Britain's Zulu War (4 Viewers)

A couple more pictures for you LT




Very nice. It is fun to watch you having fun with your new toys and sharing your joy with us.

Knew it wouldn't take you very long in setting the new 24th Foot Brit's up to defend your hospital against the pesky Zulus. Looking forward to seeing how else you'll be you'll being doing with them. Now looking forward to seeing what Scott's got headed our way and wondering what Jags got in mind. Thanks again Martyn for sharing your playtime.....The Lt.

Cheers Joe.

I will have to set up some Hand to Hand, similar to Trophy, and picture them next.

Martyn & Scott
Great photos coming off the intel satellite from the UK and Canada! Scott, I told you the photos will continue to get better, and I love the terrain/backdrop merge. Martyn, now that you have joined the Dark Side of the hobby, will you still dream at night in Glossy?:D
Great weekend!
Thought I'd slip in a photo of the action taking place at the south wall while waiting for both Martyn and Scott's along with Jag's photos to make their appearance. By the way 1879 I believe your also a member of the dark side:cool::cool:......The Lt.

Two more wonderful photos Joe & Martyn, the new Britains certainly are beautiful and great fun to play with.

Joe thanks for the email and for the pictures, I hope that you don't get too much snow.

I finally managed to get a copy of Zulu on DVD and it should be here in a few days, finally I will get to watch it in it's entirety and looking forward to it :D I still need to get my hands on Zulu Dawn though
Scott looking out the window of my man cave I took this picture as the sun was climbing in the sky and look at what I was faced wit. I hope you found the photos helpful and yes their loads of fun to play with. Another nice photo Martyn looks like the ranker's pretty sure of himself firing off his Martini-Henry while looking over his shoulder as he let off a round at the on rushing Zulu warrior....The Lt.

After a short pause and regrouping the Zulu continue launching attacks against the front of the hospital..........The Lt.

While four members of their sister Battalion of the 1/24th separated their company stand on their own.....The Lt.

Great pictures. I wish I had some more free time.

Take it I'm sure you could use the break in the mean time here's another one headed your way and with the weekend here hopefully we'll see others from Scott, Martyn, Jag and others who got the Brit's and Zuluus to play with and maybe even from Ken to post it's about time he got in some play time and if not maybe Lady Ericka or then again both...The Lt.

Can't keep these pesky Zulus from attacking the Brit's and wondering when some help is on the way.....The Lt.

Thanks for sending along the help Scott. Guess I got to build a Pont to get them across the river and by the way very nice work with the river.........The Lt.
Scott & Lt.
I think that your terrain, Scott, would be good for Intombi and Fugitive's Drift as well. What do you think, our Lord General, Sir?
Scott & Lt.
I think that your terrain, Scott, would be good for Intombi and Fugitive's Drift as well. What do you think, our Lord General, Sir?

Your right on target my Aide De Camp. Now all we need are the addtional Officer corps, NCO's, and Rankers to fill our ranks along with more of their opposing forces...........The Lt.
Got a little playtime in while the snow is making every effort to overcome my land of the zulus......The Lt.



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