Classic and memorable movie scenes (1 Viewer)

The Military Workshop

1st Lieutenant
Jul 31, 2005
Was given latest copy of Empire magazine which mentioned top 5 classic scenes. Listed below :

1 : The Alien coming out of chest scene in Alien.
2 : Interrogation scene in Dark Knight where the Joker tells Batman where his friend the DA and DA's bride to be are but Batman can only save one.
3 : I am your father scene from Empire Strikes Back and Luke steps off into space after hearing the news.
4 : The opening the box final scene in Seven.
5 : The "I'll have what she's having" scene from When Harry Met Sally

Anybody got other memorable ones ?

Horse's head in bed in Godfather and death of Elias in Platoon are a couple of good ones I can think of (not good for the horse or Elias but you know what I mean{sm4}).

PS. Thanks for magazine Jack :salute:: Should get a few more threads out of it ! Interesting article on John Wayne.
Was given latest copy of Empire magazine which mentioned top 5 classic scenes. Listed below :

1 : The Alien coming out of chest scene in Alien.
2 : Interrogation scene in Dark Knight where the Joker tells Batman where his friend the DA and DA's bride to be are but Batman can only save one.
3 : I am your father scene from Empire Strikes Back and Luke steps off into space after hearing the news.
4 : The opening the box final scene in Seven.
5 : The "I'll have what she's having" scene from When Harry Met Sally

Anybody got other memorable ones ?

Horse's head in bed in Godfather and death of Elias in Platoon are a couple of good ones I can think of (not good for the horse or Elias but you know what I mean{sm4}).

PS. Thanks for magazine Jack :salute:: Should get a few more threads out of it ! Interesting article on John Wayne.


Yes -that article on Wayne was fascinating.

The Malta Story when the tanker (Ohio?) comes into harbour strapped between two destroyers having fought the Luftwaffe all the way from Gibraltar. They give the welcome usually reserved for a warship. Very, very moving.

The final scene from The Dambusters when Barnes Wallis realises how many of the aircrew have been killed.

The opening scene of Memphis Belle when you think the B-17 has survived and it explodes on the airfield.

Fight scene from Rocky.

I hate to add this but when Russell Crowe returns from leading his gladiators to victory and they chant 'Maximus, Maximus'.

This should bring some interesting answers Brett!

A few of mine:

Final scene in Dirty Harry, barely controlling his rage as he spits out the words before pulling the trigger.

Men of Harlech scene from Zulu. Saw this as a small boy on the big screen at Leicester sq and it blew me away.

First confrontation in The Magnificent Seven. Bandit: ' I see lots of new walls, they wont keep me out ' Yul Brunner : They were built to keep you in '

Pretty much the first half hour of SPR , brilliantly recreated, heart rending and according to veterans pretty accurate .

Fistful of Dollars ' I don't think its nice you laughing ' mule scene. Eastwood gets the menace across very nicely after starting with a smile.

12 Angry men (superb film all round ) scene near end where just the juror , the racist is holding out.

I'm sure I will think of more!

This should bring some interesting answers Brett!

A few of mine:

Final scene in Dirty Harry, barely controlling his rage as he spits out the words before pulling the trigger.

Men of Harlech scene from Zulu. Saw this as a small boy on the big screen at Leicester sq and it blew me away.

First confrontation in The Magnificent Seven. Bandit: ' I see lots of new walls, they wont keep me out ' Yul Brunner : They were built to keep you in '

Pretty much the first half hour of SPR , brilliantly recreated, heart rending and according to veterans pretty accurate .

Fistful of Dollars ' I don't think its nice you laughing ' mule scene. Eastwood gets the menace across very nicely after starting with a smile.

12 Angry men (superb film all round ) scene near end where just the juror , the racist is holding out.

I'm sure I will think of more!



The Men of Harlech scene is so good it is almost more interesting to talk about the second most stirring scene because that prize is at least still open for discussion.

I hate to add this but when Russell Crowe returns from leading his gladiators to victory and they chant 'Maximus, Maximus'.

Gladiator is IMO among perhaps the 20 best films ever made, perhaps the 10 ever made. Many great scenes in that one.
Hombre. An unarmed Richard Boone dictates the terms of the surrender of some loot at the mining hut. Newman; "What I wanna know is .. how are you going to back down that hill?".
"What did'ya hear Shane?"........"I heard you were a low-down Yankee liar"

The first appearance of an illuminated Harry Lime in The Third Man

McQueen: "I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or from the air and I plan on doing both before the war is over"
Von Luger "Ten days isolation Hilts"
McQueen "CAPTAIN Hilts"
Von Luger "Twenty days"
McQueen "You'll still be here when I get out?"
Von Luger "Cooler"

Pike Bishop to the Gorch brothers "Let's go"............Lyle squints quizically looks at his brother Tector and says "Why not". The bunch pack and load to begin their march into Mapache's lair (The Wild Bunch)

The closing shot of Ethan Edwards filmed in the doorway holding his right elbow with his left hand as a tribute to Harry Carey-Door closes-Fade Out..(The Searchers)

Favourite scene in the Dambusters, Barnes Wallis is asked what possible argument could be made to lend him a Wellington bomber, to which he replied, I designed it! Would that help? The next scene shows him flying in one, too good. Robin.
Favourite scene in the Dambusters, Barnes Wallis is asked what possible argument could be made to lend him a Wellington bomber, to which he replied, I designed it! Would that help? The next scene shows him flying in one, too good. Robin.

