British Aid Station South Africa, 1879 (1 Viewer)


Feb 24, 2007
I love medical sets and I have been collecting these Britain's Zulu War sets for the last few years and took these informal aerial views to see how they looked together.

Dedicated to Joe, The Lt., the essence of the Zulu War Collector, a true gentleman, and an inspiration to us all.


  • ZuluWarAidStation.jpg
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  • 24thFtAidStation1.jpg
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Looks great! I too am a big fan of medical sets and this set up is awesome, thank you for sharing.
They look superb im a huge fan of non-combat setups and this is a beauty.
Like the blood filled basin.
Having been privy to a sneak peak provided earlier by and my commenting on it I had no idea that you'd be dediicating it to me my friend and I'm deeply moved Randy it's so nicely stage as all of your photo prestations and tales. Thank you my friend........Joe
I love medical sets and I have been collecting these Britain's Zulu War sets for the last few years and took these informal aerial views to see how they looked together.

Dedicated to Joe, The Lt., the essence of the Zulu War Collector, a true gentleman, and an inspiration to us all.

This looks great.^&cool
I share your love of these WB medical sets and I have the surgeon set and the stretcher bearers.
I will also be adding the latest evacuating the hospital sets in time. I also have the Hougoumont Napoleonic surgeon set which is my favourite non-combat set and I also like WB ACW medical sets but I have to draw the line somewhere.
Keep up the good work WB and let's see some more medical, and non-combat army camp scenes.
They add realism to a display.
Thank you all for your kind words and happy to hear you are enjoying the scene.
My goal now is to collect all the WB WWI Medical sets!

Excellent Randy {bravo}}.....I am very partial to collecting Medical sets myself :wink2:


Good effort Randy to bring all this theme to one scene. The latest hospital bed figure is proving difficult to obtain due to a shortage of release numbers. There is talk of another batch being done, let's hope so. Robin.
Thanks Martyn and Robin. Robin that is too bad about the scarcity of the one medical set. Hobby Bunker appears to have it in stock. Martyn you certainly have a well-stocked medical department.:)


Hobby Bunker have previously stated their system does not update when out of stock, so it's my guess they have none and any order would go to a re-order status. I think I have one from another dealer, if not it's not the end of the world. Interestingly up until now Britain's Zulu/Nile figures have always been released in good numbers, but it seems that has changed as future releases are appearing sold out before collectors can get them, suggesting there is a limiting of numbers in place. This is not to say if the figure is popular that another run may occur. Time will tell on what is playing out here, but something has changed that's evident. Robin.
Which medical set is the two figures [first picture] in the lower left at
about 7 o'clock or [second picture] bottom center? I must have missed
getting those somewhere along the line.
Which medical set is the two figures [first picture] in the lower left at
about 7 o'clock or [second picture] bottom center? I must have missed
getting those somewhere along the line.

Oops, I have the one kneeling. Part of 20042 surgeon reynolds set. Now to find
the one wrapped in a blanket laying down. Which one is it? I really need to unbox
some things.
The Britains website is all out of whack as well. I hope my dealer has mine otherwise I am screwed.
Oops, I have the one kneeling. Part of 20042 surgeon reynolds set. Now to find
the one wrapped in a blanket laying down. Which one is it? I really need to unbox
some things.

He is from the 2 man walking stretcher set released a couple of years ago. Robin.

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