Chance encounter at Arnham Diorama (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
Jan 17, 2017
Diorama I built for my man cave last year. The buildings are the great Hobby Bunker foam structures further detailed and painted and depicting a Brit Para patrol entering Arnhem, unaware of the Panzer units also stationed there. I was an American liason to the Parachute Regiment in the early 70's, and accompanied several of their officers and our Dutch counterparts to Arnhem, where 3 survivors of the battle took us on a fascinating tour of the city and battle. I have since made 3 dioramas depicting that battle, with K&C's great sets. Also did a "How I made this" article for Toy Soldier magazine last year on this.






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This is spectacular, outstanding work on this one...……..I especially like the paint job on the middle building...………..;)……………….
Hey Pat,
Can you hold on a minute while I go find a dictionary. :confused:

I can't seem to find the words that can describe how incredibly fantastic this diorama has been built.
I have been viewing it for 15 min and discovering new details all the time. The craftsmanship is near perfection.
The story is evident and wonderfully displayed; the photography professional.

Okay I got my dictionary: WOW!

--- LaRRy
Yes it does not get better than this, very cool, magic for the vehicles and figures. Robin.
Hi Pat,

I ought to tell you that... I never get tired of watching your terrific diorama {eek3}.I can't believe it! That's outstanding! {eek3}


This is just incredible, the buildings, the water, the choice of vehicles, just incredible!
That is brilliant Pat the buildings came up a treat thanks for sharing

Wow, MOST must have been very interesting to get perspective from those who were there.
Diorama I built for my man cave last year. The buildings are the great Hobby Bunker foam structures further detailed and painted and depicting a Brit Para patrol entering Arnhem, unaware of the Panzer units also stationed there. I was an American liason to the Parachute Regiment in the early 70's, and accompanied several of their officers and our Dutch counterparts to Arnhem, where 3 survivors of the battle took us on a fascinating tour of the city and battle. I have since made 3 dioramas depicting that battle, with K&C's great sets. Also did a "How I made this" article for Toy Soldier magazine last year on this.

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Great work Pat!
I definitely see a few echoes of Gordon's 'Russian Factory' dio of a few years back...Very well done and many thanks for including our K&C figures and fighting vehicles in your fine display.
All the best,
This is a wonderful diorama . great result !!!!!
love your work on the buildings .
Wow, you really have a talent for these large scale dioramas. Well done :salute::

Thanks Guy-The Hobby Bunker buildings are a great, and relatively cheap way to add wonderful detail to a diorama without spending a ton of hours building your own, which I usually do. Some paint, sand from your gutter, kitty litter, broken coffee sticks and imagination can transform toy soldiers on a shelf to a 3-D picture in time.


Thanks Steve-I have been collecting K&C for years-I always buy a set of their figures after they've triggered a diorama in my imagination. Andy and Gordon's wonderful dioramas have always been an inspiration, especially when viewed in person at the Chicago show. As the saying goes-Go big or go home
Thanks Andy...As i told you in Chicago last year, You and Gordon have always been my diorama "muses" and have been very generous sharing ideas and tips on making these. And yes, I loved that Russian factory scene, but I could say the same about every diorama you build to display your sets. They are "imagination triggers" for me. The newest Toy Soldier and Model figure magazine has my latest on their cover, the Omaha Beach K&C diorama I posted on this forum a few weeks ago.

Thanks Mike-It was-I got chills listening to their description of their chance encounters with German patrols,house to house fighting and all the little details that only someone who was there could describe. Remember, this was the 70's, so they were all mid-50ish and still had sharp memories and insights. The Hartenstein hotel and property stories were fascinating, and I believe has now been turned into a Museum dedicated to the battle. To the Parachute regiment folks, Arnhem is their penultimate story.
Thanks Enrico-I enjoy building these, and now that I'm mostly retired I get to build all the ones I've been dreaming about all these years
Thanks LaRRY-The fun building these are all the little details that make you want to spend the time viewing them-As you know, battlefields are full of large and small details that often burn themselves into your memories. I try to sprinkle them throughout my dio's-your kind comments just reinforce why I do it

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