Can't navigate to the last posts in a thread (3 Viewers)


Mar 27, 2008
Anyone else seeing this behavior? I went to our ongoing thread to post about our newest acquistions:

by navigating into the General Toy Soldier Discussion index, and clicking the icon on the thread title, to go to the first unread post. That took me to page 84, and I added some replies to posts others have made. When I saved my posts, I was returned to page 84 of the thread, but when I clicked the Next icon or clicked one of the subesquent page numbers, I remained on page 84.

I notice that there are now 2 deleted posts, and I wonder if they are causing the problem. I have seen similar behavior at FineScale Modeler's forum, under similar conditions (a thread with deleted posts, and we can't get to the last posts in the thread). I don't know that they're using the same webware to build their forum, of course, but they did say that there was an issue with their pages and Internet Explorer. I'm using IE9 and Win9 to access.

I can get to the last posts, via the main forum page showing all unread posts since my last visit.

I thought I was the only one having this problem. Glad to know I'm not crazy, unless the software has it in for Brads ^&grin
Quick update, I'm now able to navigate through that thread. I added a couple of posts, and found I could get to the end of the thread. Problem could still be there, though. I've found that IE 9 is rather buggy. For example, when I use multiple tabs, some secure sites keep logging me out, eg, eBay, Facebook. I finally started using Firefox for sites where that occurred.

Yep I've had this happen on many occasions now. For some reason when I return a day or more later its ok again^&confuse

This is a known issue...and when someone lets me know when a thread has gone wonky I have my web guy 'rebuild' the thread and it works just fine.

We are having a devil of a time pinning down what causes it...but there is a major software update coming down the pike which we hope will address this issue.

So...when you see it, let me know!

for the life of my I cant reproduce the issue with that thread you posted, the last page loads fine, despite various manipulations. HOWEVER, i've seen the issue myself, and cant seem to reproduce it in any other threads either as of now.

For the record, this is a somewhat common problem on some forums. But various things can cause it.

Rebuilding does fix it, but temporarily. From this point forward we're going to try and pin-point the cause. Unfortunately, its nearly impossible to diagnose from here without actually seeing it alive.

For anyone, next time the issue arises, post in this thread with the thread link. I am subscribed to it and will be notified immediately.
It has happened to me a few times. It's a little annoying but not the end of the world. I think it goes away after a few more posts are added. I think it happens when a thread has many pages and your post is within the first five on a new page.

Brad (not the Baron ^&grin).
I should also mention that when this happens, you're not actually missing any posts, theres no posts left to be seen. The inaccessible page is just a pagination error.
You're incorrect. You cannot see the new posts. If you click on the link that should lead you to the most recent post, it leads you to the prior page, which, in all likelihood, you have read.

You're incorrect. You cannot see the new posts. If you click on the link that should lead you to the most recent post, it leads you to the prior page, which, in all likelihood, you have read.

Roger that, Brad!

Tester, please re-read my original description. From the perspective of the end user, we do not see any posts after a given post. We can see from the page list that there are subsequent pages, we just can't get to them. In my case, I added new posts, but was returned each time to page 82 of 84. It was only after I had added several additional posts that all of a sudden, I was able to see everything from page 82 to the last page of the thread.

It also does seem to be related to threads that have had posts deleted. That is common to the bug as manifested here in our forum, and over at FineScale. I have not seen this happen with threads that have had no posts deleted.

Ditto on that thread. I can't get past page 84 (it's 92 pages long). This thread is obviously an extreme case but typical of the issue.

Still stuck on page 84. I can see that there are now 915, according to the page list.

Anyone still seeing the issue with the posted thread(s)?

I am unable to reproduce it with any of them. Despite thoroughly testing with deletions, view modes, etc. All pagination is working at the moment.
Roger that, Brad!

Tester, please re-read my original description. From the perspective of the end user, we do not see any posts after a given post. We can see from the page list that there are subsequent pages, we just can't get to them. In my case, I added new posts, but was returned each time to page 82 of 84. It was only after I had added several additional posts that all of a sudden, I was able to see everything from page 82 to the last page of the thread.

It also does seem to be related to threads that have had posts deleted. That is common to the bug as manifested here in our forum, and over at FineScale. I have not seen this happen with threads that have had no posts deleted.


Interesting. Thats definitely unique. The issue similar to this that vb was known for usually involved the 2nd to last page and was a result of a setting in vbulletin.

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