East coast friends (1 Viewer)

To me being a long time native of Bergen county, N.J. I would have never thought something like this would happen,but unfortunately it did. I think FEMA needs to have pre positioned supplies to include food, clothing,fuel,
To quickly accommodate those in need. Pre position these supplies in several strategic locations throughout the country so it can be distributed within 24 hours time. FEMA shelters pre positioned or existing buildings pre designated as FEMA emergency shelters should also be part of the plan. Hopefully all those affected will pull
Through this all soon.
To me being a long time native of Bergen county, N.J. I would have never thought something like this would happen,but unfortunately it did. I think FEMA needs to have pre positioned supplies to include food, clothing,fuel,
To quickly accommodate those in need. Pre position these supplies in several strategic locations throughout the country so it can be distributed within 24 hours time. FEMA shelters pre positioned or existing buildings pre designated as FEMA emergency shelters should also be part of the plan. Hopefully all those affected will pull
Through this all soon.

Tough to do all of our coasts, river valleys, earthquake fault lines, calderas, tornado alley, and volcanoes. Maybe in existing military bases.

You don't see any more "Fallout Shelter" signs around. I saw the last one in the 1970s.

I remember there was some plan in the 1980s for Americans to go to the country side in case of {eek3} NUCLEAR WAR {eek3}and move in with the locals. These plans could be hard to carry out without federal enforcement over state and local government. Remember rumors of FEMA "concentration camps?"

Tough to do all of our coasts, river valleys, earthquake fault lines, calderas, tornado alley, and volcanoes. Maybe in existing military bases.

You don't see any more "Fallout Shelter" signs around. I saw the last one in the 1970s.

I remember there was some plan in the 1980s for Americans to go to the country side in case of {eek3} NUCLEAR WAR {eek3}and move in with the locals. These plans could be hard to carry out without federal enforcement over state and local government. Remember rumors of fema concentration camps?

"We need a better response plan than what we currently have.Right now it seems it takes too long for too little help."
I hate to rain on this parade but could we save this discussion for when we can refer to all this in the past, when people have recovered their power. One of the hosts on WFAN, who lives on Long Island, said that they might not get power until Sunday, two weeks after the hurricane.

Let's have the post-mortem when it's actually post.
I hate to rain on this parade but could we save this discussion for when we can refer to all this in the past, when people have recovered their power. One of the hosts on WFAN, who lives on Long Island, said that they might not get power until Sunday, two weeks after the hurricane.

Let's have the post-mortem when it's actually post.

I wonder if there will be a movie like Spike Lee's about Katrina?
Got home from the office to find the nor'easter had knocked out power at 11:30 a.m. We are all huddled around the living room fireplace awaiting a friend who is bringing dinner from a restaurant with power. The rest of the house is ice cold. This is really getting old.
Got home from the office to find the nor'easter had knocked out power at 11:30 a.m. We are all huddled around the living room fireplace awaiting a friend who is bringing dinner from a restaurant with power. The rest of the house is ice cold. This is really getting old.

Sorry to hear about that Louis, enough is enough with these storms, we're getting hammered right now with a lot of wind and sheets of rain coming in sideways.

Hope you get your power back sooner than later, I guess one bright spot is there are plenty of line crews in the area...........
I heard on the radio today that LIPA, who had promised 90% of service would be restored by the day of the nor'easter (which I am told was named "Athena"), is now saying service for 500,000 Long Islanders will not be restored for at least two weeks. What a mess . . . :mad:
Our local power company(NBPower) has sent 15 crews to the US to assist local crews.

Hope they get you guys power soon

Take care
Our local power company(NBPower) has sent 15 crews to the US to assist local crews.

Hope they get you guys power soon

Take care


There have been many crews sent from many states to assist, for which we are very gratefull. However, according to the local news radio, LIPA is so disorganized that many of these crews are sitting idle without repair assignments. I was lucky enough to have power restored for 4 days in the middle before losing it again. There are many people, including some close friends of mine, who have never had power restored since Sandy! The local village where I am a trustee is using the emergency money we build into our annual budget to have crews out with LIPA workers, clearing downed trees so the LIPA crews can get straight to the job of repairing the wires and transformers, and most of our village is still without power. The Mayor cannot get a straight answer out of LIPA about when we can hope to have power restored, so I am not going to get my hopes up. Just have to grin and bear it, I guess.:redface2:
LIFA has, after denying it, admitted that they have run out of telephone poles.

On WFAN, www.wfan.com, normally a sports statione, the afternoon host Mike Francesa (who does not have power) has been beating the drum and hammering LIFA left and right, trying to do whatever he can to exert pressure.

