Eagle Design 1/30 Panzer III (2 Viewers)

Mitch used to post his repaint projects on the forum, it's a shame he has not for some time.

The low cost and high quality of the Eagle Design Panzers really enables their use in large formations and modified for specific battles. Great concept and implementation Bradley!
I know the manufacturer, I no longer work with him.

These are most certainly First Legion tanks that have been stolen. The molds are being used to re-cast the tanks. This manufacturer went out of business ( he was manufacturing for myself and others ) and has now gone into " survival mode " this means rummaging through old molds he has and can find partner factories that have also gone bust.

If you want to contribute to western theft by Chinese companies buy from Eagle Designs! Its just that simple.


I know the manufacturer, I no longer work with him.

These are most certainly First Legion tanks that have been stolen. The molds are being used to re-cast the tanks. This manufacturer went out of business ( he was manufacturing for myself and others ) and has now gone into " survival mode " this means rummaging through old molds he has and can find partner factories that have also gone bust.

If you want to contribute to western theft by Chinese companies buy from Eagle Designs! Its just that simple.



TOTAL Nonsense..&..Sour Grapes.....They are not stolen and are actually quite different from FL's Panzer III models....I have both FL panzers III and ED panzers.III....VERY DIFFERENT MODELS....Last I heard no manufacturer has a patent or monopoly on producing 1:30th scale WWII Panzer III Tanks......ALSO THE EAGLE DESIGN PANZER II is a EXCELLENT Model as well.....STOLEN ALSO ????????:rolleyes2::rolleyes2:
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TOTAL Nonsense..&..Sour Grapes.....They are not stolen and are actually quite different from FL's Panzer III models....I have both FL panzers III and ED panzers.III....VERY DIFFERENT MODELS....Last I heard no manufacturer has a patent or monopoly on producing 1:30th scale WWII Panzer III Tanks......ALSO THE EAGLE DESIGN PANZER II is a EXCELLENT Model as well.....STOLEN ALSO ????????:rolleyes2::rolleyes2:

Nah sorry buddy your all wet, definitely heisted models. I'm over there four times a year. I'm on the ground, trust me your buying stolen designs: end of story. No biggie, buy them if you like them. But know they are 100% stolen designs. Its getting pretty common in China now. As their economy cools they snatch anything they can. They're in survival mode. Factories are hurting. Law of the jungle I suppose.

You should be fired up, your hearing from the horses mouth, should be pretty cool for you. I've been to the factories I've seen the designs being stolen and produced. Weird right? Can't say or do much, I just choose not to work with the factory or anyone else known to them anymore. All you can do really. Nah these are stolen without a doubt. I was there.

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TOTAL Nonsense..&..Sour Grapes.....They are not stolen and are actually quite different from FL's Panzer III models....I have both FL panzers III and ED panzers.III....VERY DIFFERENT MODELS....Last I heard no manufacturer has a patent or monopoly on producing 1:30th scale WWII Panzer III Tanks......ALSO THE EAGLE DESIGN PANZER II is a EXCELLENT Model as well.....STOLEN ALSO ????????:rolleyes2::rolleyes2:

Say what you like Brian...but.. Stlll sounds like "Sour Grapes".....I ASK AGAIN?....Did they steal the Panzer II also....????.......:rolleyes2:
Say what you like Brian...but.. Stlll sounds like "Sour Grapes" .

No not at all I promise. Its just that as a creator of original pieces its heartbreaking to see sets stolen like that. All of the manufacturers work so hard to bring great things to market. Then to see a renegade entity just rip the stuff off, so sad. Truly. I know the back story about these particular pieces. Know the entity selling them, and so on. It was great Treefrog Treasures pulled them, was the right thing to do.


Again I Ask... Did they steal the 1:30th Panzer II ????...Eagle Design Panzer III models look and ARE very different from FL Panzer III tank models which FL says they will NEVER re-release..... and your products are actually 1:28th scale but you advertise them as 1:30th????^&confuse:rolleyes2:....Again NO manufacturer has a patent or monopoly on making 1:30th scale WWII Panzer III models.....End of Story:salute::
Again I Ask... Did they steal the 1:30th Panzer II ????...Eagle Design Panzer III models look and ARE very different from FL Panzer III tank models which FL says they will NEVER re-release..... and your products are actually 1:28th scale but you advertise them as 1:30th????^&confuse:rolleyes2:....Again NO manufacturer has a patent or monopoly on making 1:30th scale WWII Panzer III models.....End of Story:salute::

As they say: the customers is always right! "End of story". As you wish sire, silly me for trying to give you the inside skinny.
Its all good! Cya!


