Figarti-New Karl Morser (Pictures) (2 Viewers)

Why is no one posting photos of their Karl Morser?
Very nice! What exactly was this piece? I have not heard a single word regarding the history of the Karl Morser?
Very nice pic. looking forward to getting mine. Karl mosar was a mobile heavy bombardment peice used for destroying heavy fortifications and cities.
With out a doubt, Just by the pictures It looks real Impressive. I just wish I had the Funds To get every set that goes with it.

I finally picked Up My piece, And it is such a Unique and great looking piece, Well worth the Wait and the price.
And while I was picking it Up, I made a comment, That My dissapointment of another Manufacturers "88"(with the waiting, because of the breakage issues that I was reading) Pushed me into buying The Karl Morser. And She commented, That this is one of a Kind, that Figarti Might be the only one that will do it. I guess made the purchase more special.
My next Buy will be the Locomotive, If it is still available when I do have the funds. If not the carrier. Almost is as beautiful, as the picture. Thanks again Tommy for posting the picture.
I certainly don't think we will see this made again unless, Figarti do a series two and repaint it in late war camo colours
Tommy, thanks for posting the picture. It does Look great. doesn't it!! I really need to pick up mine.:eek:

Tommy, i believe the piece you are using as a support of the barrel is supposed to go in the slot in the barrel to close off the barrel once loaded. I would think that otherwise, the load would fall out again ....

General observations: I can highly recommend this piece. Is this the best AFV ever, no. But very impressive and well done.
Tommy, i believe the piece you are using as a support of the barrel is supposed to go in the slot in the barrel to close off the barrel once loaded. I would think that otherwise, the load would fall out again ....

General observations: I can highly recommend this piece. Is this the best AFV ever, no. But very impressive and well done.

Thank you so much for bring that to my attention.
There is little to add to Tommy's excellent picture but possibly some details of Karl and his crew:





... and perhaps a tip for some of the "Karl" owners - there is little use in trying to bend the arms of the mechanics, particularly of the one who is on the right in my pictures :eek:, but rather bend the wheel...

It works well, Tommy. ^&grin

But does not help with the figure leaning over the railing ... :rolleyes2:
Great photos guys,
Really looks like an impressive piece. Figures look good too. I wonder how the loader will look?
There is little to add to Tommy's excellent picture but possibly some details of Karl and his crew:





... and perhaps a tip for some of the "Karl" owners - there is little use in trying to bend the arms of the mechanics, particularly of the one who is on the right in my pictures :eek:, but rather bend the wheel...

It works well, Tommy. ^&grin

But does not help with the figure leaning over the railing ... :rolleyes2:
My corrected photo thanks to your help. Great detail photos.
All great Pictures!! I can not get enough of this piece. Through the pics, and looking at it for real.:smile2:
For reasons of completeness: apparently, Figarti is issuing figures that will go either exclusively or rather well with the Moerser. For your consideration for an acquisition from our host:




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