Facebook Exposed (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Oct 3, 2009
Interesting how main stream media have suddenly revealed to the masses the fact 'Facebook's' been trading members personal data for some time now.

Gee whiz that's a surprise, next thing they're going to announce with great fanfare Google has been sharing it too.

The cheek of it.
Anyone who wasn't aware of things like this just wasn't paying attention.

I recommend reading Franklin Foer's "World Without Mind".

As the Baron says, this is not old news; they're basically a data aggregator, which they sell to third parties.

I recommend reading Scott Galloway's The Four, which shows how FB, Amazon, Apple and Google have taken over our lives and become all pervasive.
As the Baron says, this is not old news; they're basically a data aggregator, which they sell to third parties.

I recommend reading Scott Galloway's The Four, which shows how FB, Amazon, Apple and Google have taken over our lives and become all pervasive.

I am in the Tech industry so like others this is not breaking news for me either. Years ago I stripped my FB account to the bare minimum.

I find it amazing how often people say the main stream media doesn’t cover something and the first 10 search items are the MSM covering that thing ad nauseum. MSM is not a conspiracy, it’s a business.
Anyone who wasn't aware of things like this just wasn't paying attention.

Absolutely. What is new is the exposing of third parties benefiting. "At the heart of the matter lies the question of why Facebook's senior leadership allowed Cambridge Analytica and the SCL Group to upload their voter data onto Facebook servers using Facebook's Custom Audiences features during the summer of 2016. Indeed, we now know that Facebook embedded staff to work alongside the San Antonio–based digital team, so it is difficult to imagine how Facebook didn't know that its terms of services were being breeched."
I find it amazing how often people say the main stream media doesn’t cover something and the first 10 search items are the MSM covering that thing ad nauseum. MSM is not a conspiracy, it’s a business.
What is MSM?
i don't know why anyone would think their data is not being shared. The state of Florida used to sell personnal info such as tel numbers from their data banks to tele marketing cos. :rolleyes2: Chris
Absolutely. What is new is the exposing of third parties benefiting. "At the heart of the matter lies the question of why Facebook's senior leadership allowed Cambridge Analytica and the SCL Group to upload their voter data onto Facebook servers using Facebook's Custom Audiences features during the summer of 2016. Indeed, we now know that Facebook embedded staff to work alongside the San Antonio–based digital team, so it is difficult to imagine how Facebook didn't know that its terms of services were being breeched."

That's the irony of it all, Facebook along with many others are complicit and actively sharing data with other parties and have been from the beginning. The lies and deceit within senior management of these companies is astounding and demonstrates their are no limits when it comes to making money are gaining control.

The internet is the greatest intelligent gathering tool the world has ever seen and ripe for exploitation. What cracks me up is the way MSM have 'revealed 'Facebooks' involvement this week and the way Zuckerburg has reacted to it all. Hilarious, the man deserves an Oscar.

As others have said MSM is a business and you don't have to look far as to see who runs those businesses.

If folks believe their data is safe when using these sites, they're in La La Land and anyone relying in MSM to keep them up to date with whats really going on in the world needs to look a little harder at what they are being shown.....
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An interesting movie to watch is "The Circle". The Circle is the name of a very powerful technological and social media company that is somewhat like Google and Facebook . . . . What the founders of this company develop and how they use it is very troubling to say the least . . . . .

:smile2: Mike
I have seen The Circle...
what a controlling organization...an information age thriller...
I like Tom Hanks...also Bill Paxton...
a good watch that should scare you...
Look at the proxy statement, available through the SEC’s EDGAR website.

I am happy to report I do not have any social media. Yup, no facebook, tweeters, insta-fame, kik, snap shat or any of it. I said this before, I wrote a paper a long, long time ago in a galaxy far a way that scared the hell out of me and the internet, circa 2002...I think. Anywho, short of this forum being hacked with all of our rants and raves about on Toy soldiers, foootball and stuff, I think we are safe from being exposed or hacked by that Russians. I really don't think the MSM or the world gives two hoots about ZB Lang's collection or Mike Miller's new girlfriend. BUT, I could be wrong and scandal could embroil us.

Can't wait to watch 60 minutes manana...ooooo juicy!!!

John from Texas

I am happy to report I do not have any social media. Yup, no facebook, tweeters, insta-fame, kik, snap shat or any of it. I said this before, I wrote a paper a long, long time ago in a galaxy far a way that scared the hell out of me and the internet, circa 2002...I think. Anywho, short of this forum being hacked with all of our rants and raves about on Toy soldiers, foootball and stuff, I think we are safe from being exposed or hacked by that Russians. I really don't think the MSM or the world gives two hoots about ZB Lang's collection or Mike Miller's new girlfriend. BUT, I could be wrong and scandal could embroil us.

Can't wait to watch 60 minutes manana...ooooo juicy!!!

John from Texas

Agreed John mate, sadly there is always some idiot out there trying to 'nick your stuff' for the greater good or for whatever reason they dream up.........

It never ceases to amaze me what some folks will do to screw over the next guy to gain an edge.

Thank goodness for TS. :salute::
As a facebook success dropout after a year I had no problem,,I do return to visit all the soldier,,modeling ,,military sites I hope never leave
I never joined Facebook [even Myspace or Friends Reunited] and I do not Tweet. I am a bit about concerned about Amazon, google or Ebay, but I screw with all of them by searching for and looking at some weird non-related stuff to screw up their algorisms, plus taking nothing extra, no quiz's surveys etc. The main thing I think about is the Echo Dot, Sonos, Siri, etc. They are listening all the time. Have a listen/watch Bill Maher on the YouTube clip below,


I am happy to report I do not have any social media. Yup, no facebook, tweeters, insta-fame, kik, snap shat or any of it. I said this before, I wrote a paper a long, long time ago in a galaxy far a way that scared the hell out of me and the internet, circa 2002...I think. Anywho, short of this forum being hacked with all of our rants and raves about on Toy soldiers, foootball and stuff, I think we are safe from being exposed or hacked by that Russians. I really don't think the MSM or the world gives two hoots about ZB Lang's collection or Mike Miller's new girlfriend. BUT, I could be wrong and scandal could embroil us.

Can't wait to watch 60 minutes manana...ooooo juicy!!!

John from Texas

So who is Mike Miller's new girlfriend? I want to share that with a few select 50,000 followers^&grin..Michael

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