Figarti Long Tom: Paint Flaking (2 Viewers)

Yes, Brad "you hit the nail on the head" seems that there was no primer under the paint.....only bear metal....Just another example of "poor quality control" by Figarti.....We should not have to apply dull-cote to Figarti models to keep the paint adhered ......Figarti should properly prep their models before painting them....I am calling out Rick on this one.....Rick Please respond....or if you would like you can send me a private message regarding this....I await your response........Thank you Vezzolf

I use to play The Warhammer Range( 40k and Fantasy), where You paint it yourself and Where a sealant (dullcoat), Is a must. as far as paint flaking Off. Its not just Figarti. I have enough of a collection from most makers. so I have fixed, quite a few (again, since I painted before. I can pretty much match any military color).
But, there is a question that remains. WHY BUY Figarti??, as some has mentioned there has been a bit of problems of one thing or another. Why do we risk in buying one??. Maybe, Because it is one of the best. And that Figarti, has done quite a bit of the pieces,That we have been Yearning for so many years.
We have been "shocked and awed" with some of the pieces that they have made. They fixed the packaging Problems, In most parts. They are trying in most parts to get better. and has succeeded in most. Figarti, makes 98 to 107 pieces of each model. How many of those Long toms, Got bought, and had problems?. I am not making Excuses for them. because as everyone said, At a certain amount, Things Should not happen.
I am just saying that with The all the great things, That Figarti makes. a problem might be part of the experience of having One. Unitil we ourselves, makes sure that forthe sake of our sanity. Add a little protection, when we get a perfect one. we put Our pieces on a glass case, someplace a little out of the way, Maybe leave it in the box, to only be seen when we want to. So it can be protected. So for me it is a paint sealant (dullcoat), is my way of lessening the stress. My opinion only of course. And one more thing the paint adheres to the primer, but there is still no protection for the paint.
I have their Lee tank, but I totally repainted it, so does my positive experience count? Like some, I have been painting for years and am able to match any color and most techniques. One must admit that Figarti does give us the most variety of any mfg.( vehicles )..Michael
I use to play The Warhammer Range( 40k and Fantasy), where You paint it yourself and Where a sealant (dullcoat), Is a must. as far as paint flaking Off. Its not just Figarti. I have enough of a collection from most makers. so I have fixed, quite a few (again, since I painted before. I can pretty much match any military color).
But, there is a question that remains. WHY BUY Figarti??, as some has mentioned there has been a bit of problems of one thing or another. Why do we risk in buying one??. Maybe, Because it is one of the best. And that Figarti, has done quite a bit of the pieces,That we have been Yearning for so many years.
We have been "shocked and awed" with some of the pieces that they have made. They fixed the packaging Problems, In most parts. They are trying in most parts to get better. and has succeeded in most. Figarti, makes 98 to 107 pieces of each model. How many of those Long toms, Got bought, and had problems?. I am not making Excuses for them. because as everyone said, At a certain amount, Things Should not happen.
I am just saying that with The all the great things, That Figarti makes. a problem might be part of the experience of having One. Unitil we ourselves, makes sure that forthe sake of our sanity. Add a little protection, when we get a perfect one. we put Our pieces on a glass case, someplace a little out of the way, Maybe leave it in the box, to only be seen when we want to. So it can be protected. So for me it is a paint sealant (dullcoat), is my way of lessening the stress. My opinion only of course. And one more thing the paint adheres to the primer, but there is still no protection for the paint.

First of all....let me emphatically say " I Totally Disagree with You"....Not placing primer under the paint is a major blunder by Figarti.....At over $250 a purchase I do not exspect these problems NO ONE SHOULD ACCEPT THIS AS STATUS collection is in a curio cabinet and "Very Seldom Handled" if at all......Customers should not have to apply anything to Figarti models to make up for poor quality control:mad::mad:......ALSO.....I have not had paint flaking off any other manufacturer's products......
I've had paint flaking from only one AFV, the Figarti Texas Special Priest, but have heard of this paint problem from other collectors. And I agree, peeling paint should not happen and there should be no need to coat a model to protect it.

I wonder if the manufacturer's defect problems with figarti are because they produce the models in their own factory rather than have outside companies make them. Perhaps they have not yet developed the experience of the for hire manufacturers.

