Dispatches are up! (1 Viewer)

All I can say is WOW! Except for Streets of HK, I will have orders in every section. Gosh, those commandos remind me of the Commando comics.

I see the deletions have started already. Rob is such a troublemaker !!!! I am guessing it was a saucy
waitress image.


Brett, you should have SEEN the one James snapped of her...positively pornographic it was:wink2:

No , I posted a Commando Comic cover featuring....you've guessed it....Commandos^&grin But looking at their copyright statement I thought better of it!

brit commando's are long over due decent action poses and, fortunately have no P near them!!!. Jagdpanther is a decent release bar the crew and not too much in terms of discontinued. 25 ILB gun looks to be the pick of the bunch
Hope K&C made alot of those Commandos as they are superb,ever since the old Airfix days ive liked Brit Commandos,sold sold sold.
As for the JP that is on my list first and those waiters are pretty cool some great Dio potentials with them and the Commandos.

maybe a kayak next time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm SO PLEASED to see 'my old gun' the 25 Pounder QF Field Gun is back in production.

:) :)

Thanks for making the No2, who operates the breech and rams the projectile, a Bombardier, but what happened the gun commander Andy???

An Officer DOES NOT command a gun, its the job of a Gun Sergeant... maybe I'll now get some more repainting jobs from collectors to 'get it right' :mad::mad:

Yep up for those 2 Germans too. Well spotted Wayne. Robin.

They come out very soon ( next month ?), tables, chairs and sitting Germans . Andy has mentioned this in the dispatches on the K&C website.
I must have at least one of the waiters and I am certainly game for the tables and chairs
Love a few of the commandos as well (price went up from $42 to $44 and 45 !!!!P or no P that is the question)
the rest ( tank, gun, tractor, etc ...) is way too expensive for me
Wow ! These ACW personality pieces are just superb.We have been waiting a long time for a new civil war range but
its been well worth the wait.......K&C have come out with guns blazing !
I especially like Grant leaning over the map.

Have the last Lincoln & his Generals set in front of me from a couple of years back and I think in terms of paint quality
and personality features it is a quantum step up.

whats next for ACW I wonder........can we dream about artillery?.............
Wow ! These ACW personality pieces are just superb.We have been waiting a long time for a new civil war range but
its been well worth the wait.......K&C have come out with guns blazing !
I especially like Grant leaning over the map.

Have the last Lincoln & his Generals set in front of me from a couple of years back and I think in terms of paint quality
and personality features it is a quantum step up.

whats next for ACW I wonder........can we dream about artillery?.............

Fully agree with this, superb looking personalities and timed perfectly for the Gettysburg Anniversary. I think I'm going to want some of these myself.

Grant with the map is the pick of the ACW releases for me. Great pose! And the Lincoln figure is appropriately homely and tall!
I got a handfull of the figures on my list today but none of the ones I see just got retired!
Well after a hard day on the buses one gets home to discover some great new releases, Commandos, 25 pounder and ect and it looks like I may start collecting ACW for those figures are just brilliant, just as well I'm earn good money now as I will be spending it all....:wink2:
Well after a hard day on the buses one gets home to discover some great new releases, Commandos, 25 pounder and ect and it looks like I may start collecting ACW for those figures are just brilliant, just as well I'm earn good money now as I will be spending it all....:wink2:

Well said that man! :salute::

You came home after a hard day to see it whilst I had breakfast and had a day of gardening work ahead, then it started raining^&grin^&grin:salute::

Well said that man! :salute::

You came home after a hard day to see it whilst I had breakfast and had a day of gardening work ahead, then it started raining^&grin^&grin:salute::

Where we ony get the odd day of rain between much sunshine you get to garden on the odd day of sunshine between much rain, HEY! the Ashes soon.....no rain please {sm3}
Where we ony get the odd day of rain between much sunshine you get to garden on the odd day of sunshine between much rain, HEY! the Ashes soon.....no rain please {sm3}

Wayne, well as mad as this sounds for an English summer....wait for it......they are promising a sunny and hot July!!!{eek3}{eek3}{eek3} which in weatherman speak probably means it will p*** down for the next four weeks!

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting for sooooooooo long for new ACW figures from K&C and these were well worth the wait! Some of the best looking personalities ever produced. I will add these for sure to my K&C personalities collection. I can only hope and pray that Andy will make more down the line. Bravo to you sir!
Boy this is tricky how am I going to get a new Jp and a new Easy 8 after just buying a new set of fairway woods and irons. Better to be in the doghouse from my wife than to miss out on those two items. Darn you Andy because of you I will be in that doghouse .Thanks Greg
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Very nice dispatch! {bravo}} Standouts aplenty. Funny, yesterday I was just going to post about doing Commandos and got preoccupied with Canada Day festivities and Voila........they arrive. They look really cool. I like the "blackened" faces, nice touch of authenticity. The stabbing figures are particularly evocative. ^&cool Not to forget the 25pdr is a great set, glad it comes in pieces due to cost considerations, a must have for sure. The Jagdpanther is incrediblely nice however one of my favourite pieces in my collection is the 2004 (can't believe its been almost 10 years! {eek3} ) release of the Jagdpanther and its still my sentimental favourite but anyone looking to add this iconic armour to their collection cannot go wrong with this one. I'd get it if I already didn't have one. , looking forward to seeing a winter version. As for the retirements there are a handful that I need to quickly pick up that I've been putting off. Gonna be an expensive month. With the American dollar rising in value my purchases keep getting even more expensive. :( One final note on this dispatch. I'm constantly amazed at the detail and variety of faces. Using the ACW line as an example I note how each person is so unique and closely resembles who they are to represent. No small feat with such a comparatively small (1/30) head. This hobby rocks. :salute::
Very nice dispatch! {bravo}} Standouts aplenty. Funny, yesterday I was just going to post about doing Commandos and got preoccupied with Canada Day festivities and Voila........they arrive. They look really cool. I like the "blackened" faces, nice touch of authenticity. The stabbing figures are particularly evocative. ^&cool Not to forget the 25pdr is a great set, glad it comes in pieces due to cost considerations, a must have for sure. The Jagdpanther is incrediblely nice however one of my favourite pieces in my collection is the 2004 (can't believe its been almost 10 years! {eek3} ) release of the Jagdpanther and its still my sentimental favourite but anyone looking to add this iconic armour to their collection cannot go wrong with this one. I'd get it if I already didn't have one. , looking forward to seeing a winter version. As for the retirements there are a handful that I need to quickly pick up that I've been putting off. Gonna be an expensive month. With the American dollar rising in value my purchases keep getting even more expensive. :( One final note on this dispatch. I'm constantly amazed at the detail and variety of faces. Using the ACW line as an example I note how each person is so unique and closely resembles who they are to represent. No small feat with such a comparatively small (1/30) head. This hobby rocks. :salute::

Hey CFM,

It really does rock doesn't it!!!:salute::

Hope you and all our Canadian members had a great Canada day my friend. I really think this one of the best Dispatches we've seen. All the WW2 and ACW releases look terrific to me. A good time to order for me too as K&C UK have a free shipping all summer deal , every penny counts!

These despatches are making me want to start collecting DD sets again the commandos are excellent
WELL DONE KING AND COUNTRY:salute:::salute::{bravo}}

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