Creating Mini Dio to Photograph (16 Viewers)

The mealie bag walls by Britain are due out shortly and who knows Conte may re-stock his sometime in the future. Sorry to hear your attempt wasn't successful......The Lt.
Sorry to hear your attempt wasn't successful......The Lt.

Lol!:D Well, join the club KV ;). Good luck with any future attempts. I know you can do it judging from your other work.

Lt. It's good to see you still playing. Me, I'm still waiting on the first matte british for weeks now. I'm starting to get worried here :confused:.
Lol!:D Well, join the club KV ;). Good luck with any future attempts. I know you can do it judging from your other work.

Lt. It's good to see you still playing. Me, I'm still waiting on the first matte british for weeks now. I'm starting to get worried here :confused:.

Hope your matte Brit's shortly arrive for I'm sure you'll be having one grand time playing with them. In the mean time members of the uMbonambi Regiment are rushing to form into The Horns of The Buffalo as they approach the encampment at Isandlwana.....The Lt.

members of the 24th on the left of the line start grouping with their backs against... YOUR BACKGROUND!. Thanks . Mike


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Your Trophy 24th Ft enhance the bacground photo 1879 and looking forward to seeing what else you'll be featuring with it as a background. By the way we can thank Joachim for the photo he's the one who provided me with it....The Lt.
Hi Lt,
What did you use for ground cover, it looks very good.
Well Then thanks Joachim also.

Ben, if you are referring to me I have a couple JG bases for terrain. Mike
The Zulu Warriors are placed on the ground coveer by LEMAX which is from their Halloween Collection the grouund cover in front of them is from the photo......The Lt.

Light Bird now I see? Some of these guys are racking up rank like pre-Cardwell Reforms, when you purchased rank. Mike

Another Trophy masterpiece showing one of the lasts stands in the wagon park at Isandlhwana! Always enjoyable looking at those beauties. Those Martini-Henrys caused such a raucus that the Zulu considered this battle a defeat due to huge sections of regiments decimated. I consider it a win nonetheless in an attempt to defend one's homeland. Mike

Here's Lt. Bromhead leading a charge in defending The Mission Station Hospital....The Lt.

More great stuff Lt, you have so many of these nice figures. It is quite a pleasure to see your scenes done with the different types and styles.
Aren't they just exquisite figure, Lt?
I have had a couple set up with your background but am working feverishly on installing a new front foyer. Pray for me;)
Keep it up , Joe there's lots of fans out there. Mike
Mike hope the front foyer moves along quickly for you so you can get back to playing. Spitfrnd Trophy offered quite a selection of sets and poses which make them loads of fun to play with and it's a shame not to play with them. Playt time continues...The Lt.

Was advised by My lord General The Kilted Vampire that this after post my next will make me a full Bird Colonel. So thought it'd be appropriated to achieve it with another photo dio of Trophy figures......The Lt.

Thank you my Lord General and a good reason to continue to play....The lt.


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