That maybe so Terry....but I wish Rick would address these issues on this thread... I have sent an e-mail to his attention at Figarti....To determine what can be done to re-restore my Long Tom Gun....Hopefully there will be a reasonable solution....As I said it is one of my favorite Figarti pieces....
My Firefly tank has paint flaking off the fender.

Well I'll be darned. Mine too.

However, I have tried scratching other parts of the vehicle & the paint holds up without question. So I don't think we need fear that we are going to wake up one morning & find all the paint falling off the models.

Could be the brand of paint too. Hobby paints aren't Rustoleum tough. They're delicate paints meant for static displays; not something that gets painted, handled, boxed, bounced, rubbed, flown in a cargo bay for 20hrs at extreme temperature & pressure changes, etc. I think it would benefit Figarti to put out a little handout on how to do minor repairs step by step. Still with Figarti
Wow some of you guys are really understanding. Personally this would not be acceptable. Just like the rims rusting on my new car, back to the dealers it went !!
I would advise patience & understanding on this issue. K&C went through the exact same quality control issues over many many years, and I still get minor defects in their products occasionally. Figarti is new, and I can see nothing from this company other than the desire to please.
I, like others, have had problems with Figarti products, mainly damage in shipping. But since Figarti was a new company and the fact Rick has always attempted to make things right, I never posted my concerns on this forum.
But now after reading from other members about their various paint problems, I,m truely concerned about all my Figarti pieces. Will they start flakeing paint in the future? I,ve got a ton of money invested in Figarti products and this could be disastrous!
I too hope Rick addresses this problem on the forum.
I will say it again, when I pay hundreds of dollars for an item, there is no way in hell that I should make any repairs or corrections, period!
Manufacturer's Defects should NOT be the problem of the consumer....As I have said I do NOT handle my collection....they are in a curio cabinet......NO EXCUSE for paint flaking......The metal under Figarti items needs to be "prepped properly" for the paint to adhere....This is a problem that Figarti needs to address.....Sweeping the problem under the rug does no good.....I have many Figarti products 9 AFV's to be exact.....Last I checked the coins I paid were not defective....I exspect no less from the product I pay for.....I hope I will not see this ocuuring on my other purchases which are sitting "unhandled" in the curio cabinet.....CONCERNED:(:(
their various paint problems, I,m truely concerned about all my Figarti pieces. Will they start flakeing paint in the future?

I suspect that the tanks are primered but they are not getting complete coverage during the spraying-so you're not going to have that problem. I learned that lesson the hard way too...never do less than perfect coverage during spray primering. If two coats of spray leaves gaps, I hand brush the holes with brush primer.
I don’t collect Figarti vehicles or figures, but I thought I would give a painters perspective from someone who has painted many thousands of white metal figures over a 35 year period.
I have used a car primer to undercoat castings – usually a light grey colour, for the last 20 years or so, before that a matt white finish. This not only covers casting imperfections etc. but also gives a firm base for the paint to adhere to. But I have also painted on raw white metal (which is a bad practice in itself as the surface of white metal castings tend to be quite rough and leads to excessive brush wear and tear), which I have cleaned in white spirit to remove oily finger marks and other decontaminants. I have never had one case of paint flaking in all this time.
Therefore I wonder if the problem is contamination in some form or another of the white metal castings before the painting stage?

Therefore I wonder if the problem is contamination in some form or another of the white metal castings before the painting stage?


Excellent point. The castings have to be perfectly clean before we can think of perfectly priming.
Whatever the reason???? Figarti needs to address this issue....I re-refer to my prior posts on this thread......
There seems to be increasing anxiety that Rick hasn't responded to this issue within 24 hours of the first post.
As we all know he is a keen advocate of customer support and service but bear in mind that it is Chinese New year and the factories are closed with workers returning to their families (including Rick)
I am sure he will address these concerns once he is aware.
it maybe he has to investigate at the factory,who knows?
Keep the faith.
There seems to be increasing anxiety that Rick hasn't responded to this issue within 24 hours of the first post.
As we all know he is a keen advocate of customer support and service but bear in mind that it is Chinese New year and the factories are closed with workers returning to their families (including Rick)
I am sure he will address these concerns once he is aware.
it maybe he has to investigate at the factory,who knows?
Keep the faith.

OK Fair Enough....
Dear Collectors,

Clive has brought to my attention on issue with paint flake, I am currently traveling on Chinese New Years and I am sorry for not responding sooner.

