Chicago Visiting Show 2022 - Advice and guidance thread. (1 Viewer)


Sergeant First Class
May 31, 2014
I know we are still 242 days away from the 2022 show, but I have been checking out flights and accommodation and hopefully the travel/COVID situation will get better. There are previous threads on this but it has been a while, pre COVID, and people were always helpful on those threads, but thought i would start a thread for people like me who have questions, where i and other can ak our community for advice and help.

My thoughts are to stay in Chicago, arrive Mon or Tue before the show [From UK] spend Tue/Wed in Chicago, go to the room sales on Thursday, Friday back in Chicago and upto the show area [either stay at hotel where show is or close too] visit the show on Sunday, 20.30 flight back to the UK on Sunday night.

My first couple of questions are,

Room selling – how many rooms are there? I know this may not be relevant as I only collect certain ranges, periods and manufacturers, but good to know. What is the best day to visit the room sales, I was thinking Thursday? Or would Wednesday be better?
Up until the last 2 years I was at 26 consecutive Chicago shows. About the last 10 shows here was my routine. I drove the 5 & half hour drive, St Louis to Chicago. I would stay at a hotel about a 1/2 mile away. It was much cheaper, and just as nice. I would arrive on Thursday around noon. Do the room trading until about 8PM then return to my hotel.
Then Friday I would room trade about the same hours.
The last few years I would then leave for home Saturday morning and not stay for the show as I was out of money and figured I had seen just about everything.
However for you Thursday thru the show on Sunday would be best. There really is no reason to do room trading on Wednesday only a handfull of rooms open. Also on Saturday after around 4 PM most rooms shut down in preparation for the show as they must pack everything up and move it to the showroom.
As for the number of rooms open prior to the show I would guess 65 plus or minus.
I will say this and it is kinda sad this show is nothing and I mean nothing like it was 10 to 20 years ago. Back then Wednesday thru Sunday was a must.
My complete honest opinion for you is if the show is 90% of the reason to come from the UK to Chicago, stay home. If you want to meet dealers and others in the hobby and have other plans come.
If anyone disagrees with my assesment I would like to hear that myself.
Regarding the show; as you mentioned, a lot depends on the COVID situation when it rolls around next September, or more to the point, if there are any international travel restrictions/mask mandates, the show draws a lot of international buyers and sellers and travel restrictions would put a damper on that.

That aside; it's the show of shows here in the US, the biggie, the grandaddy of them all. I highly encourage any serious collector to attend this show at least once, you've got the room trading, the show itself, the chance to meet manufacturers in person and also having like minded collectors to mingle with and talk to.

The room trading is on two floors, the 4th and the 5th, I'd guess there are about 100 or so room traders at the show, the beauty of which is you literally never know what you will run into from room to room, you could stumble across that ONE item that has been your holy grail and bingo, there it is.

If it were me, I'd do the room trading Thursday and Friday, see the sights in and around Chicago on Saturday, then take in the show on Sunday.

Despite the COVID issues, this show still has the chops to pull off being a worthwhile trip, Andy from K & C is arguably one of if not the top draw, he's very engaging with collectors, showcases all the newest and upcoming items and has spectacular dioramas for sale in his room, him not being able to attend last year really dealt the show a blow, which was a shame as Andy loves to do that show and collectors love to speak with him.

You also get to meet Julie, the one responsible for this forum which allows collectors from all around the world to have a place to talk and engage with fellow collectors.

Also, Matt from Hobby Bunker is there, he ties a rope to his store and drags it out to Chicago, has a huge layout on the first floor of the hotel with a massive amount of merchandise for sale, both new and vintage. Mike from Sierra also attends, he always has the newest items for sale.

Matt, Julie, Mike and Andy are probably the top four reasons to attend, plus other dealers like................myself........................:wink2:

Trust me; you'll have a great time, just plan accordingly, use the map they provide to hunt down the dealers you wish to see and make notes on items you want to circle back to a well.
Regarding the show; as you mentioned, a lot depends on the COVID situation when it rolls around next September, or more to the point, if there are any international travel restrictions/mask mandates, the show draws a lot of international buyers and sellers and travel restrictions would put a damper on that.

