Eyes on WWII GERMANS (1 Viewer)

Ownership is not a requirement to comment on a manufacturer or to compare different manufacturers. Discussion is often the precursor to making a buy/not buy decision. However, it is true as you say that there are a few individuals, and only a few, that seem to only attack FL as there are a few that routinely attack K&C. I think it is also true that there are a few, and only a few, defenders of FL who over-react to even the hint of criticism of FL pieces. There are lots of criticisms on the K&C, Figarti and CS threads that do not elicit this type of defensive reaction.

I don't know why the question about the eyes came up - the eyes on the FL figures I have seen in person and in photos have have only ever looked normal. But I believe it was a legitimate question from a person who does not appear to have a history of attacking FL. The question may seem silly to some, but there was probably a reason for the question, and it was a question - not an accusation.

Some people have said they are tired of the same old attacks. Well, I am tired of the same old defensive reactions.

If it continues, I may be forced to conduct a comparison of eye measurement ratios between FL, K&C, Figarti, HB and CS figures. :eek::D:DAnd nobody wants that.

Well interestingly there are many forms of over reaction and in all fairness this can be taken as one of those forms.;) I think it is fair to say that every manufacturer has defenders and critics who post before they think or perhaps post with the intent of initiating a pyrotechnic display. Do you honestly think a post on the K&C or CS forums, for example, would have not elicited a similar defensive response? If so, I have some swamp land I would be happy to trade.:D

I agree that the question here was legitimate and in no way ill intended and that some of the responses assumed otherwise. Does that mean those who collect products from this line are more aggressively protective of their favorite company than others; I think not.:rolleyes: People are people and they tend to be consistent with their behavior. There is likely no public forum where the statements of some are not tiresome to others. This place is no different and this is certainly not a FL related phenomena, defensive or otherwise.;)

I would be pleased to see your comparison however. Information is never bad unless it is bad information.;):D Regrettably for some, that includes information that contradicts their point of view.:)

I would just add that the eyes of the FL figures I have appear quite proportional to the rest of the figures.
Well interestingly there are many forms of over reaction and in all fairness this can be taken as one of those forms.;) I think it is fair to say that every manufacturer has defenders and critics who post before they think or perhaps post with the intent of initiating a pyrotechnic display. Do you honestly think a post on the K&C or CS forums, for example, would have not elicited a similar defensive response? If so, I have some swamp land I would be happy to trade.:D

I agree that the question here was legitimate and in no way ill intended and that some of the responses assumed otherwise. Does that mean those who collect products from this line are more aggressively protective of their favorite company than others; I think not.:rolleyes: People are people and they tend to be consistent with their behavior. There is likely no public forum where the statements of some are not tiresome to others. This place is no different and this is certainly not a FL related phenomena, defensive or otherwise.;)

I would be pleased to see your comparison however. Information is never bad unless it is bad information.;):D Regrettably for some, that includes information that contradicts their point of view.:)

I would just add that the eyes of the FL figures I have appear quite proportional to the rest of the figures.

I agree for the most part. It's just that I don't remember such strong responses which immediately assume an attack and respond in such a sarcastic and belittling manner on the other manufacturers threads. And there has recently been a fair bit of criticism of K&C (historical inaccuracies, bending crusader ladder), Figarti (quality control, historical inaccuracies) and CS (whitewash) without people leaping to their defense and with the responses sticking to the issue.

And I would happily trade for some swampland. The ground here is frozen solid at -20 C :D

Hi, thanks for the info! I was a little suprised i got flamed,, I just wanted to be sure of everything before i purchased. Im a bit of a critic.. I have been burned by some other companies that don't get things right such as historical accuraices and sizes etc..
My only real problem with FL is the pricing on the AFV's @ $300 is too high. I understand it is high quality, but that price is too much for the middle class, im my opinion. Especially since some people need multiple AFV's for a diorama..

Hi Daruss,

I haven't seen any FL WWII figures "in the flesh", but I have seen some of their earliest NAP releases in another collector's collection, and I was able to study them closely....my opinion on those Bavarian figures was that they were the most stunning military miniatures I had seen to date (barring Aeroart) across all of the typical categorical concerns, including proportion and eyes. They produce strikingly beautiful figures.

I hope to some day add some FL figures to my collection....I have my fingers crossed for the announcement of their next line.....this is an exciting manufacturer who, even in these incredibly difficult economic times, continues to expand. That really says something.

Sorry you got flamed by others for asking an innocent question.

Peace - Joe
Hi, thanks for the info! I was a little suprised i got flamed,, I just wanted to be sure of everything before i purchased. Im a bit of a critic.. I have been burned by some other companies that don't get things right such as historical accuraices and sizes etc..
My only real problem with FL is the pricing on the AFV's @ $300 is too high. I understand it is high quality, but that price is too much for the middle class, im my opinion. Especially since some people need multiple AFV's for a diorama..

The FL AFVs are relatively expensive, but some of the more detailed Figarti pieces are very close to $300 at $269 and $289, although they do have many at close to $200. So FL isn't the only one with expensive AFVs. And Figarti has recently had some quality control issues, which FL has not. But yes, the CS and K&C AFVs and the some of the lower priced Figartis are more affordable.

