Britain's Zulu War (4 Viewers)

Thanks for posting the pictures. The figures look terrific. I've had that Zulu War Osprey for years , what a great idea creating figures from the Angus McBride colored plates. Many thanks to W Britians for doing the line and realizing that Ken Osen was the best man for the job.
Hello Good Folks,
Here are a couple of pictures Ken took when they were doing the photo shoot for the Zulu War flyer. Thought you might enjoy them. I will try and post more later when we get back home.
As Ever,
Ericka Osen


I read from the fuzzy text that cavalry and artillery are planned for the 2008 gloss range :cool:
Nice selection of a Redcoat seems like you favor the Zulus in action. Thanks for the photos Ericka and I know you made Joachim's weekend as well as mine and others.......The Lt.
Those figures look great. Considering that the Zulus disemboweled their victims to let their spirits out I don't give much for that redcoats chances. If you don't mind me asking who do the two victims represnt from the garrison.
This looks like a great series. One not to be missed.
Damian the figures and having no clue could represent Private William Beckett of the 1st Battalion 24th Ft and Private Joseph Williams of B Company 2nd Battalion 24th Ft. Williams was reported to have been dragged from the hospital and killed and Beckett killed in the immediate area. They are other events that took place where the figures could be featured as others that occured. Like you I'd also like to know who Ken modeled them after and I'm sure you'll agree their coming is well worth the wait Ken did an outstanding job in creating the figures....The Lt.
I think these figures are superb. I would agree with you as to which unfortuante members of the garrison they represent. Most of the casualities were victims of fire from the heights behind the mission.The few who were killed in close contact were dragged from the hospital.
The new hospital building looks really good and being able to open it up to display the interior is a stroke of genius.
I think these figures are superb. I would agree with you as to which unfortuante members of the garrison they represent. Most of the casualities were victims of fire from the heights behind the mission.The few who were killed in close contact were dragged from the hospital.
The new hospital building looks really good and being able to open it up to display the interior is a stroke of genius.

I completely agree Damian. These look fantastic. Oh, the temptation is so strong. I may consider this range in future, but for the time being, I'll have to concentrate on filling out the ranges we already collect. Having said that, I'm also extremely tempted by EofI's offerings....decisions, decisions.
I was going through our photos this morning and came across this one of Ken actually working on the new Zulu hospital. I thought you might like to see it when it was still here in the studio and in pieces.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
As Ever,
Ericka Osen
Hudson & Allen Studio

Hi Erika,

What a wonderful picture! It is great to see the hands of a extremely skilled artist at work! Thanks for giving us a glimpse of Ken implementing his creative vision and of the evolution of that wonderful Zulu hospital.

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Couldn't agree more. Many thanks for sharing the picture Ericka.

Joining Pat and Simon in thanking you for the photo Ericka and wouldn't mind seeing a few more if you have them. Ken's quite creative and it'll be nice to seeing him working at what he loves to do........The Lt.
Good morning and thanks Ericka you do have the ability of spoiling us. Nice photos and the one of Ken facing us came out quite nicely it's nice seeing a master of the trade at work next is photos of him in his various uniforms. Boy am I pushing it Take care and be well...Joe
There are new photos on Britain web site.
What does the tag “Osprey Art Series” indicate / mean?

Edited - I see now they were inspired by the art of Angus McBride. They look great!

Last edited:
There are new photos on Britain web site.
What does the tag “Osprey Art Series” indicate / mean?

Edited - I see now they were inspired by the art of Angus McBride. They look great!


Thanks for the hint. I just had a look at them and I will, for sure, collect the matt range.

Great to see some releasedates and prices. I made a matte/glossy release schedule in MS Excel to aid me in my quest to collect them all. So far I'm keeping up :p

What I would like to know, Ken or Richard, is if these are all releases untill june. Oh, and I noticed the old ox wagon got another spin. Can we expect the same for the gatling gun?

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