Collector's Showcase, anybody actually purchased these yet? (3 Viewers)

Re: Cllector's Showcase, anybody actually purchased these yet?

Thanks for the clarification, I feel better already :rolleyes: . Lay off the eggnog before posting will ya? :p .................
Re: Cllector's Showcase, anybody actually purchased these yet?

Well, now's the time to drink early and often! :)
Re: Cllector's Showcase, anybody actually purchased these yet?

I raise a glass to you all! It is truely a very simple pleasure that brings great joy to tune into this site on a daily basis for another smile!
Merry Christmas!
Re: Cllector's Showcase, anybody actually purchased these yet?

I would actually like to see more 1/32 scale figures and vehicles from K & C. I guess that may leave me in the minority but it makes the best sense in the long term, at least to me. But we downunder types are usually opposite to you guys. Snow at Christmas, what's with that, but I bet it never snows in Bethlehem :)
Re: Cllector's Showcase, anybody actually purchased these yet?

Johns right, Andy has lost his omph, that,s why I keep buying and buying K&C, help I,m totally confused!
Well gotta go as Christmas Eve is approaching and I,ve got three "lost omph" packages under the tree that I gotta open.
Merry Christmas!!
Well to be honest (to Mr Gambale who has been saying how good they are)i first thought these were ugly soldiers and they didn't appeal.But yesterday i got my copy of Toy soldier collector and there is a good piece on them.And i must say they are better than i first thought.The AK Tank looks nice as does the motorbike and sidecar.Might check them out again at the London show in March.

I have to agree with John G in that the German soldiers I saw were rather horiffic looking. But apparently that was the intention of the designers. However it seems they have now decided to make their figures more appealing to the masses. And considering how well detailed their artillery pieces and vehicles were I look forward to seeing more commercial targeted figures.
There is potential there.But for me they would have to be able to stand up against K&C in both scale and quality,i'm real fussy about mixing my collections!

These guys look a lot better in person and the details are very good.
mmm,still can't decide.Ugly or realistic?

Figures are definitely not for me. I'll reserve judgment on the tanks until I see them.
I might buy the tank and ditch the figure. Similarly the 88 comes without the crew so I would just buy it by itself
I saw the sets in London in December, the MK1 looks great but the figures are still pretty ugly. Also the sets did not strike me as 1/30th scale but more like 1/24th same as before.
I was thinking the same thing about the 88mm Damian,it will be interesting just how different the new softer faces are.Will check them out properly at the show in March.

Unlike the mistake I made with the first batch of releases from this company; I bought them as I was told they were 1/32nd scale, told my customers the same and when they showed up, they were closer to 1/24th scale. 90% of my preoders were then cancelled, I have been forunate to sell of everything from that first batch at the shows and to a certain collector from Florida who loves the figures (thanks John!).

This time, I am going to request samples FIRST before placing my order. If they are still 1/24th scale, I will order less as a result. Still not sold on the faces, they are scary. I do very much like the paint jobs (very realistic in the weathering) and the sculpting (extremely detailed) however.

Time will tell; reporst from the London Show and the West Coaster on size will help us all...........
I agree, the figures are still a bit to gaunt for my liking but Rommel looks nearly normal. The artillery and vehicles are great, the A/K combo guys seem to have a familiar pose :)
I got the WWII Airborne machine gun team in the mail today and was not that impressed with it. I don't care for the faces at all. The painting is ok, but overall, this will be the last set I purchase until I see better faces.

On a positive side, the pose of the figures seem realistic. They just need to be fine tuned.
You and me both. We definately agree here at the studio that the paint was way to de-saturated on the final 101st and LAH 70mm ( our first release in 06 ) production pieces.

We really pushed the sculpts and re-thought all of the paint on the new DAK and ACW offerings. Im sure you'll be quite pleased with the new pieces.

Also you are always able to return your purchases to us within 30 days, so if you'd like we can take the set back ( we can use it we're actually almost our of those sets!)

best regards,

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