Brian, did they steal the Panzer II, yes or no.


Ben...The Short Answer is NO....That question is side stepped....also NO answer is ever given as to why Collectors Showcase models are advertised as 1:30th scale when they are clearly 1:28th scale.^&cool
First Legion Panzers are built up from resin subassemblies; similar to building a 1/35 styrene kit.
A polystone Panzer is made differently, being a solid piece of polyresin and not a built up structure. The built up structure is more labor intensive then the polystone molding process and thus is more costly.

The answer to the question of model piracy is a side by side comparison of the two models in question. The original and the supposed copy. A true copy would have the same dimensions and assembly process as the original. Details and painting would most likely be different as would be materials used i.e. type of resin, track material etc. I encourage someone who has both models to measure them and compare the assembly method used and post the results. I know few collectors who would knowingly purchase a pirated copy.

A company I worked for produced a very successful industrial strobe beacon. A Chinese company approached my company with an identical product with an offer to buy from them or face competition. The Chinese company made the mistake of copying our product too closely including the Fresnel Lens part number; thus proving they were copies. US Customs impounded shipments of these products. I agree with Brian that Chinese copying is a serious problem that must be dealt with. Proving the case can be difficult!
The models in question are quite different....When placed side by side.....I have them both
The models in question are quite different....When placed side by side.....I have them both

No offense meant, I'm very sorry, thought you'd welcome the behind the curtain intel on these models. Guess your not interested. Won't comment again. Very sorry. Take care.


The intel you provided and your experience in China is of great value Brian. A copy of your Kingtiger is being sold on eBay now. Some features are different i.e. interior details and some are the same i.e. damaged track feature. The scale is the same as the TCS Kingtiger and the seller claims these models were made by the same Chinese company that made the TCS Kingtigers. Obviously the molds have been recycled and features added to produce an ostensibly new and different product!
I have them both as well and I wouldn't doubt what Brian is saying, at least in part. The tracks on the ED Panzer III is very different and they are made of metal compared to resin on the FL Panzer III. The distance between the top of the tracks or track guards and bottom of the road wheels look different between the two as well. What I mean by that is that the bottom track road wheels and top track return rollers seem to be too far apart on the FL tank compared to the distance on the ED tank. There are other differences as well in my opinion. That said, had I known they were copied even in part then I wouldn’t have purchased the ED Panzer III.

I have already posted these pic’s but here they are again so you can see the comparison.



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The pictures show to my eye that these are quite different from each other....Keep in mind that a 1:30th scale Panzer III will always be a 1:30th scale Panzer III.....They will ALL be similar from ALL manufacturers....But they NOT at all identical....The FL model is much more detailed.....Question: Were both of these style Panzer III's initially stolen from Dragon and Tamiya????? ....Answer... NO
I really don't have a dog in this hunt, but I feel compelled to state emphatically that the ED model is not derived from the FL replica. If you compare the surface detail, "the finger-prints" if you will, of both models, I believe that my stated conclusion is utterly inescapable. BOTH of these models are created from molds, and differences in molds will be reflected in the molded product. That's all there is to this. I'm not suggesting deceit or wrongdoing on anyone's part. There's always a possibility that we'll-intentioned posters are simply misinformed. That's just where I'll leave it.:)

They have been measured and the ED is slightly larger than the FL. The ED does also have slight differences which set it apart as an Ausf. L rather than a Ausf. J.

In fact, Matt also wrote a message about the differences between copies and knockoffs. Knockoffs aren't technically illegal.

What the ED Panzer IIIs appear to be are 1/30 versions of Tamiya kits. We suspect they use them as their "design."

Lastly, I have already bought all the versions of the FL Panzer III and I am only getting these to create new custom jobs.

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