Electoral College - scenarios (1 Viewer)

Since all the candidates are here I don't believe this breaks the TF Forum rules. Sent to me by another forum member.

"We're Off to See Washington".......

Who could forget the fuss these caused in 1983 :rolleyes:

Although the proceeds from these are going to charity and a raising some pretty big bucks on ebay


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Politico.com is now reporting that NC is now a tossup as McCain has made up the 6 point gap. Polling is as of October 29.
These polls are really getting wild. CNN is moving McCain's home state of Arizona from "safe" McCain to "leaning" toward McCain.
Politico.com is now reporting that NC is now a tossup as McCain has made up the 6 point gap. Polling is as of October 29.
I frankly think all election polling should be banned until after the election; NO ONE should base their vote on how well or poorly someone is polling and the only way to preserve that is to eliminate the information.;)
I think that's pretty funny.

Looking at the states mentioned by Doug (Combat) and based on the latest CNN polls (conducted October 23-28), Ohio, Indiana, Florida and Missouri are definite possibles for McCain (four point or less spread for Obama; McCain leading in Missouri). However, in Colorado, Virginia and North Carolina, it may be more difficult (6 points in NC, 8 in Colorado and 9 in Virginia). Also, Pennsylvania is still a 12 point lead.

don't believe the polls, it will be a miracle if Obama wins NC. That State historically polls close only to be a clear victory in Red on election night.

don't believe the polls, it will be a miracle if Obama wins NC. That State historically polls close only to be a clear victory in Red on election night.


It's now indicated as too close to call as Obama's lead is within the margin of error. Two northern states, usually safe for Republicans, are now considered leaning to McCain, North Dakota and Montana.

Also, McCain has cut Obama's lead in Pa. to single digits but Obama has increased his lead slightly in Ohio.
Like I said earlier, only poll that matters is the one on election day.
I frankly think all election polling should be banned until after the election; NO ONE should base their vote on how well or poorly someone is polling and the only way to preserve that is to eliminate the information.;)

Fourthed, I think the news has already called the election according to the polls, crazy. I have never seen a more biased press in my short life. WOW.

Again, I am most upset about 1 party rule, not who wins presidency. 1 party rule in my opinion has been a very dangerous scenario as evidenced by history. The old saying, those who fail to....are doomed to repeat....

I do speak from modern experience also, I am in Maryland currenlty under 1 party rule, we have one of the worst per individual tax burdens, it is getting out of control and will be worse after this election. You will also notice that our governor and state legislature have lower approval ratings than the US Congress, that is a feat in itself, and they will be relected as the blind keep leading the blind here.

I only hope this doesn't happen nationally.

I lived in Laurel and Elkridge for ten years. Why do you think I left ? (Never mind that I jumped out of the pan into the fire by moving back to New Jersey's Workers Part State)
I lived in Laurel and Elkridge for ten years. Why do you think I left ? (Never mind that I jumped out of the pan into the fire by moving back to New Jersey's Workers Part State)

I hear ya! IF it wasn't for family roots and employment, I would love to leave!

Polling is inevitable like seeing fat people in bathing suits. The larger problem is that society has significantly dumbed down in an increasingly complex world. Recent political campaigns are geared toward complete morons with the meaningless slogans and scare tactics. Political campaigns have always been superficial, but the campaigns of recent years set new lows. Secondly, there is a very real and increasingly ugly cultural divide in this country. Elections are hard fought, but when all is said and done americans used to move on for the common good. I think this current divide began with the bad blood between parties from the Clinton years that spilled over to the Bush election scenario in 2000. I don't think the country has regained its balance yet.
As a captive of the Socialist County of Montgomery in the Free State, I too am constantly frustrated by the red star that our county "leaders" and state government representatives have burned into their foreheads. Where is Ted Agnew when we need him? -- lancer
Running the numbers today it is a 311-227 advantage for Obama. That's giving Obama the swing states of: Ohio, VA, PA, NM, Col, and NV. McCain gets: FLA, Missouri, Indiana and NC. Interesting to see how the actual numbers will compare.

Happy voting to one and all.

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