That aside; it's the show of shows here in the US, the biggie, the grandaddy of them all. I highly encourage any serious collector to attend this show at least once, you've got the room trading, the show itself, the chance to meet manufacturers in person and also having like minded collectors to mingle with and talk to.

The room trading is on two floors, the 4th and the 5th, I'd guess there are about 100 or so room traders at the show, the beauty of which is you literally never know what you will run into from room to room, you could stumble across that ONE item that has been your holy grail and bingo, there it is.

If it were me, I'd do the room trading Thursday and Friday, see the sights in and around Chicago on Saturday, then take in the show on Sunday.

Despite the COVID issues, this show still has the chops to pull off being a worthwhile trip, Andy from K & C is arguably one of if not the top draw, he's very engaging with collectors, showcases all the newest and upcoming items and has spectacular dioramas for sale in his room, him not being able to attend last year really dealt the show a blow, which was a shame as Andy loves to do that show and collectors love to speak with him.

You also get to meet Julie, the one responsible for this forum which allows collectors from all around the world to have a place to talk and engage with fellow collectors.

Also, Matt from Hobby Bunker is there, he ties a rope to his store and drags it out to Chicago, has a huge layout on the first floor of the hotel with a massive amount of merchandise for sale, both new and vintage. Mike from Sierra also attends, he always has the newest items for sale.

Matt, Julie, Mike and Andy are probably the top four reasons to attend, plus other dealers like................myself........................:wink2:

Trust me; you'll have a great time, just plan accordingly, use the map they provide to hunt down the dealers you wish to see and make notes on items you want to circle back to a well.
well said george, there is such a wide array of items as well as good people, hope to see you all there. as for a holy grail, i just found one of my three at the west coaster, ws015 winter tiger by kc
If I'm looking for older retired figures from K&C, TG and FL would this be a good show to hit?

It's a journey for me from Canada but one I'm willing to make
Regarding the show; as you mentioned, a lot depends on the COVID situation when it rolls around next September, or more to the point, if there are any international travel restrictions/mask mandates, the show draws a lot of international buyers and sellers and travel restrictions would put a damper on that.

That aside; it's the show of shows here in the US, the biggie, the grandaddy of them all. I highly encourage any serious collector to attend this show at least once, you've got the room trading, the show itself, the chance to meet manufacturers in person and also having like minded collectors to mingle with and talk to.

The room trading is on two floors, the 4th and the 5th, I'd guess there are about 100 or so room traders at the show, the beauty of which is you literally never know what you will run into from room to room, you could stumble across that ONE item that has been your holy grail and bingo, there it is.

If it were me, I'd do the room trading Thursday and Friday, see the sights in and around Chicago on Saturday, then take in the show on Sunday.

Despite the COVID issues, this show still has the chops to pull off being a worthwhile trip, Andy from K & C is arguably one of if not the top draw, he's very engaging with collectors, showcases all the newest and upcoming items and has spectacular dioramas for sale in his room, him not being able to attend last year really dealt the show a blow, which was a shame as Andy loves to do that show and collectors love to speak with him.

You also get to meet Julie, the one responsible for this forum which allows collectors from all around the world to have a place to talk and engage with fellow collectors.

Also, Matt from Hobby Bunker is there, he ties a rope to his store and drags it out to Chicago, has a huge layout on the first floor of the hotel with a massive amount of merchandise for sale, both new and vintage. Mike from Sierra also attends, he always has the newest items for sale.

Matt, Julie, Mike and Andy are probably the top four reasons to attend, plus other dealers like................myself........................:wink2:

Trust me; you'll have a great time, just plan accordingly, use the map they provide to hunt down the dealers you wish to see and make notes on items you want to circle back to a well.

George, I've been to one show yrs ago and it was great. I would add a few comments to your informative post. Check out George's room he has a setup worth seeing, mostly WWII as I recall. Also, Ken Olsen, WB, has some great dios to see as well. Chris
The staff of W.Britain will be there with plenty of new items to show, many in our one-of-a kind dioramas, along with other Hudson & Allen scenic accessories. Look for us on the first floor this year with Hobby Bunker.
Regarding the show; as you mentioned, a lot depends on the COVID situation when it rolls around next September, or more to the point, if there are any international travel restrictions/mask mandates, the show draws a lot of international buyers and sellers and travel restrictions would put a damper on that.

