Collection Size: a Poll (1 Viewer)

How many soldiers are in your collection (see rules)?

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2nd Lieutenant
Oct 11, 2010
So, now that my growing collection has official hit 300 (more like 350, not including buildings), I am wondering how big others' collections are....

Numbers on the poll should be approximate counts, that count ALL figures (even mounted, flags, tanks, etc...) as ONE, and does not include lone trucks and artillery, but only those with a crew. I think for the purpose of uniform results, this poll should only be for 54mm-ish (50-60 mm), and not wargaming pieces or significantly larger figures.

Thanks, and I hope to see some interesting results,
As my collection numbers fall in the middle of the 500-1000 range, and knowing how much room that takes up, I salute you gentlemen with collections over 2000 figures. Those are some impressive numbers and square footage involved.:salute:: -- Al
I don't know how people collect so many,keep track of them and display them.The most I have ever had is 200-250 and that's plenty to keep track of.God Bless you guys.
Of my 2000 - 3000 soldiers in my collection, only about 300 are painted by the makers.

The other 90% I have painted myself!!!:cool:


and the result of that is gaining a collection :tongue:

Most are Napoleonic, with 7 Years War, American Rev War taking 65% of the cabinet space.

My life goal is 10000!{sm0}{sm2}{sm3}{sm4}{sm5}{bravo}}
OMG NEW SMILES!!!!{sm3}{sm4}{bravo}}
My life goals don't even take account of a toy soldier collection but, thats an awful lot of dusting!!!!!!
Pretty limited response so far but of the ones who have answered there sure are a lot of collectors with large numbers (over a 1000). That's pretty neat. If I had kept all the figures and vehicles I have traded or sold (roughly 300 figures, 27 vehicles and artillery pieces), I would have over a 1000 but they would have to be in boxes, undisplayed, as I am all but out of room. A cool hobby, now if only I had a larger area for display and a little more money...{sm4} -- Al
I have a large collection of toy soldiers that are on display, but my problem is trying to store all the empty boxes without created alittle friction with my significant other.
I can't believe how much storage space the boxes take up! I have become really efficient at packing the boxes and storing them, but my wife still can't understand why it is important to keep the toy soldier boxes and the space it takes.
I am sorry if I have deviated alittle from the poll question but this has to be a bigger problem when you start to get over 2,000 figures. Just curious, how do members accomplish this?
I just took a rough count, didn't really think I had so many...:rolleyes2:. Time to watch the room factor:wink2:...

I am at about 350 King&Country figures. 70 Alamo figures and the rest WWII European theater of operations.
It just struck me, is this poll for metal figures, plastic figures, or both. My initial vote was only for metal figures. If I add my 1/32 scale plastics, my count goes up by another 500-600 figures. Any ruling on this? -- Al
It just struck me, is this poll for metal figures, plastic figures, or both. My initial vote was only for metal figures. If I add my 1/32 scale plastics, my count goes up by another 500-600 figures. Any ruling on this? -- Al

I would say that this poll is for painted figures, so in other words, 100 green army men does not count; 100 plastic figures that you have painted and possible modified does.
Hope that helps,
I would say that this poll is for painted figures, so in other words, 100 green army men does not count; 100 plastic figures that you have painted and possible modified does.
Hope that helps,
It does clarify things. I would then have to add some 250 painted Timpo, Swoppet, McFarland, FOV, and Britain figures to my metal soldier count. This would move my total to some 1000+ figures, up from my previous total of 750+ figures. -- Al
Just counting my painted plastics and metals I'm in the 300-500 range. Most of those are in 1/72 scale.
{eek3} G'day guys, Well I have only about 182 at home, but I have painted and sold or presented, to folks maybe another 50. Most of those were in the battles in bottles line. Having said that, can anyone tell me how to drive the, attach the picture thingy to the forum threads please? I'm not a switched on computer jock. I suppose about half of mine are painted be me too. If I can get the nack of the "attach thingy", I'll send some pics. Cheers guys, Johno.
Come on collectors! This poll has been up over two weeks and only 59 responses. The results are interesting, so thanks to those who have responded. The rest of you, come on and take a minute to answer, please. -- Al
I just did a guesstament, but mine are all plastic, so 2 or 3 thousands about right.:)
Yeah, OK Damian- I will be en route to conduct an audit of your collection to provide some independent verficiation of the 7k-10k number. You can't count the toes of the guys too you know!! ^&grin

For the record, my "tally" is materially understated. I am not a fan of these types of things but caved because of Lancer's extreme duress {sm3}{sm4}
Yeah, OK Damian- I will be en route to conduct an audit of your collection to provide some independent verficiation of the 7k-10k number. You can't count the toes of the guys too you know!! ^&grin

For the record, my "tally" is materially understated. I am not a fan of these types of things but caved because of Lancer's extreme duress {sm3}{sm4}
Just have to know when to apply the thumb screws.{sm3} -- Al

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