Remarkable. Glad that your daughter and family are safe. -- AlThanks for all kind thoughts from forum members - I will add mine - as my daughter, son-n-law two children and their dog will be spending the night under canvas - as their house is too badly damaged for them to remain in it. Thankfully, all are safe - and am only too glad that both of my daughters loved camping with us when they were young - and have all the kit for outdoors!
Thank goodness it's still summer-time there. johnnybach
Thanks heaps guys, Christchurch has taken a huge hit with this one, the death toll thus far stands at 65 confirmed, with a further 100 plus missing. It hit during the lunch hour when the CBD was full of pedistrians.
Many folks are sleeping rough tonight out in the open.
Lots of offers of assistence from countries around the globe, some of our Aussi cousins have arrived already! Simply awesome support.
Thanks Toddy