Figrti Newest releases (priest, M4) (1 Viewer)

Hmmm....why do I have that funny feeling about the appearance of the long-awaited MkIV as well George?


Not you as well :D Didn't Figarti recently have a long barreled AK Panzer IV and a long barreled Winter Panzer IV with side skirts on the market. Some of the AK version are still available at dealers, so they can't be long awaited. :confused:

A repaint of the Panzer IV would not be the big bomb at Chicago that Rick was talking about?

Hi Guys,
Yes, the snorkels are removable.
The turret in particular is amazing sculpting and as per Carlos' picture has all the "pitting" you would see in the full size original casting.

By the way you lucky European customers, I have the Snorkel Sherman available and in stock now, it will be up on the grey goose website later today.

As for the Priest wait 'til you see the workings on the gun and the interior I simply can't believe the level of detail is possible in this scale.

And those Highlander figures ain't too shabby either. I think I'm getting confused now between being a collector and a distributor, I want to keep them all.;)


Yes, keep them all, but only one of each :D

With all of this now, what can be in store for us at OTSN?
We will find out in a little more than 60 days!
Someone needs to do a OTSN calender countdown, like they have on a prisoners cell, or a GI in Viet Nams helmet!
Matt: do you know if that sherman is an M4A2 or A3 model from Figarti? Would think about getting one if it can be converted to USMC version..............Stryker

The Figarti Sherman is an M4 (ay nothing) painted after a famous photo of "Hurricane" an M4 from the 2nd Armored Division.

The way Figarti is producing Sherman variants, hang tight, your Marine M4A2 or A3 might be coming in the future.

Gary B.
What is the weapon that the fellow on the left has on his shoulder in ETA014 Highlanders Advancing :confused:
I believe and it looks like a Piat.

It is a PIAT Projector, Infantry, Anti Tank - inaccurat, short ranged (100 yards) and ineffective against the heavy German tanks; and heavy to carry around and hard to cock. First used and hated by the Canadians in Sicily. Used by the Brits and Canadians right through the war unless the Canuks got hold of some US bazookas and ammo.

Not you as well :D Didn't Figarti recently have a long barreled AK Panzer IV and a long barreled Winter Panzer IV with side skirts on the market. Some of the AK version are still available at dealers, so they can't be long awaited. :confused:

A repaint of the Panzer IV would not be the big bomb at Chicago that Rick was talking about?


Hi Terry,
I’m referring to the long awaited PzIV ausf J w/side skirts.
The Winter and DAK versions don’t have side skirts – not as far as I’m aware. Always willing to be wrong of course.
In the case of the DAK PzIV, I might know for sure next time I’m home.

Hi Terry,
I’m referring to the long awaited PzIV ausf J w/side skirts.
The Winter and DAK versions don’t have side skirts – not as far as I’m aware. Always willing to be wrong of course.
In the case of the DAK PzIV, I might know for sure next time I’m home.


The DAK does not have side skirts, but the Winter Panzer IV has side skirts that can be attached or not. I have both models in front of me as I type.

If a new Panzer IV comes out at Chicago, I will have to pass on it for now. I have already pre-ordered the Firefly, 88, prime mover, Sherman with stacks and Priest - and there is still a big one at Chicago. That is a lot for me to swallow all at once. :eek:


The DAK does not have side skirts, but the Winter Panzer IV has side skirts that can be attached or not. I have both models in front of me as I type.

If a new Panzer IV comes out at Chicago, I will have to pass on it for now. I have already pre-ordered the Firefly, 88, prime mover, Sherman with stacks and Priest - and there is still a big one at Chicago. That is a lot for me to swallow all at once. :eek:



Same here - ulp. The amount of WWII FAV's I presently have on confirmed and pre-order is enough to make me break into a cold sweat.
And you're absolutely right, I remembered about the winter PzIV removable side skirts after I posted my reply.

Same here - ulp. The amount of WWII FAV's I presently have on confirmed and pre-order is enough to make me break into a cold sweat.
And you're absolutely right, I remembered about the winter PzIV removable side skirts after I posted my reply.


You are not the only one breaking into a cold sweat over the number of pre-orders of Figarti and one other maker. If they keep coming out at this pace....:eek: But I have to focus on the new ones which have been at the core of my wish list for some time. I think Rick Wang broke into my computer and saw my wish list because he is 5 for 5 on his last 5 announcements.


... I think Rick Wang broke into my computer and saw my wish list because he is 5 for 5 on his last 5 announcements ...
Dear Terry,

5 out of 5 is amazing odds ... there must be a connection. Do you mind posting the next five vehicles on your wish list so we can see what else might be coming out? Also, what would you like to be the "stun and awe" piece?:)
Dear Terry,

5 out of 5 is amazing odds ... there must be a connection. Do you mind posting the next five vehicles on your wish list so we can see what else might be coming out? Also, what would you like to be the "stun and awe" piece?:)

Not too amazing. My wish list is mostly things not made recently or ever - and that is what K&C, Figarti and CS have been making recently. With 3 companies now making WW2 armour, it only makes sense that they are filling in gaps. I have lobbied for North Afrika especially Italian armour, Europe for some Canadian pieces, and more of the unmade mainstay German armour like SkdFz 251 variants, and Russian armour to match the German stuff on the Eastern front. I have heard K&C are going to make a Russian JS2 and that could open the door to more eastern front pieces, I hope. I am also hoping for an Italian AK tank at Chicago - I have been told Figarti has more coming there. I think there will be a shock and awe piece but have no idea what - it's out of my price range anyway.
Still on my list are a Sherman or Churchill crockodile, Sherman calliope, a Sturmtiger, Jagdpanzer IV, Nashorn, SdKfz 232 8 wheel Rad, Wespe, SU-85, T34-76 and a couple of Italian tanks and SPGs.

Items on my wish list are no secret to the manufacturers :D (I am persistent - not a pest :D) and I have waited a long time for these newly released items and judging by the sales, so have a lot of other people. It's a happy coincidence my wish list fills the gaps in my collection and also in the gaps of what has already been produced.

Up until now my collection has been K&C. However that Firefly looked so good and I wanted one for so long I have dipped my toe in the Figarti pool and preorded one. I am now anxiously awaiting to see it in person. I hope I'm not disappointed. If that Firefly is as good as the pictures then a lot more of my collecting dollar will find its way to Figarti.
That British 8th Army Priest is a terrific looking piece. I too hope we see a long barrel Normandy/Eastern Front Mk. IV. What a terrific time to be a collector! :D
Dear Terry,

5 out of 5 is amazing odds ... there must be a connection. Do you mind posting the next five vehicles on your wish list so we can see what else might be coming out? Also, what would you like to be the "stun and awe" piece?:)

Well Rick's welcome to see my "WWII-era" wish list, which includes the Japanese/Russian Manchurian border clashes featuring very obscure FAV's and Artillery pieces done in the Figarti style.

The Figarti Sherman is an M4 (ay nothing) painted after a famous photo of "Hurricane" an M4 from the 2nd Armored Division.

The way Figarti is producing Sherman variants, hang tight, your Marine M4A2 or A3 might be coming in the future.

Gary B.

Binder: I sincerely hope that you are correct in this one............Stryker
Well Rick's welcome to see my "WWII-era" wish list, which includes the Japanese/Russian Manchurian border clashes featuring very obscure FAV's and Artillery pieces done in the Figarti style.


I don't think my wish list includes anything obscure. It is very pedestrian. :) Only AFVs that are likely to get made. There are still lots of mainstream pieces I would like to see. The manufacturers come up with some creative pieces on their own, some of which I end up getting.


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