Colonel Sam Floca Jr 12/10/2019 RIP (1 Viewer)


Jan 18, 2007
I don't have all the details yet but good friend Ralph Kimmich just let me know that a giant in our hobby passed away today - Col. Sam Floca Jr. If you never met him, then you missed meeting a great man. He was a true red blooded United States hero, Vietnam Veteran and most importantly a good person. I enjoyed my correspondence and meeting with him over the years and will truly miss that.

Soldier on Sammy and I hope you are able to continue your "Trophy" quest to infinity as I know how much joy the thrill of the hunt brought you.

I just received an email from Sam’s good friend Ralph Kimmich and I’m very sorry to hear about his passing. He was a wonderful person who I enjoyed talking to about various topics, not just toy soldiers and he was a legend in this hobby.

It goes without saying that he will be missed.

Happy trails, Colonel.

That is sad news. I spent some talking to him every time I ran into him at chicago show. Heck of a nice man.

God bless to his family.
Here’s a bio I found of Sam. He had a distinguished career.

Colonel (Retired) Sam Floca Jr., was named the First Honorary Colonel of the Regiment in 2010. Our Colonel is a Temple native with thirteen years active duty service at Fort Hood. His military and Texas roots run deep as two of his ancestors fought under General Sam Houston in the Battle of San Jacinto in 1836.

Enlisting as a rifleman in 1963, he subsequently received a commission through the Field Artillery Officer Candidate School in 1965. He retired from active duty on Memorial Day of 1992 and moved to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where he wrote professionally on the Battle of Gettysburg. He returned to his native Temple in 1994, building his home next to the golf course. A home, which he has told us more than once, is always open to the Dragons and their Ladies.

He brings a distinguished resume to our regiment as a graduate of both the Field Artillery and Infantry Officers’ Advanced Courses, a distinguished graduate of both Command and General Staff College and the prestigious Defense Public Affairs School. He also attended the Army War College and later returned as a member of the faculty. His time with the guns includes five battery command tours, duty as a operations officer at both battalion and Division Artillery. After a tour as the III Corps Artillery War Plans Officer for NATO, he assumed command of a nuclear capable heavy artillery battalion in Seventh Corps in Germany. In addition to his line and staff assignments, he served as a Press Officer for the Secretary of Defense and later as the Chief of Public Affairs for the US Army in Europe.

A Vietnam veteran, he served two tours with the First Infantry Division as a fire support officer for Infantry, armored and air cavalry, and the long range recon patrol unit, the forerunner of the divisional Ranger company. As an artilleryman, he twice assumed command of infantry companies in combat and received an Impact Award of the Combat Infantryman Badge. His other awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, the Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, five Purple Hearts, The Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, and the Presidential Unit Citation, presented to the First Squadron, Fourth Cavalry, for combat actions in Vietnam during the summer of 1966.

Our Colonel is also a Military Historian and, in that capacity, taught at the Field Artillery School and the Army War College. Following his retirement, he moved to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and worked as a writer and research historian. His essays have been published in professional journals and commercial magazines in both the United States and the United Kingdom. He is a frequent lecturer at civic and historical societies where his favorite topics are Gettysburg and Combat Leadership. Since becoming our Regimental Colonel, he has maintained a professional email reading group of over 250 addressees in six countries. His goal has been to inform both retirees and civilians of the challenges, accomplishments, and sacrifices of the Dragons and their brothers in arms.

Our colonel divides his time between our regiment, the study of history, golf, and his favorite Black Bass lake in East Texas. As he has told the battalion command team, the opportunity to again be with soldiers, to gain an understanding of the issues we deal with; and to try to pass on his own lessons learned, is the highest honor he has ever received.

In his own words, “I work for you.”
I was so sad to receive the email from Amy, Sam's daughter, telling me of Sam's passing earlier today. Over the last few years Sam had become an adopted member of my family and a wonderful American Uncle to my Grandson Archie. I know Archie will be heartbroken when I tell him this very sad news, every time we saw anything related to Texas on the TV Archie would always ask if Sam lived anywhere near to the area mentioned.

Back in 2016 Archie had a nasty tumble at his Nursery school and my wife and I had to rush to his side and take him to the local Accident and Emergency Hospital in Woking to get him checked out, thank God everything eventually turned out fine. When I told Sam about the incident he responded by sending Archie the attached letter and Purple Heart Honor coin engraved with Archie's name. I have attached a scan of the letter Sam sent.

