conversions (2 Viewers)



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Thanks fishead for all the pics. I've bought 5 packs of the conte plastics. Theyre being reincarnated as french. Don't you love the way their heads come off? It is cooling offaround here so I will be able to start painting again. I'm having problems with close ups but will try to post more soon.:cool:
Lots of cool Mexicans there fish.I never even got that far.The Conte lend themselves to great conversions dont' they?

I fianlly painted that Russian in greatcoat conversion.Metal head and equipment from my own molds.Body was a TSSD German ww2.

Keep'em coming.


Vamp, No I haven't done enough of the sculpting to take any credit at all
. I commisioned them from a talented young man in New Zealand.
I have just started playing with the sculpting compound. Let's see. I did a moustache on one of the heads, terrained the bases on the russians, Made a nice Prussian oil clothe covered shako out of a miscast Pavlov grenadier head,added greatcoats to some castings etc. Little stuf so far.
I'm going to take a whack at some new arms and hands today.
I converted one casting into a casualty and as soon as I have enough things done I'm going to make another parts mold.

Heres an old pic with some converted conte plastics , look close in the rubble, theres an expired Kraut there too.


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Great stuff fubar keep up the good work!!! Make sure you post some pictures on here when you finish them conversions. I can,t wait to see what you do for prussains. I,m busy right now with a wind mill project i,m making. The bottom half is plaster which will be the stone base and the top half will be made of wood. I havn,t gotten to far into it yet i,m just starting to carve the stones and doors and windows into the plaster part right now. I used my daughters little beach pail for the mold for the plaster base. most of it is still in the planning stages. I hope it comes out half way decent after all the time spent carving it.
Fubar I think you are doing great work there. You too fishead! Question for you guys. I am having trouble with image shack posting pictures. They are either too small or too large. I got a couple of good shots but not much luck lately:confused:
Vampire, I know just enough to frustrate myself and perhaps someomne else can help out more.But, I think you will have to go back into your photo program and resize the images to fit.How, I dunno.Specs for fitting on the site? Jazzeum, Shannon, help, Please?

I struggled, cussed, swore building a wedsite. Tedious , frustrating but I was making progress. I did Something, I am not sure and all my work just disappeared.I went to the farm and plowed 6-7 clips from my M1 into an old appliance as fast as I could , pretending it was the puter.Have not touched the website since.
Fubar the luddite:confused:
I did figure it out:) I forgot to hit the resize for websites. and them it is forum 1:eek: Thanks KV MOOHAHAhhahahhhaaaaa:eek: Let me know when you start shooting computers I have one for you Fubarrrrrr

And now back to the normally scheduled program.
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I just finished a few more austrain/hungarain conversions. Heres a shot of them in the rough stage.
And a shot of them painted! I just need to add a little paint detail here and there.

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Here are a few more that I have not had a chance to paint or prime yet that I just finnished.
Here is a picture of the factory figures so you can get an idea of what I did to them. There are 8 factory poses and a few of the conversions are just a simple head swop from the helmet to the bear skin grenadier hat. Most of the conversions are done just useing parts from the italeri austrain set while others have parts (arms, legs,ect.) striped from other figures or left over parts from my spare body parts box of various brands and eras.
A few of the conversins are bodies from revolutionary war figures or others like the drummer and officer.
I,ll try and show a picture of the factory figure(the unpainted one) along side of the conversions that I made from that factory pose and then you,ll get a real good idea of what was done.

Heres the marching pose with some new arms, some taken from figures by other brands and eras.

Conversions made from the firing pose! The gear on the figures is a bit different from the grenadiers to the helmeted line troops,like the back backs were different and the grenadiers should have a short sword and the line did not but i,m not going to get that picky! The hungarian troops also didn,t have the leggings, they just had pants that fit tight to the legs and a short boot but its a lot of work to scrap off all the gaiters off the legs and carve pants in there place so I can live with them just the way they are.:p There are a few other little things here and there to be historicly accurate but they look good enough to me and thats all that I really care about!:p
Here are a few conversions that I used bodies other than the italeri base figures to make. the officer is an accurate rev.war officer and the drummer is also an accurate rev. war with some two part putty to make the straps for the back back that I added. I also added a mussket to the figure.

The other figures are mexicans. The ones that are not painted are CTS and are pretty munch just head swops and 2 part putty to make them water bottles and fix the back of the coat. The other painted figure is a BMC mexican with an added back back made out of 2 part putty.
Heres a picture of what I have painted up so far for the hungarain grenadiers!
Hi Fishhead,

I saw these on the other site last night and was really impressed. What do you use to glue them back together once the cutting is done? I like the apron on the pioneer I assume that is some kind of putty. Also what do you use to prime them before you paint? I am doing some painting on some Lead Castings for a set of Gurkhas from Britains and will put them in my Durbar Display some day. I also have a winged Hussar in the beginnings of assembly but these will take me a while due to other impacts on my time. Also can you suggest a source for a metal rod for colors. I have a lead figure who arrived in bad shape and I would like to fix him and will probably have to repaint too.


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