Conte Wish Lish (1 Viewer)

Mounted Normans would make me happy.All I really need for my Norman army. Almost nothing out there for Mounted Norman and Breton troops. More Dark ages done in the new Spartan swappable style for shieldwall variety.
WW2 British and American Airborne heavy weapons,
Of course Persians to face the Spartans.More Greek Hoplites seems possible. Different styled Helmets, different shield designs, even some plain.You could make an Athenian army, Mercenary Hoplites ect with just some different heads and shields.

Rev War in plastic? :D
ACW Artillery ? :)
I'd be happy to see any of those but Norman cavalry 1st!

I would love to see conte jump into napoleonics of course!:cool:
The conte plug in heads would be great for this period of time. You could turn the same figures into all kinds of various troops just by changing the heads and one set of sculpts could get a lot of mileage.

For example if you made some austrians you could make plug in bear skin heads for grenadiers some shakos for latter period infantry and some helmeted heads for earlier period troops and some corsican hats for jagers and specialist troops.

Figures in great coats with various plug in heads could also be used for many various nations troops and have some various plug in back packs and canteens for the various nations different troops.

He could save a lot in sculpting and mold costs like this. All he would need to do for future figures is mold new heads and gear.

The alamo mexican figures are almost perfect for dutch/belgian troops already, they just need new heads and a rework of the jacket cuffs.

There are so many napoleonic troops with simillar uniforms you could go crazy converting new troops with just a few different base figures you could build whole armies.

I really wish conte would take on the napoleonic black hole. I would be in heaven!!!!

No one does plastics better then the new conte stuff coming out.
I am still waiting for Patriot figures in plastic. I asked RC about this a year or so ago, and he said that there were legal issues with the movie folks (and their lawyers) that prevented him coming out with a Patriot playset in plastic. OK--so call it the Battle of Saratoga Playset and get it made!
The wait time borders on ridiculous as I have 2 club figures that are still ordered for 2 years. I refuse to renew my membership until they have shipped. And the Pirate ship, jeez, the non issuance of that one for all these years killed that range IMO. It is very frustrating, but great stuff for the most part.

Another annoyance is the Rocco Zulu sets. How many were actually done? I have seen very few in the market, they must have been all pre sold or less made than advertised, I give up trying to figure it out.

My unsolicited 2 cents,
Restock of the Spartans and release of the poseable Spartan / Persians would be nice.
I am still waiting for COnte to finish the Alamo that Richard promised us. I still have the letter he sent with all of my Alamo playsets. Standby for more alamo. Standby for calvary, artillary, etc.... How long do we stand-by? I want it now!!!!! The stuff is great but too slow to come out.
I completed my Alamo compound by using TSSD chapel and various walls, buildings etc from Hobby Bunker & Barzo. In my mind it works just fine.
I know the scale is smaller than Conte, but I use the CTS Mexican cavalry & artillary figures. The color is the same light blue as Contes.
I used to be a scale nut, meaning everything the exact same, but those CTS figures when mixed with those large amouts of Contes works out fine. Give it a try.
As for Conte ever completing the Alamo, don't see it happening.
It is his money so I,m not complaining, but RC seems fixed on these figures from ancient times. Just not my bag, not even the upcoming, I say this tongue in cheek, poseable Spartans.
Where are Conte's Zouaves?

Very near the bottom of the thread on Conte Collectibles' "Preview" page are three prototypes of 5th NY Zouaves that replicate poses from a Keith Rocco Painting of their worst fight at 2nd Manassas. One of these was previewed about a year before, in a sneak peak of figures that ended up as Confederate Dead. So this is an idea that has been in development by RC for at least three years.

And I want these figures in the worst way.

Conte and Rocco, I believe, still have a collaboration going, unlike the one that used to exist with Troiani. The painting is "Save the Colors!" and it shows a decimated colorguard of 5th NY Zouaves as they are overrun by the Texas Brigade. Drama, color, and one of the units I most desire in matte finish 54mm style. My step Gr-Great Grandfather served with this unit for the full 2 years and spent a 3rd in the 146th NY Zouaves, so it's personal.

But there they sit at the bottom of the preview thread, where the picture has slowly been decending toward oblivion for the past year. Come on, RC! Don't lose interest, here!
This is not a knock on anyone . But every time I read a post about Conte revealing future releases, or a picture of a prototype on his website I want to scream!
I have said this more times than I can remember, Conte produces the best plastic figures ever, however his enthusiasm for this hobby gets the best of him.
I have followed Conte since the days he started posting pictures of his upcoming playsets in PFPC, till his arrival at 1999,s OTSN.
He is a wonderfull man to talk to about this hobby and his enthusiasm is genuine, but he speaks way to soon.
Perfect example, at this years OTSN he had the plastic Spartans with the moveable parts for posing. He stated he hoped to have them out by November (2007), it,s now the end of March with nothing in sight.
I think what I,m trying to get across is don,t even put anything, and I mean anything, you see or read about any future Conte products as a done deal. Only when you see the item in the flesh, for sale, is when to take heed.
I can appreciate the basis for your observation and frustration. I certainly have some myself. Let us hope for the best.
I picked up my first Conte..Persian Immortals with spears and sword..Could not resist the look of these figures..I will buying more as well as Spartans...Did not want to, but they were too well done, to resist..Michael
I caved the other day and bought my first single metal Spartan. I was determined not to touch these in metal (due to cost of another range of figures), but the wait for plastic is just toooooooo long :eek:.

It must be a clever business tactic of RC's :rolleyes:

That said, the figure is awesome (and 60mm :eek:).
I need a plastic fix, quick, as I'm already starting to look at the other Spartan sets already out there.

I also think they are great. They sucked me in and I now have more than I thought I was going to purchase:rolleyes: I only found out about these after they were almost all sold out so it took a while to find my favorites, which are alleged to restocked in my lifetime. Here is a first shot of the AG005 "Here we stay, here we stand" set with Persians from 2 other sets.

FWIW, I measured these with calipers as 58mm but they could pass for 60:D
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My set is The Immortals Attacking...Works of Art and fairly priced...Has anyone ever bought direct from Conte's site? Unless indicated, do they stock the sets, or am I going to pay and wait weeks or months ,waiting for order to be mfg.?..........Michael
Im a big fan of Conte figs but try to avoid buying direct of Conte as i find the postage cost rather high :confused: and they never return emails
but that said i have never had a problem getting my order with in a few weeks
Their site does not even let you order the back ordered stuff. You have to call for that so if you can place the order online you should be fine.
I have been buying from BTSoldiers on ebay for most of my ACW stuff. Still some sets out there that I would like to have. I feel the ftustration in regards to buying the plastic Spartans. I have been resisting. But patience is wearing thin. I hear the warning time and time again. Yet I am drawn as a moth to the flame:eek:Come on RC! We are still waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been buying from BTSoldiers on ebay for most of my ACW stuff. Still some sets out there that I would like to have. I feel the ftustration in regards to buying the plastic Spartans. I have been resisting. But patience is wearing thin. I hear the warning time and time again. Yet I am drawn as a moth to the flame:eek:Come on RC! We are still waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patience my Lord General all good things come to those who wait. We all must realize we're not visiting McDonald's or calling the Pizza hut for a cheese Pizza for instant delivery and I'm sure you've heard of The Slow Boat from China:D:D:D

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