After a harrowing night, this British Paratrooper keeps a watchful eye for a possible powerful German Counter Attack on the Pegasus Bridge, He also hopes for reinforcements from Lovats Commandos and other British forces.....Which will come first ?
Terrain - a cut out road mat from Build-A-Rama to which we added our own scenery
This was NOT filmed outside we created the lighting ourselves with a combination of different "Temperature" bulbs
We at BSP are becoming huge TGM fans. Great poses, unique themes, good scale. Tom has made his stuff compatable with K&C colorwise, which is a smart move, but his stuff is more leaning towards the realism of Figari and First Legion. We wish he would weather them more and set his own course. Just our opinion. We are weathering and touching up just about everything we use in TGC anyway.
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