Defence of darwin clock ? (9 Viewers)


Jan 3, 2012
I saw this advertised in a local rag, and IMHO I think it is bad taste, but others may have different opinions and I would like to hear them.
Wayne. {sm2}{eek3}


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I saw this advertised in a local rag, and IMHO I think it is bad taste, but others may have different opinions and I would like to hear them.
Wayne. {sm2}{eek3}

Never seen it and it's not my cup of tea.

Is it made in Japan?

The test of the maturity of any society is its capacity to either laugh at itself or to accept that some parts of its history are either painful or embarrassing. This one manages to be both - I laughed at its crassness yet can also accept that Australian history is not one long, unbroken line of successes.

I wouldn't have it in my house, but you should see the two Hawaiian shirts hanging in my closet - now there is bad taste.

Just to stop my fellow Australians from swooping - any play on the word closet is pretty ordinary humour.
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No, prob China and can you please wear one of those Hawaiian shirts to the K&C Dinner in Brissy this year?? I promise to wear my NT Draught blue singlet... ^&grin

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I am sorry Jack you can't make me believe you only have just two Hawaiian shirts in your closet. {sm3}{sm4}^&cool:cool:
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Crikey cobbers that clock will look bonzer hanging above me mounted marsupial in my den of antiques and iniquities.
Hang on a tick (geddit!) - that clock has sound effects (roaring spitfires) and movement too (the hands go around - and the spittie comes out - on the hour).:cool:


Sounds like a really imaginative piece that any Ozzie would be proud to own. Just one fatal flaw in it's construction though (apart from the non-wearing of any form of Hawaiian shirt by any mechanic - not a serious omission - perhaps he's left it in his closet - titter!).:rolleyes:

Where's the Bar?{eek3}

An Ozzie base without a bar????{eek3}{eek3}

Nah! Agreed - Unbelievable. Bin it!;) johnnybach
I think its tacky more than offensive. But, I am not austrailian and different things evoke different reactions per country. I like spitfires but, don't see it as something I would hang on the wall with My grandfathers stuff. Whats the price??
Is this Australia's answer to Big Mouth Billy Bass?

I doubt it Scott as you can only take so much of Big Mouth Billy Bass! Tony Soprano of the HBO TV series "The Sopranos" agrees with me and poor old Big Mouth Billy Bass came to a sticky end on one of the episodes!!!!

There was one that sang Christmas songs. A co-worker used to activate it to annoy an Indian gentleman. It worked.

Sorry to hy-jack the thread. That clock looks like something to buy and put away for collectors in the future. Hey, it's patriotic as well.
It reminds me of all the ACW commerative collectable whatever you see in many history magazines. My favorite was a Robert E. Lee cucko clock!:rolleyes2::redface2::p Oh and if you're one of the people who owns one that's okay too!{sm4}:wink2: I'm sure some people think my toy soldiers are in bad taste or tacky... live and let live as they say!:)
Americans treat their past MUCH more respectfully...............

I think its tacky more than offensive. But, I am not austrailian and different things evoke different reactions per country. I like spitfires but, don't see it as something I would hang on the wall with My grandfathers stuff. Whats the price??

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