That aside; it's the show of shows here in the US, the biggie, the grandaddy of them all. I highly encourage any serious collector to attend this show at least once, you've got the room trading, the show itself, the chance to meet manufacturers in person and also having like minded collectors to mingle with and talk to.

The room trading is on two floors, the 4th and the 5th, I'd guess there are about 100 or so room traders at the show, the beauty of which is you literally never know what you will run into from room to room, you could stumble across that ONE item that has been your holy grail and bingo, there it is.

If it were me, I'd do the room trading Thursday and Friday, see the sights in and around Chicago on Saturday, then take in the show on Sunday.

Despite the COVID issues, this show still has the chops to pull off being a worthwhile trip, Andy from K & C is arguably one of if not the top draw, he's very engaging with collectors, showcases all the newest and upcoming items and has spectacular dioramas for sale in his room, him not being able to attend last year really dealt the show a blow, which was a shame as Andy loves to do that show and collectors love to speak with him.

You also get to meet Julie, the one responsible for this forum which allows collectors from all around the world to have a place to talk and engage with fellow collectors.

Also, Matt from Hobby Bunker is there, he ties a rope to his store and drags it out to Chicago, has a huge layout on the first floor of the hotel with a massive amount of merchandise for sale, both new and vintage. Mike from Sierra also attends, he always has the newest items for sale.

Matt, Julie, Mike and Andy are probably the top four reasons to attend, plus other dealers like................myself........................:wink2:

Trust me; you'll have a great time, just plan accordingly, use the map they provide to hunt down the dealers you wish to see and make notes on items you want to circle back to a well.


I have never met you in-person, but we have corresponded via email for years and I consider you a friend.

This post all but sums up why I consider you a pillar of the hobby and a true class act.

Your post is not only incredibly informative but you clearly give other dealers well deserved compliments.

Sierra, Hobby Bunker and Treefrog might be your competitors but you selflessly listed them and their accomplishments.

Simply put, the hobby needs more people like you.

In all likelihood I will not be attending the Show (and I’ve been to almost all of them since 2005, excluding last year) and Covid or air travel aren’t major factors as I recently traveled to California and Seattle and will be getting on the airplane again in a few weeks.

The last show I attended in 2019 wasn’t as good as the prior ones; each year the number of sellers seemed to be declining. The pandemic has only accelerated this trend and I expect it to be a little worse this year. The reports about 2021 weren’t encouraging. I’m hopeful that we’ll see a rebound in 2023 as the economy hopefully rebounds but that’s a long way off.

In addition, costs have increased and unless you live in the Chicago area, that’s a factor. I stayed at the Hyatt Regency, where the Show is held and single room rates are almost $170. The Show discount may drop it in the 150s but that’s still an increase from prior years. It’s possible that increased costs may force room sellers (who have to drive to the Show) to stay home.
I missed the last two years because of the covid restrictions. But prior I had attended 26 years in a row, not missing one year. I know what that show, meaning the whole package, room trading, dinners, etc was like in it's hey day. The absolute best. The last five shows I attended unfortunately did not come close to what it used to be. Less dealers, not a whole lot of new product, not really finding the unusual item that used to always pop up. It got so bad that I would arrive at noon Thursday and leave Saturday morning when I woke up. Just simply nothing more to see and buy.
I had it good in that I could drive to the show in 5 & a half hours. I had my outside expenses cut to a minimum.I would stay at a cheaper hotel because I had my own car which would also allow me to find different restaurants that weren't hotel expensive. So as I write this I'm about 99% sure I will pass on the show this year.
I missed the last two years because of the covid restrictions. But prior I had attended 26 years in a row, not missing one year. I know what that show, meaning the whole package, room trading, dinners, etc was like in it's hey day. The absolute best. The last five shows I attended unfortunately did not come close to what it used to be. Less dealers, not a whole lot of new product, not really finding the unusual item that used to always pop up. It got so bad that I would arrive at noon Thursday and leave Saturday morning when I woke up. Just simply nothing more to see and buy.
I had it good in that I could drive to the show in 5 & a half hours. I had my outside expenses cut to a minimum.I would stay at a cheaper hotel because I had my own car which would also allow me to find different restaurants that weren't hotel expensive. So as I write this I'm about 99% sure I will pass on the show this year.