Reverse of coin

God Bless mate

Martyn, Marie and Archie (The Bateman Clan)

"You can hide in your caves, they'll be but your graves cause you can't get away from the Guns," R K
I was so sad to receive the email from Amy, Sam's daughter, telling me of Sam's passing earlier today. Over the last few years Sam had become an adopted member of my family and a wonderful American Uncle to my Grandson Archie. I know Archie will be heartbroken when I tell him this very sad news, every time we saw anything related to Texas on the TV Archie would always ask if Sam lived anywhere near to the area mentioned.

Back in 2016 Archie had a nasty tumble at his Nursery school and my wife and I had to rush to his side and take him to the local Accident and Emergency Hospital in Woking to get him checked out, thank God everything eventually turned out fine. When I told Sam about the incident he responded by sending Archie the attached letter and Purple Heart Honor coin engraved with Archie's name. I have attached a scan of the letter Sam sent.

Reverse of coin

God Bless mate

Martyn, Marie and Archie (The Bateman Clan)

"You can hide in your caves, they'll be but your graves cause you can't get away from the Guns," R K

That's tremendous, thanks for sharing...……...boy did the room get dusty here all of a sudden, either that or my girlfriend is downstairs chopping onions.

Always a treat to see him at Chicago, such an engaging personality, he would always stop by my rooms and we'd have a laugh or two, he and my Dad hit it off at the show one year, I can just see the two of them now sitting at a table in heaven laughing it up...…… me spot at the table is all I ask.
that sucks...
I really liked Sammy...
he had that bigger than life image...
I always enjoyed our phone conversations and seeing him regularly in San Antonio...
he always impressed me...
as old as he was...I think he still had that charisma that would make you follow him anywhere...
a true leader...
I felt like even in his twilight...he could slip on that uniform and command respect...
and when he wanted to be...he was also an "Ordinary Joe"..."never putting on the airs"...very humble...
just one of the guys when he was around you...with that little something extra...
always treated me with respect...
and I could not help returning it...
a true patriot...
I will miss him...
I know you and Sammy were pretty good friends...
I'm guessing Trophy drew you to each other...
I want to thank you for coordinating my meeting him...
he spoke HIGHLY of you...
I was so sad to receive the email from Amy, Sam's daughter, telling me of Sam's passing earlier today. Over the last few years Sam had become an adopted member of my family and a wonderful American Uncle to my Grandson Archie. I know Archie will be heartbroken when I tell him this very sad news, every time we saw anything related to Texas on the TV Archie would always ask if Sam lived anywhere near to the area mentioned.

Back in 2016 Archie had a nasty tumble at his Nursery school and my wife and I had to rush to his side and take him to the local Accident and Emergency Hospital in Woking to get him checked out, thank God everything eventually turned out fine. When I told Sam about the incident he responded by sending Archie the attached letter and Purple Heart Honor coin engraved with Archie's name. I have attached a scan of the letter Sam sent.

Reverse of coin

God Bless mate

Martyn, Marie and Archie (The Bateman Clan)

"You can hide in your caves, they'll be but your graves cause you can't get away from the Guns," R K


Wow, that is truly the Sammy I remember and a wonderful example of his generosity and kindness. He truly was a pleasure and your post really hit home and reminded me of him in so many ways. I am truly sorry I didn't get to know him sooner and wish I would have had more time to spend with him.

One thing I won't forget, he always called me Tommy and signed his notes Sammy. Reminded me always that we were 2 big kids at heart with a toy soldier bond at first. Just used to crack me up. I also will never forget the Dr. Pepper, he never went anywhere without one and his command presence was something else. When he entered the conversation, room or area, you always knew who was in charge!

Another memory is his love of Gettysburg where he lived while working as a historian for Dale Gallon at his gallery. He also was a consultant for Hollywood on the movies shot there including being Sam Elliott's personal historian during the filming of the movie and also he worked with Tom Berenger. His stories were more than interesting. Due to my own close proximity and interest to Gettysburg about 5 years ago I got a book in the mail that I am looking at right now as it has a place of honor in my office - Sam Floca's Gettysburg. I just had to pick it up right now as it contains a lot of Sam's own personal photographs and recollections including many of the speeches he gave for various events over the years. I think their must be dust in the air here in Maryland too.

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Sam was one of my first friends in this hobby. He was a joy to talk to. So giving of his time and knowledge. I feel blessed that he was a friend. And after many years of chatting on the phone, I finally got to meet Sam this past spring. A loss not only to his family & friends, but to this country too. Sam was a true American hero. A soldier to the end. Rest In Peace.
"The Mighty Sammy"...

Col. Sam Floca...


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I was never lucky enough to meet Sam, somehow. Reading all of your tributes tells me I really missed out! Although I never met him, I’m getting a great sense of what type of person he was from these posts. Very nice to read so many great sentiments and memories.

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