ED. Stug III in grey released (1 Viewer)

....I found this picture it looks grey to me ?? but I am not sure if it was painted originally in dunkelgelb desert RAL 7028 or camoflage????

Vezz, that is from War Thunder, the video game. That is not a picture
Seriously, nobody wants to debate on it?
Camouflage colors from 1942-1943 period is what passionate me, and also what most general public ignore.
Maybe we should create a particular thread to discuss this.
I have just purchased one of those StuG III F, no matter about the Grey color since it will be repainted :smile2:

Instead of asking for images, you should let us know your reference for claiming all Stug III ausf F made from the spring of 1942 were produced in ordnance yellow.
My understanding is that the yellow were exceptions at first. Diverted from Africa and then it was adopted in the field in the Southern sector.

In Central and North they stuck with grey for longer.
Here are three from Franz Kurowski's "STURMGESCHUTZE VOR" Assault Guns to the Front One G and two Fs



Instead of asking for images, you should let us know your reference for claiming all Stug III ausf F made from the spring of 1942 were produced in ordnance yellow.

I never said there were no grey ones, I said it was quite rare to find them, in fact, I have revised my bibliography and now I am sure they were even rarer than I thought.

Looking at the images you guys are posting just reminds me of the frightening-looking lot the Germans were. I bet to those brave souls who encountered them on the battle field they found the German war machines did as much psychological and emotional damage as they caused physical destruction. All by design I suppose.

You said: "Please show me a photo of a StuG III F-F/ 8 where I am not able to see a light base color or camo colors, in other words, tropen I or II combination.... "

Sure sounds you were saying there were none...

There were also vehicles with camo where the base color was gray.

All the ausf Fs were somewhat rare (about 350 of the Fs and 330 of the F/8s built) when compared to around 7700 of the G's, made from late 1942 until the end of the war.
The first Gs were also painted panzer gray.
For what its worth I really like the model and can't work out what all the fuss is about?
A dark brown (Schocolade Brun} was used with Panzer Grau in camouflage patterns early in the war. The dark brown was discontinued after the Polish campaign. Dust greatly reduces the contrast of multicolor camouflage patterns; to a point where one color fades into a secondary color.
I will later tonight if no one does it before then.
It's nicely done.
Can you post a picture of the Eagle paint scheme?

No Sorry....I did not take a before photo....I believe that you can see it in another thread or on e-bay.....Definitely it's lighter faded grey with too much rust effect IMO as was the light grey Tiger ....That's why I repainted it Tamiya German Grey.....EZ to do :salute::
Can you post a picture of the Eagle paint scheme?

No Sorry....I did not take a before photo....I believe that you can see it in another thread or see below post#39.....Definitely it's lighter faded grey with too much rust effect IMO as was the light grey Tiger ....That's why I repainted it Tamiya German Grey.
Funny as I got my copy for repaint it and I was so impressed with the grey weathering that will get another one for a repaint {sm4}

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