Jack and I discussed that exact scene yesterday as movie was on the day before. Unfortunately he has not been the same since and last time I saw him he was talking to Bob the builder (Fitzgibbon) about doing a Dambuster dio with bouncing bomb and dam. Implying it might be a bridge too far or mission impossible (apologies but this is a movie thread{sm4}) is only giving him added enthusiasm.
Jack, this might be an appropriate point for one of your nice Dam dio images ^&grin
Titanic - After the ship goes down and Rose is floating on a door while Jack is dying from extreme cold in the water and he tells her to let him go..
Titanic again - Jack and Rose on the bow of the ship and Jack says "im the king of the world"
Saving Private Ryan - Tiger Tanks and other armour approaching the village and you hear the deafening rumble. Then when the first Tiger appears and gets closer, the ground shakes and everyone is holding there breath in anticipation, well I was in the cinema!
Gravity - The entire movie!

There's heaps more but my mind is a blank at the moment!

Jack and I discussed that exact scene yesterday as movie was on the day before. Unfortunately he has not been the same since and last time I saw him he was talking to Bob the builder (Fitzgibbon) about doing a Dambuster dio with bouncing bomb and dam. Implying it might be a bridge too far or mission impossible (apologies but this is a movie thread{sm4}) is only giving him added enthusiasm.
Jack, this might be an appropriate point for one of your nice Dam dio images ^&grin

It was a moment of inspiration. It is a goer and we have a 1/48th Lancaster on the way already. What hurt was that one week ago I said let's do a big D-Day dio and you corrected me and convinced the group that North Africa was a better bet. Then when I suggested the dambuster diorama - to the same group - you responded with the idea that D Day would be a better bet. .. and they agreed with you. Does no one take me seriously??
Oh and in Gladiator when poor old Russel is dying from his wounds and he is lying on the ground and seeing his dead wife and son in the afterlife. The music score and that scene got me all choked up!

One of the classic scenes are the words uttered by Gable in Gone With the Wind, "Frankly My Dear I Don't Give A D@mn."

Similarly classic are the response given by Humphrey Bogart to the detective played by Ward Bond in The Maltese Falcon when asked what the sculpture of the Falcon is:

"The Stuff that Dreams Are Made Of."

Another classic is the chase scene in Stagecoach through Monument Valley. Incredible scene.
Have to second Brett on the Longest Day scene.

Another one that left an impression the first time I ever saw it was the opening scene in Jaws. It no longer shocks as we've seen it so often but back in the seventies when first out it caused quite the stir.

The final scene in Warhorse when Albert returns from World War I, hands his father his regimental pennant, sticks out his hand to shake and his father gives him a hug instead, then the camera pans back to gets pretty dusty.

In Glory when the 54th MA is marching onto the beach prior to assaulting battery wagner and one of the Union soldiers yells out "Give em Hell 54th!!"......

The scene in Goodfellas where Henri tells Tommy he's funny, to which Tommy replies what's so funny about me, back and forth they go, thought for sure Tommy was going to shoot Henri until he bursts out laughing, funny yet tense at the same time.

The scene in Stalingrad where the Russian T34's roll up on the Germans dug in along the ridge in the snow and they fight it out with a pak 40, grenades and machine guns.

"You go in the cage, the cage goes in the water, you go in the water, the sharks in the water; our shark.........fairwell and ado to you fair Spanish ladies, fairwell and ado to you ladies of Spain, for I've recieved orders I'm sailing for Boston......................" Quint and Hooper from Jaws, murders me everytime...........
The final scene in Warhorse when Albert returns from World War I, hands his father his regimental pennant, sticks out his hand to shake and his father gives him a hug instead, then the camera pans back to gets pretty dusty.

In Glory when the 54th MA is marching onto the beach prior to assaulting battery wagner and one of the Union soldiers yells out "Give em Hell 54th!!"......

The scene in Goodfellas where Henri tells Tommy he's funny, to which Tommy replies what's so funny about me, back and forth they go, thought for sure Tommy was going to shoot Henri until he bursts out laughing, funny yet tense at the same time.

The scene in Stalingrad where the Russian T34's roll up on the Germans dug in along the ridge in the snow and they fight it out with a pak 40, grenades and machine guns.

"You go in the cage, the cage goes in the water, you go in the water, the sharks in the water; our shark.........fairwell and ado to you fair Spanish ladies, fairwell and ado to you ladies of Spain, for I've recieved orders I'm sailing for Boston......................" Quint and Hooper from Jaws, murders me everytime...........

That really is a very good scene George, expertly done.

The Getaway. McQueen is coming down the stairs of the hotel, turns a corner, and makes eye contact with the mobsters in the lobby. A two second calm before a storm.
My top 5:
Harlech song (with Zulu bass section) in Zulu.
Minstrel Boy song in Rough Riders.
Charge at the end of Last Samurai.
Gunfight at the OK Coral in Tombstone.
The Battle of Agincourt in Branagh's Henry V.
Also: any scene from The Vikings.
Love to talk about military history movies; like most of them!
Q: Are there any good movies about the Aztecs or even Incas or Mayans?
Best wishes
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