Electoral College - scenarios (1 Viewer)

Well from what I can read of the posts a lot of you guys come across as left wing socialist type of guys especially NJJA and Ron.
Or am I misreading things here?
I personally am buying all the toy soldiers I can so I can melt them down into something more civilized and artistic(Kind of like buying live lobsters at restaurants to ship them back to Maine to set them free).

See your quote from TJ... All of us would be enlightened by reading stuff from America's founding father, all of them. Mike
A quick report from the field in Florida - internal tracking has McCain up by 3

I have spent some time going around the State - Florida will go for McCain - I believe - the news media is not giving you a clear picture of whats really happening on the ground here in Florida.

Especially since some new talent has come into the McCain Campaign ;)

I truely believe there will be some surprizes on Election Day.

Got to go - talk with you guys more after the election.
We should have a poll: Obama or McCain. If we did it would have to be anonymous.;)
A quick report from the field in Florida - internal tracking has McCain up by 3

I have spent some time going around the State - Florida will go for McCain - I believe - the news media is not giving you a clear picture of whats really happening on the ground here in Florida.

Especially since some new talent has come into the McCain Campaign ;)

I truely believe there will be some surprizes on Election Day.

Got to go - talk with you guys more after the election.

Can you come to New Jersey soonest to work your magic? We are in need
of sanity up here! Mike
Well from what I can read of the posts a lot of you guys come across as left wing socialist type of guys especially NJJA and Ron.
Or am I misreading things here?


Damian, you're what my mom used to call an instigator!

Running the numbers today it looks like a 298-240 EC advantage for Obama. That's giving Obama the swing states Ohio, PA, Nev, Col. and NM. McCain gets Florida, VA, Missouri and NC. If you give McCain Ohio then it gets interesting at 278-260 for Obama with a state like Colorado or VA maybe deciding the election.
This early voting nonsense is crap! Same with replacing the old mechanical voting booths with PCs-no reason other than change for change' sake. Local, county and state election boards get to do something that means nothing, and just generate attention for themselves.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"
This early voting nonsense is crap! Same with replacing the old mechanical voting booths with PCs-no reason other than change for change' sake. Local, county and state election boards get to do something that means nothing, and just generate attention for themselves.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

I read that some voters in Florida are concerned that early voting is a means to disenfranchise black voters (ie early votes won't be counted). Very strange how these rumors gain traction. You can only imagine the reaction if McCain wins given the polls leading up to this election. Personally, I find it difficult to believe McCain is behind by double digits in places like Virginia. If he wins VA, Ohio, Col, and Florida - we are looking at a potential 269-269 tie! Imagine that chaos.
This early voting nonsense is crap! Same with replacing the old mechanical voting booths with PCs-no reason other than change for change' sake. Local, county and state election boards get to do something that means nothing, and just generate attention for themselves.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"

How is this crap? You're giving people the advantage to vote early and not have to wait on long lines on Tuesday. From the looks of it the lines for the early voting are very long and if everybody were voting only on Tuesday, it could be chaotic and some people might just not bother. This makes the process more orderly and maxmizes the number of people who want to vote. Also, sometimes people's schedules go awry and this gives them an extra opportunity to cast their vote. How can anything that gets people involved in voting (particularly when the percentages of registered voters who vote are so low), the essence of a democracy, be a bad thing? Incidentally, this was used in 2004 but there are just more people taking advantage of it.
Why don't we start collecting ballots as soon as the parties announce their candidates, then? That would be even more convenient. And allow people to change their votes, too?
My comment on this election - I have never seen so much bias in reporting, even Politico admitted it. That being said, the individual who loses this election only has to look in the mirror to find a candidate for blame.

One of the most upsetting parts of this election to this moderate is the amount of outright disinformation spewing from both sides.

The other upsetting prospect to be is to have a government ruled by 1 party, I always have liked the balance that is in place when it is split Dem/Rep, having a one sided government gives the perception of a mandate, when honestly, look at the numbers, neither winning candidate will get 50% of the total vote, that is one thing I think is certain.

Of course, all of this is my opinion, but I think an educated one. I wish in this election, we had the choice "none of the above".
Just wanted to touch base with you all to give you the SITREP on this and a few other threads that have made their way to the forum in the past several months.
In general, we do not want politics discussed on the board. That being said, we understand that all the current economic turbulence coupled with the upcoming major US elections has become more and more a topic of conversation in everyone's daily life.
In these past few months we the admin and mods, have allowed the most general discussion of facts surrounding the above topics to be included in discussion in the miscellaneous section purely because the changing economy does directly impact the toy soldier collecting hobby at all levels and it is very difficult to discuss economic issues without politics creeping in.
Also, in regards to discussing presidential elections, a new US president, after eight years of having the same leader, will have a significant impact both domestically and globally regardless of which candidate is elected, and I realize that members of this global forum have the elections on their minds and that is an important topic to them.
But again, how do you have a conversation about electing political figures without discussing politics?
For the most part members have been doing an admirable job of keeping the topics and posts politically neutral which quite frankly surprised me. However political agendas have been creeping in from time to time and quickly turn the discussion of facts and figures into a discussion of personal and strongly-held opinions which becomes divisive.
The forum’s 'no politics' policy is, at the heart of it, more of a 'no political agenda' policy and we have found that to avoid political discussions on the board altogether seems to be the best way of avoiding politically-charged agenda posts.
We will continue to allow a bit of general discussion of elections etc. so long as the conversation remains neutral. Once the elections are over it will be back to business as usual. After the election I do not want the forum used for grandstanding for people who voted for whoever gets elected, nor do I want to see negative posts from those who supported the losing candidate who are sure the country will collapse and be run into the ground by the new leader’s policy and party.
The bottom line is yes, we have relaxed the rules slightly to include very general and neutral discussion of elections, but this will be short-lived and is not to be taken advantage of to push individual political agendas. As I have posted before, if a person can tell by your post how you would vote, you’ve said too much. If you find your posts on these threads are being edited or deleted you have definitely said too much and need to tone down your rhetoric or drop out of the conversation and get back to toy soldiers.
I got "HOPE."

Geeeeze....the other two history/military forums I'm on went political too. :(
Very likely the 5th.

The checklist is:

Ohio, Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Missouri, Colorado, and Indiana.

McCain has to win these states to have a realistic chance. Given that these are east coast and midwest time zones, we could have a good idea how things are shaping up early on if any of those states are called. PA is another good indicator. McCain can lose there and still have a chance, but given the time his campaign has devoted to PA a big loss margin would not be a good sign for him.
Since all the candidates are here I don't believe this breaks the TF Forum rules. Sent to me by another forum member.

"We're Off to See Washington".......


  • wizardOzSM.jpg
    96.8 KB · Views: 49
I think that's pretty funny.

Looking at the states mentioned by Doug (Combat) and based on the latest CNN polls (conducted October 23-28), Ohio, Indiana, Florida and Missouri are definite possibles for McCain (four point or less spread for Obama; McCain leading in Missouri). However, in Colorado, Virginia and North Carolina, it may be more difficult (6 points in NC, 8 in Colorado and 9 in Virginia). Also, Pennsylvania is still a 12 point lead.

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