Chicago show (1 Viewer)


Sergeant First Class
Apr 28, 2005
For those who attended the show, is there any information on Britains?


Well, in Beaufighter's thread of photos from the show, there are several photos of the new set depicting George Washington taking the oath of office. There are three figures in the set. Its release is pending, and it's supposed to be the first in a series depicting our presidents. It's up at the Britains website, too: The info there makes it sound like "National Honor" could be a subsidiary, or a partner, of W. Britains.

Hat tip to Brad (jazzeum) for that info, and Beaufighter for the photos!

Marc had some very good photos of forthcoming figures.
I have been looking at pictures of so called 'Britain's new releases' for ages ... I have been to talks and see proto-types and pictures ...however, they have not delivered.

I last bought WB AZW piece in June 2018 !!! I have seen those so called new releases for over a year now...and Britain's should deliver what is outstanding before show casing more products.

They appear to have become a dio / backdrop manufacturer these days (which are v v good I might add)

I have been looking at pictures of so called 'Britain's new releases' for ages ... I have been to talks and see proto-types and pictures ...however, they have not delivered.

I last bought WB AZW piece in June 2018 !!! I have seen those so called new releases for over a year now...and Britain's should deliver what is outstanding before show casing more products.

They appear to have become a dio / backdrop manufacturer these days (which are v v good I might add)


We’re all hoping for the best.
I have been looking at pictures of so called 'Britain's new releases' for ages ... I have been to talks and see proto-types and pictures ...however, they have not delivered.

I last bought WB AZW piece in June 2018 !!! I have seen those so called new releases for over a year now...and Britain's should deliver what is outstanding before show casing more products.

They appear to have become a dio / backdrop manufacturer these days (which are v v good I might add)


Be careful when posting negative comments about Britains, even thou almost every Britains thread turns negative, the moderators either close them down or deflect them.

I take any information on W Britains releases with a huge pinch of salt, the pinch of salt is so huge you could hide an 88mm gun behind it.
Be careful when posting negative comments about Britains, even thou almost every Britains thread turns negative, the moderators either close them down or deflect them.

If you mean to imply that the moderators are Britains partisans, you're mistaken. The threads get closed down when people start to get rude to one another.
Thanks Brad, but to address issues like the 88 is not totally on the staff at Britain’s their factory crew had some very big issues thus the delay. Other sets have come a plenty over the past few years and to keep picking at the scab on the 88 issue seems silly. The George Washington set looks pretty fun and they have a lot of other sets/figures coming so relax and be patient.

Be careful when posting negative comments about Britains, even thou almost every Britains thread turns negative, the moderators either close them down or deflect them.

I take any information on W Britains releases with a huge pinch of salt, the pinch of salt is so huge you could hide an 88mm gun behind it.

I think what he means is that Julie doesn’t want to see endless threads complaining about WB and their not participating in the Forum.
Thanks Brad, but to address issues like the 88 is not totally on the staff at Britain’s their factory crew had some very big issues thus the delay. Other sets have come a plenty over the past few years and to keep picking at the scab on the 88 issue seems silly. The George Washington set looks pretty fun and they have a lot of other sets/figures coming so relax and be patient.


I spoke to Ken about the 88 and my sense is that the 88 is a model that is not something we’ll see in the short term, more like a long term project; it’s very capital intensive. Ken didn’t say anything to lead me to this conclusion but my feeling is that he probably wished he hadn’t shown it to the public. I’d chalk up that decision to to “executive growing pains,” on the job training as it were.
Other sets have come a plenty over the past few years ... and they have a lot of other sets/figures coming so relax and be patient.


Sorry but there has not been plenty in the past 2 years; for the past 18 months there has been very little.

In December 2017 at London Collectors event the atmosphere was bombastic about lack of delivery; in December 2018 we were told again be patient, they are coming after Chinese New Year.

This has gone on for several years now. Are they becoming the new Conte....

WW2 and AZW pre-orders are what 12+ months old....

If you think there has been plenty of sets perhaps you can let us know what? On TF 'Recent releases' WB has 2 ACW figures, compare that to the others.

UK dealers are none the wiser as to when stock will appear either.

I spoke to Ken about the 88 and my sense is that the 88 is a model that is not something we’ll see in the short term, more like a long term project; it’s very capital intensive. Ken didn’t say anything to lead me to this conclusion but my feeling is that he probably wished he hadn’t shown it to the public. I’d chalk up that decision to to “executive growing pains,” on the job training as it were.


I feel your pain, I collect a lot of eras that haven’t been produced for years. But with the Northman line I have had plenty to keep occupied and I also collect other makers so if one doesn’t have what I want another probably will. As for the issues with the last London event I can only speak to what u was told afterward and it wasn’t handled well by Bachman’s. You want more than email or call Ken directly.

I spoke to Ken about the 88 and my sense is that the 88 is a model that is not something we’ll see in the short term, more like a long term project; it’s very capital intensive. Ken didn’t say anything to lead me to this conclusion but my feeling is that he probably wished he hadn’t shown it to the public. I’d chalk up that decision to to “executive growing pains,” on the job training as it were.

Brad funny that they told me at the London show last xmas that the 88mm gun would be ready this June 2019 so they have only themselves to blame , think it more to do with lack of funds make the gun than anything else in my opinion

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