You and I are on the same stage; Gary was one of my mentors on how to approach the show. It’s a shame it’s come to this because come September 1, I would start to get excited and come the week of the show I was praying that no work would come up that would make me miss the Show. One year I missed the Show because they scheduled a conference that week. I was none too happy about it.
I will be there with Treefrog and I will be bringing a smattering of Russian Studio figures, mainly Aeroart that is from my collection. This is a great show to see retired Russian figures as I am one of the few people willing to part with some! The new figures are few and far between b/c of the situation in Russia and there are just not many other sellers who have the Vintage studio pieces. I have a massive collection in that i have decided I can't keep it all. I put a fair price on the figures, if they sell they sell.

I love this show and only missed last year b/c of Guns N Roses with my son. I couldn't pass up Axl Rose after a 30 year hiatus, sorry!

In all seriousness, I expect this show to be an uptick from recent years, I think there is pent up demand and I expect to see a good turnout. I thought The Westcoaster was good this year and I hope Chicago follows.

We will be there as usual! Our team will put up a good display as we always have to give attendees a good shopping experience. Figures will be out of boxes so you can see them in person. Kind of a nice change!

And rooms at the Hyatt are pretty reasonable if you book with the CTSS rate:
$129 a night isn't bad in today's price standards!

i will be there with treefrog and i will be bringing a smattering of russian studio figures, mainly aeroart that is from my collection. This is a great show to see retired russian figures as i am one of the few people willing to part with some! The new figures are few and far between b/c of the situation in russia and there are just not many other sellers who have the vintage studio pieces. I have a massive collection in that i have decided i can't keep it all. I put a fair price on the figures, if they sell they sell.

I love this show and only missed last year b/c of guns n roses with my son. I couldn't pass up axl rose after a 30 year hiatus, sorry!

In all seriousness, i expect this show to be an uptick from recent years, i think there is pent up demand and i expect to see a good turnout. I thought the westcoaster was good this year and i hope chicago follows.

hi tom, your right the west coaster was fun, i saw a lot of money being spent and i found some long sought after items. I expect chicago will be well attended and alot of fun this year
one month away, i was wondering if hans is going and if he is bringing any trophy figures to sell . hopefully alot of the regulars get to show up this year
I will be there with 2 interesting pieces to sell along with a good selection of Aeroart, St. Petersburg and Connoisseur Painted models and figures. All priced to sell, cash price, etc.

A. Trophy Union Gunboat. It was never displayed. Shipping box was discarded long ago, it will be packed in a box. It is a very very nice piece.

B. Napoleonic Diorama featuring connoisseur painted figures, probably from the 90s. Beautiful piece of work, wood, etc.

Will post pictures of B soon.

As I stated I'm not going but I did check the hotel rates at the hotel I usually stay when I went. The Days Inn Schaumburg. It is about a half mile from the Hyatt on the other side of the shopping mall. The rates with taxes are right at $75 a night. That's about half of the Hyatts.
A few years back when my wife would come she had the car and a lot of times I would just walk to the Hyatt from the above hotel.
I’ve always stayed at the Hyatt. I just found it more convenient albeit a bit more expensive.

As for transportation, there’s a separate thread on it but in the past I’ve used Viatas. No idea what their rates are now or how it compares to an Uber.
I will be there with 2 interesting pieces to sell along with a good selection of Aeroart, St. Petersburg and Connoisseur Painted models and figures. All priced to sell, cash price, etc.

A. Trophy Union Gunboat. It was never displayed. Shipping box was discarded long ago, it will be packed in a box. It is a very very nice piece.

B. Napoleonic Diorama featuring connoisseur painted figures, probably from the 90s. Beautiful piece of work, wood, etc.

Will post pictures of B soon.


For pictures of B - see the Classified Threads, lots of shots in there. I must say it is a cool piece but I can't keep it all.

If interested in "A" - please contact me. Again, another awesome item.
For pictures of B - see the Classified Threads, lots of shots in there. I must say it is a cool piece but I can't keep it all.

If interested in "A" - please contact me. Again, another awesome item.

I have the Union Gunboat. Tremendous piece. The centerpiece of any collection. Here are some photos of mine.

You don’t see these often so if you have a chance at getting one, don’t delay. You won’t regret it.

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