Carnage in Boston (2 Viewers)

Ken & Ericka Osen/H&A Studio

Command Sergeant Major
Jun 22, 2005
Hi all!
I decided to try and take a few pictures this Sunday morning before I went back to the bench to catch up a bit. I have had samples of the Classic Gloss 29th Regiment of Foot figures here for awhile and decided to get them out of the box.

Here is a picture of the 29th Regiment of Foot in Boston 1770. The NCO and Drummers are marching out the new guards...

We have a new member to the family, a kitten named Natasha. Apparently she decided that she was being left out of the fun. She waltzed right into the scene as I was taking another picture.

I couldn't resist taking a few more images as she rampaged on. I wonder if the patriots of independence in Boston would have approved?



I guess I am going to have to barricade the door next time!

Hope you enjoy,
(Imagine a row of green smileys because the forum will not post it correctly.) -> :D x 10
Lol i love it!!! Bet the english wasn't expecting giant cats to attack them when they were sent to the new world!?!! I had this problem when we got 2 new puppies back in february they have finally calmed down so not as bad near my dio's

Great photos Ken. Thanks much for sharing the Attack of the Giant Cat.:eek::D
"The rebellion broke out in a most unexpected manner...." -- Al
Thanks... She really is more fun than words. After I cleaned up the figures, I went into the office to sit down and finish up a few sculpts and she was fast asleep on my chair. I figured I would just go make another cup of tea and let her rest awhile after all of the hard play!

Have a great weekend all,
Ken, that was great! Puts everything in perspective :)
Some great action shots, Ken. Thanks for the post, and congrats on your new family member.
Our cats are too lazy to do much except try to drink my paint water. Though one does like to go after officers when I'm painting mini armies.
Our cats are too lazy to do much except try to drink my paint water. Though one does like to go after officers when I'm painting mini armies.

Wendy, you don't use alcohol as a thinner do you? If so, case solved. ;)
Our cats are too lazy to do much except try to drink my paint water. Though one does like to go after officers when I'm painting mini armies.
Well perhaps that one of your cats is a rifleman at heart.;):D
Get Natasha a good book to read Ken, our cat Charlie recommends this one



Thanks... She really is more fun than words. After I cleaned up the figures, I went into the office to sit down and finish up a few sculpts and she was fast asleep on my chair. I figured I would just go make another cup of tea and let her rest awhile after all of the hard play!

Have a great weekend all,

An I along with others I've no doubt can see why Ken.......Joe
Nothing like a little cat and mouse game Ken. Aw for the love of a kitten at play - you are certainly a generous and patient man Ken . . . . .
:) Mike
Oh My! The things that happen when I am out and about on a rainy day in Germany!

Great sense of humor Ken!

Are you sure that's what you said mate?
Cause if it was my Humvee taking a nose dive, I think threats & vets would have been the order of the day :eek:

If I had posted what I had actually said, I would be banned for life :p

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