Eyes on WWII GERMANS (2 Viewers)


First Sergeant
Jul 25, 2007
I dont have any FL figures yet.. But does anybody think the eyes are too big on the figures ?
this is a joke, yes? a real good new years joke, right?

well yes, the eyes are tooo big, actually you only see eyes, no face

could actually also be because they are painted without these ugly black lines delimiting body parts, clothes etc so that if you are not used too, you cannot differentiate all details...maybe better not buy these disproportionate figures and stick to other brands
I dont have any FL figures yet.. But does anybody think the eyes are too big on the figures ?

Hi, I must ask since you don't own any of these fine figures on what you are basing your statement that that the eyes are to big ? I would suggest to you that you take some money and order one of these fine figures from First Legions web site, then place it next to Figures in your current collection of WWII germans. Take a long hard look at the difference between the two then you will be in a position to make an educated statement as concerning the quality of First legions figures . If you still think it warrants such a statement compared to the others then post it again , I'm sure once you see them close up you will have nothing to say but ...I WANT MORE !! I'm sorry but It is always people who don't own First legion products that make such statements and its getting pretty ****ing old.;) At least to me it . Happy collecting Gebhard
I'm sorry but It is always people who don't own First legion products that make such statements and its getting pretty ****ing old.;) At least to me it . Happy collecting Gebhard

No Gebhard, you are not alone - but this one is new, so it is kind of refreshing...changes from price, scale and weight :D.....Frohes Neues Jahr by the way ;)
You are right, a serious question deserves a serious and civilised response: No dear "daruss", I do not think that the eyes are too big - neither on the WWII figures, nor on the Naps, nor on the Naps horses, nor on the Samurai, nor on any figure of the upcoming lines. Hope the above response calmes your anxiety. Warmest personal regards, Steve
No Gebhard, you are not alone - but this one is new, so it is kind of refreshing...changes from price, scale and weight :D.....Frohes Neues Jahr by the way ;)

Tag Steve ,
Danke, gleichfalls !
Are you trying for your own line too?:D
Just because a person doesn't own figures doesn't mean they are not entitled to an opinion.
It was not an opinion but a question - which was responded to in full detail.
Daruss,I don't own any FL figs but have examined them first hand a lot,and the eyes and faces look fine to me.:cool:

Chill people! This is not a joke, and not an opinion! I just want to know everything before i spend money on these figures! I was asking other peoples' opinion before i went ahead with a purchase.. I have been burned so many times before.. There is another company out there - which in my opinion - tends to make some of the heads too big, and in my opinion tends to make the MP40's too big!
Thanks and happy new year!
I have seen them in person and they look fine to me.

Forlornhoper, your non-FL comment has nothing to do with this thread. If you have a problem with the moderation, you probably ought to discuss with the Council.
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Chill people! This is not a joke, and not an opinion! I just want to know everything before i spend money on these figures! I was asking other peoples' opinion before i went ahead with a purchase.. I have been burned so many times before.. There is another company out there - which in my opinion - tends to make some of the heads too big, and in my opinion tends to make the MP40's too big!
Thanks and happy new year!

Daruss, You will not regret purchasing these figures... they are a little pricey...BUT.......You will like them. The realism and detail is excellent..you will NOT be disappointed........No kidding....Vezzolf
Daruss, You will not regret purchasing these figures... they are a little pricey...BUT.......You will like them. The realism and detail is excellent..you will NOT be disappointed........No kidding....Vezzolf

I think the FL figures are the most detailed of any of the manufacturers. And the eyes are the right size and very realistic. I just don't like the way they follow me when I move around the display. :eek::D:D

As I've stated in the past I feel these are the finest WWII figures available. The sculpting, painting, posing, proportioning and historical accuracy are all excellent.

I have almost all of the figures released so far and I have no regrets.
this is a joke, yes? a real good new years joke, right?

well yes, the eyes are tooo big, actually you only see eyes, no face

could actually also be because they are painted without these ugly black lines delimiting body parts, clothes etc so that if you are not used too, you cannot differentiate all details...maybe better not buy these disproportionate figures and stick to other brands

Maybe a slight over reaction to a very legitimate question ?

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