As for the problem, we have had issues with paint flakes in the past on certain items and after investigating, we found that the problem was caused by paint mixture where proportional mix was incorrect. We attempted to fix this issue by asking our paint supplier to pre-mix before shipping to us but as often experienced in China, not all paint came pre-mixed. So we again reverted back to mixing ourselves and thought the problem was fixed. But then paint flake continued on several other items and we began to suspect deliberate intentions by perhaps a disgruntle worker. To cut to the chase, ONE worker was discontent with management and unwillingly admitted to the crime. (Don't worry guys, I did not use unnecessary roughness to get him to confess!) The worker was let go (Not fired because of China laws) but bottom line, the problem is fixed!

However, it really doesn't matter what the reasons were, the fact is that you were disappointed and that does not sit well with me. So for those of you with paint flake issues that need our help to resolve, please private message me and we will find a solution. In the mean time, rest assure new production will not have these issues and if they do arise again, we will certainly take full responsibility.

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Chinese New Year of the "Tiger" !

Thank you for supporting Figarti.


PS- Terry, don't read into the "Tiger" :)
How's that for standing behind your product? Figarti are nearly unrivaled in
many realms, first and foremost in the customer support provided by Rick, Peter and the whole team. Their foundation is built on the integrity of such individuals. And it seems to me as more time passes, the fewer actual "bumps in the road" there are. The growing pains are diminishing, and the lessons learned from them are valuable to this young, vibrant company. They do not look the other way when a problem arises. Rather, they want to know if there is a problem so that they can identify it and eradicate its reoccurrence. Figarti is one hard working, honest entity that I really have faith in and enjoy supporting. If there is an issue w/ one of their products, they work diligently towards finding a corrective solution. If they are given time to respond this becomes quite apparent.


Dear Collectors,

Clive has brought to my attention on issue with paint flake, I am currently traveling on Chinese New Years and I am sorry for not responding sooner.

As for the problem, we have had issues with paint flakes in the past on certain items and after investigating, we found that the problem was caused by paint mixture where proportional mix was incorrect. We attempted to fix this issue by asking our paint supplier to pre-mix before shipping to us but as often experienced in China, not all paint came pre-mixed. So we again reverted back to mixing ourselves and thought the problem was fixed. But then paint flake continued on several other items and we began to suspect deliberate intentions by perhaps a disgruntle worker. To cut to the chase, ONE worker was discontent with management and unwillingly admitted to the crime. (Don't worry guys, I did not use unnecessary roughness to get him to confess!) The worker was let go (Not fired because of China laws) but bottom line, the problem is fixed!

However, it really doesn't matter what the reasons were, the fact is that you were disappointed and that does not sit well with me. So for those of you with paint flake issues that need our help to resolve, please private message me and we will find a solution. In the mean time, rest assure new production will not have these issues and if they do arise again, we will certainly take full responsibility.

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Chinese New Year of the "Tiger" !

Thank you for supporting Figarti.


PS- Terry, don't read into the "Tiger" :)
First of all....let me emphatically say " I Totally Disagree with You"....Not placing primer under the paint is a major blunder by Figarti.....At over $250 a purchase I do not exspect these problems NO ONE SHOULD ACCEPT THIS AS STATUS collection is in a curio cabinet and "Very Seldom Handled" if at all......Customers should not have to apply anything to Figarti models to make up for poor quality control:mad::mad:......ALSO.....I have not had paint flaking off any other manufacturer's products......

WS047, Paint chip just behind the Barrel. where the bigger part goes narrow.
Fixed with Combination Of flames of war and games Workshop paints.
BBA05, Paint chip On Left fender. Fixed with Mixture Of Flames of War paint.
To name two pieces. It happens.
And if You read all of my threads , I did say it should Never happen. and that If no primer was Used. then The paint does not have anything to adhere to. I Do Share Your Pain About though, Having To deal with Paint Flaking/ Peeling off. That is The Lee that I like So much, I can never Have. just because that particular Set. I had problems with Twice. I am lucky that the problems was there on the onset, and Not after. Because As you, Every dollar I spend, needs to be that much more perfect.
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Does this mean you have to ship a defective piece back to China for repaint? That would subject it to additional shipping/handling risks. This lone saboteur has dealt a heavy blow to Figarti.
Has anyone experienced flaking on the M3A halftrack? So far, mine seems fine.

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