We still don't have power but we're hoping Saturday; there are crews in our area. Regardless, we're going to a hotel for the weekend and next week and if the power comes back fine, but we're not dealing with this anymore. It's been an excruciatingly stressful two weeks. The one thing that has eased, generally, is the gas situation.
You ever think "well, at least it can't get any worse"? I got news for you: it can! I was taking my two dogs out to the Jeep to take them to the dog park to get some exercise when the Husky slipped her lead, went under the fence and jumped in the neighbor's pond. As I ran to get her out, my old dog Bjorn jumped in after her. My neighbor, Nancy was kind enough to bring out some towels to help me dry them off, but with neither power nor heat, I figure they will both catch pneumonia if I don't get them warm and dry. So, as I type this they are both laying right up against the hearth in the living room enjoying the last of the firewood, which I had planned to use to keep us all warm tonight. Well, I guess I will have to play lumberjack and split up some of the logs from the maple tree that came down in the backyard - it isn't a good idea to burn the pine wood from the front yard.
LIFA has, after denying it, admitted that they have run out of telephone poles.

Maybe they should try burying the lines. Then the next time it happens they won't need any poles. It's interesting that this story is now getting very little play in the press. They were on Katrina like a wolverine on a pork chop. Hang in there. It might be a good time to take a vacation. At least it's warming up this weekend.
You ever think "well, at least it can't get any worse"? I got news for you: it can! I was taking my two dogs out to the Jeep to take them to the dog park to get some exercise when the Husky slipped her lead, went under the fence and jumped in the neighbor's pond. As I ran to get her out, my old dog Bjorn jumped in after her. My neighbor, Nancy was kind enough to bring out some towels to help me dry them off, but with neither power nor heat, I figure they will both catch pneumonia if I don't get them warm and dry. So, as I type this they are both laying right up against the hearth in the living room enjoying the last of the firewood, which I had planned to use to keep us all warm tonight. Well, I guess I will have to play lumberjack and split up some of the logs from the maple tree that came down in the backyard - it isn't a good idea to burn the pine wood from the front yard.

I just arrived home from dinner with the in laws, expecting to spend a dark, cold night with the dogs, when I pulled into a driveway lit by the house lights: my power is back on! I turned the boiler on, and the radiators are already getting warm! Hallelujah!
Maybe they should try burying the lines. Then the next time it happens they won't need any poles. It's interesting that this story is now getting very little play in the press. They were on Katrina like a wolverine on a pork chop. Hang in there. It might be a good time to take a vacation. At least it's warming up this weekend.

Fortunately for me, LIFA is in Long Island, not NJ. We've gone to a hotel for the weekend. Everything is booked around here. We got the last room.

We also have a hotel booked for next week, just in case.
JCP&L isn't much better. I have never seen power failures like this in my life. I remember big storms when I was a kid and maybe the power went out for a day. This is what happens when you don't use profits to update your aging infrastructure, and drastically reduce your work force. If this storm is a look of what's coming it will be a long winter. I will be pricing a whole house generator very soon. My power luckily was only out for a day this time, but I know quite a few people who have been out since Sandy. JCP&L has also been lying about restored numbers and dates. They have towns almost fully restored on their web site, and if you drive through them there isn't one light one anywhere.
Maybe they should try burying the lines. Then the next time it happens they won't need any poles. It's interesting that this story is now getting very little play in the press. They were on Katrina like a wolverine on a pork chop. Hang in there. It might be a good time to take a vacation. At least it's warming up this weekend.

Burying the power lines seems like the way to go. Especially in areas where these type of storms have shown themselves.
JCP&L isn't much better. I have never seen power failures like this in my life. I remember big storms when I was a kid and maybe the power went out for a day. This is what happens when you don't use profits to update your aging infrastructure, and drastically reduce your work force. If this storm is a look of what's coming it will be a long winter. I will be pricing a whole house generator very soon. My power luckily was only out for a day this time, but I know quite a few people who have been out since Sandy. JCP&L has also been lying about restored numbers and dates. They have towns almost fully restored on their web site, and if you drive through them there isn't one light one anywhere.
This is sounding like a pretty widespread problem with power companies in general. Our power company, PEPCO, is in the same boat, for the same reasons. Last summers Duracho brought public wrath down on them like nothing else has and even got Montgomery County looking into taking over their own power system. I agree that burying the lines sounds like the best solution but it is going to be incredibly expensive and difficult to achieve. Don't know where the money would come from. Further taxes sure aren't the answer as it is sure to cost billions. -- Al

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