station on the 22nd which is kind of neat. Just in time to be taken from their boxes and thrown right into the thick of things.