Britain's Zulu War (6 Viewers)

Great to see some releasedates and prices. I made a matte/glossy release schedule in MS Excel to aid me in my quest to collect them all. So far I'm keeping up :p

What I would like to know, Ken or Richard, is if these are all releases untill june. Oh, and I noticed the old ox wagon got another spin. Can we expect the same for the gatling gun?

Joachim I hope if the Gatling Gun is re introduced it's of a new version and not a re issue the same gun and figures......The Lt.
I just found this CD Rom online of British Uniforms of the Zulu Wars nd wonder if collectors of this subject are familiar with it?
Here is the site and samples divided over 2 posts. I think they look great.


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Other samples: see previous post for others and information on CD-Rom


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Nice pics, not familiar with them. I still have have to get all the Osprey releases for the ZW and after that, what more could a man wish for (ZW uniform reference wise)?

Lt, The figures of the gatling gun aren't very nice at all and look a bit dull imho and if the gun itself is reissued (it's not a bad gun) i'm sure we'll get all new figures in line with the new series. In my view all new is always the best choice.
BTW, after a long wait I finally got the catalog yesterday. Not too much of a surprise except for the pricelist/releaseschedule and the logo of the new series. It looks very nice and hope to see it return on the boxes.
The close ups in the Ian Knight article of the Standard are great as well; better look at the glossys.
Having started this thread and I'm very glad I did as Colour-Sergeant Bourne along with a private yet to be named arrived at the Lt.'s Drift today. Thanks Richard and Ken for bring the Zulu War Series to life. The figures speak for themselves they are some of the finest in gloss ever done and a must have in anyones collection. Couldn't wait to put them in front of a camera....The Lt.


Great figures arrived at your Drift Lt.
My Drift hasn't even been charged yet :mad: Time to fix bayonets again :rolleyes:
Having started this thread and I'm very glad I did as Colour-Sergeant Bourne along with a private yet to be named arrived at the Lt.'s Drift today. Thanks Richard and Ken for bring the Zulu War Series to life. The figures speak for themselves they are some of the finest in gloss ever done and a must have in anyones collection. Couldn't wait to put them in front of a camera....The Lt.



I just realized that these are new figures Lt. You lucky lucky Lt.
Richard and Ken ya'll better hussle up the troops from China "The Little Captain's" a little upset with Colour-Sergeant Bourne for shouting "stand to" and waking him up......The Lt.

A great picture of "Capt. Joey". Don't you wonder what's going through his mind as he surveys the troops?

The Battle of Snow's Drift:

The other day the Lt. posted (on CTSC)a picture of the snow he was getting in Kittery, Me. It got me to thiking that his soldiers never get to play in the snow. So I came up with a narrative called the "Battle of Snow's Drift" below. I thought all the Lt.'s Zulu war buddies over here might enjoy seeing it.

Picture 1. The Lt.'s photo of his yard in Kittery
Part I: The Battle of Snow's Drift: One of the Lt.’s Zulu witch doctor's does a snow dance on the front lawn.
Picture 3. Part II: The Lt., having had much experience fighting off the Zulus sends a man of the 24th outside, who quickly chases the witch doctor away, ending the snow storm and the Battle of Snow's Drift.


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Celebrating their arrival at the Lt.'s Drift The Britain's Christmas Set Officer are ready to share a glass or two of port........The Lt.


"The Set is Magnificent" A thru work of art Thanks Ken and Richard....Joe
Celebrating their arrival at the Lt.'s Drift The Britain's Christmas Set Officer are ready to share a glass or two of port........The Lt.


"The Set is Magnificent" A thru work of art Thanks Ken and Richard....Joe

Joe thats a great set! I,m glad to see you got your hands on one.
Oooh very nice set. It does look a little mattish compared to the MZ exclusive. Hopefully mine will arrive this week. Can't wait to see it in the flesh.
Christmas in Natal

The background setting for the figures speaks for itself but what impress me most are the two figures and felt they deserved a show of their own and by themselves are works of art......The Lt.




Got delivered 15 minutes ago (set 250/250:cool:). I gave the set a good scrutiny. A short review;
- Overall; matte as hell. Not glossy. I expected a glossy set in the classic glossy scale but it's matte.
- Figures; painting is flawless. I am a nitpicker but have nothing to pick here. Excellent. And btw, I like matte as well and it fits the figures very nicely. Now I'm confident the rest of the series will rock.
- accesoires; the helmet, boots, and oillamp come as loose metal accesoires. Again, flawless paintjobs. Couldn't be better. No seamlines or anything.
- scenic base; The yellow wall has grime in it and I got a grey I-just-killed-a-fly-with-a-newspaper-mark. The crate casting is a little rough/messy. The floortiles are amazing and the faux marble on the fireplace is very cool.

Overall a very nice set and I can recommend it.
Got delivered 15 minutes ago (set 250/250:cool:). I gave the set a good scrutiny. A short review;
- Overall; matte as hell. Not glossy. I expected a glossy set in the classic glossy scale but it's matte.
- Figures; painting is flawless. I am a nitpicker but have nothing to pick here. Excellent. And btw, I like matte as well and it fits the figures very nicely. Now I'm confident the rest of the series will rock.
- accesoires; the helmet, boots, and oillamp come as loose metal accesoires. Again, flawless paintjobs. Couldn't be better. No seamlines or anything.
- scenic base; The yellow wall has grime in it and I got a grey I-just-killed-a-fly-with-a-newspaper-mark. The crate casting is a little rough/messy. The floortiles are amazing and the faux marble on the fireplace is very cool.

Overall a very nice set and I can recommend it.

Joachim a nitpicker I must agree that you are but after all that's said and done the set turned out to be a winner as predicted and I had no doubt it would meet your approval and scrutiny and it looks like you just made the cut off with set 250/250. Now look at what you have to look forward to as the sets of the series become available......The Lt.

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