See Guys this is what gets old . What started out as a supposed question about eyes has spread in the last couple of post to Scale , Price and the only one missing now would be weight ,From the list of what has been beat to death by both sides of the coin . Happy collecting : )
I agree for the most part. It's just that I don't remember such strong responses which immediately assume an attack and respond in such a sarcastic and belittling manner on the other manufacturers threads. And there has recently been a fair bit of criticism of K&C (historical inaccuracies, bending crusader ladder), Figarti (quality control, historical inaccuracies) and CS (whitewash) without people leaping to their defense and with the responses sticking to the issue.

And I would happily trade for some swampland. The ground here is frozen solid at -20 C :D

Well my memory differs I guess. I think you will find it in at least equal measure for the others, perhaps with different cycles or timing. I must say part of it relates to the way the "question" is phrased or labeled and the recent experience of those reading it. Given the obviously offensive notions advanced by some on the scale, price and weight categories it is not completely surprising that this question was initially regarded with some skepticism.;)

Darius I do not think you were flammed, perhaps unduely suspected but then not everyone here has clean hands. I am glad you got your answer. As to price, we all have to decide our priorities and higher cost items perforce require more difficult choices, even where as here they are most definitely also higher value. I am certain you would not be disappointed with these products and sadly their cost is simply a pre-requisite of their quality. Such is life.
See Guys this is what gets old . What started out as a supposed question about eyes has spread in the last couple of post to Scale , Price and the only one missing now would be weight ,From the list of what has been beat to death by both sides of the coin . Happy collecting : )

Nothing has spread. The scale comment was a joke (a typically bad one from Wraith :D ). The price comment was one person's opinion and he didn't say the FL model wasn't worth the price, just that it was expensive, and it is at the top end of the pricing scale. :):cool:

Nothing has spread. The scale comment was a joke (a typically bad one from Wraith :D ). The price comment was one person's opinion and he didn't say the FL model wasn't worth the price, just that it was expensive, and it is at the top end of the pricing scale. :):cool:


Thanks for backing me up Terry.. If you look at my history of posts, i keep them pretty much in a related subject matter.. I don't think i deviated all too much,, Ill say it again, just like to have all the facts before i make some purchases.Thanks....
Oh Terry your also my Hero ! I'm not sure how you can twist someone saying its too expensive as meaning anything other then it not being worth it:confused::confused:, but I must bow to you . It seems that you know all and are the final authority on everything and you have a fan club at that . All the best Gebhard
Oh Terry your also my Hero ! I'm not sure how you can twist someone saying its too expensive as meaning anything other then it not being worth it:confused::confused:, but I must bow to you . It seems that you know all and are the final authority on everything and you have a fan club at that . All the best Gebhard

Cmon guys, Terry honestly is pretty fair across the board. I think the comment Darrus made was it was too expensive for his collection which in no way means or implies it is not worth it. Worth is a personal matter to begin with which will generate 100 different answers for a 100 different folks, none of which are wrong!

Matt at FL has I believe consistently stated that this is the price point FL is at and if you like it, can afford it, then buy it. I think this is fair as it is his Company and business and he wants it to be successful, this is his price point in order to do that. No harm, no foul.

I think that its great that some of you guys are truly passionnate about a product, that's what keeps the hobby expanding and growing, I just don't think we need to be in such attack mode everytime there is a critque or opinion, positive or negative.

My unsolicited 2 cents. To quote one of my favorite movies, "Moriarty, there you go again with those negative waves". Let's keep those waves off the forum!

Hi, thanks for the info! I was a little suprised i got flamed,, I just wanted to be sure of everything before i purchased. Im a bit of a critic.. I have been burned by some other companies that don't get things right such as historical accuraices and sizes etc..
My only real problem with FL is the pricing on the AFV's @ $300 is too high. I understand it is high quality, but that price is too much for the middle class, im my opinion. Especially since some people need multiple AFV's for a diorama..

Hi Daruss, You're certainly welcome for what little info I could provide. If you do jump in and purchase some FL figures and/or AFV's, could you please let us know your opinion? I've been seriously considering buying a WWII Russian or two, but I must be very careful about all discretionary spending this year, as perhaps many of us do. When I find a new product I like, I tend to go overboard and spend irresponsibly sometimes. From the reports and photos of the FL WWII soldiers, I know I would have a hard time limiting my spending. So I will hold off a little longer until they announce their next line. Because if I jump in w/ their Stalingrad line and then they announce a forthcoming line of more of a personal primary interest, then I would be in quite a qaundary, because once I start collecting a line, I monetarily find it hard to commit to another line simultaneously. It's like fighting a war (a fun war albeit :D) on two fronts :eek:! :p Anyways, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm trying to reserve my 2010 purchases only for things that are on my "most wanted list" (ie: Crusaders, ancient Greeks, Romans, WWII US soldiers [Pacific figures would be great but I'm guessing are not likely], various medieval subjects, and I'd love to see what FL could do with WWI!). With that being said, enjoy your next purchase or round of purchases, whichever they may be!


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