Figure Stuffing (2 Viewers)

Well i'm making my darling wife a chicken casserole and then i will take the serving spoon and capture all the remaining Japenese troops hiding in the Islands of the Pacific!:D

How about you mate?.How about a deep fried Flake!


I'm having a prawn stir fry. (At least i hope I am :))

I will defend the pacific islands against your serving spoon with my kung fu chop sticks.
That sounds nasty,in the words of Corporal Jones; 'They don't like it up em'!!!:D

Figure Stuffing????

The phrase itself seems a bit negative, however I like the practice and appreciate figures being included that match the same theme of the vehicle or artillery piece.

It would be nice to have additional figure sets that also complement the vehicle or artillery piece.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Figure Stuffing????

The phrase itself seems a bit negative, however I like the practice and appreciate figures being included that match the same theme of the vehicle or artillery piece.

It would be nice to have additional figure sets that also complement the vehicle or artillery piece.

Just my 2 cents worth.


I'm with you Carlos, I think the extras in the new Stug are excellent and for the most part, the figures that come with most vehicle sets really set them apart and above. For me that is the "art" part of K&C that I find so appealing. The new french tank comes to mind as well. I think the AK MKII w/ italians is what happens when Andy tries to satify the relentless, never ending stream of "suggestions" that this forum has accomidated.
I guess I'm of two minds on this one, can't making up which way I go. I like the new Stug and what it comes with but understand that collectors may just want the tank. However, it's probably difficult (inventory tracking and all that) to have it two separate ways.

I also happen to like the Italians that go with the Panzer and would actually like to see more of the Italians in the next release.
I'm with you. I would love to see more Italians (including the M13/40 tank). AK 18 is a fantastic set and I like the Blackshirts. By the way, does anyone know what the K&C UK site lists AK16 as retired? I thought AK 18 was the only new retirement.
I believe that must be a mistake. AK 16 is not retired although it's a pretty safe bet that won't be long in coming.
Hi Mike, I thought it was you that started the generalizations ;) :D Btw, I'm not upset about this issue, it's just our sarcastic style of humor, something from the Brits that we still hold onto I guess

Now about those "Australian" Outback restaurants you have in the US. On another forum a few months ago I was speaking to a guy from Maine and he told me about them. And after googling their menu I soon discovered they were complete BS and nothing to do with Australian cuisine. Which the guy was relieved to hear as I think he was concerned for me :)

Therefore, please don't get the impression that the "Outback" restaurant franchise is an accurate reflection of Australian cuisine. For example I noted they had an Atlantic Salmon dish on the menu and those salmon are virtually unknown downunder considering the Atlantic Ocean is nowhere near Australia. In fact all the other dishes on the menu had nothing to do with Australian cuisine, except for the Aussie style names they had.

As for other any "Australian" restaurants you may one day come across your travels in the US. I suspect these will be similar to the tourist versions we have in Australia for people visiting from overseas which usually include Australian native ingredients such as Crocodile, Kangaroo etc. The fact is that very few Australians actually eat any dishes that include our native flora and fauna. We much prefer beef, lamb, pork, chicken and fish dishes that most of the people in the Western world eat.

What does the "average" Aussie eat? I guess that various as much as the average Aussie. I guess I'm as average as most Aussies, so I'll list what I like to eat. But I'll do that on a new and separate thread so we don't confuse this one any further.

Oz - you also held on to her Majesty, just about (PS I don't mean posh spice):D Pity the sense of humour didn't travel well.....:rolleyes:
Bob Hawke met Queen Elizabeth
He said G Day Queenie
She sidd Pleased to meet you Mr Hawke
Bob said You know Queenie we want a Republic.
I'm just not sure what to call the place once we become a Republic
It can't be a Kingdom or a Principality as we won't have a King or a Prince
The Queen said my dear chap Why don't you just call it a country.

Damian Clarke
Bob Hawke met Queen Elizabeth
He said G Day Queenie
She sidd Pleased to meet you Mr Hawke
Bob said You know Queenie we want a Republic.
I'm just not sure what to call the place once we become a Republic
It can't be a Kingdom or a Principality as we won't have a King or a Prince
The Queen said my dear chap Why don't you just call it a country.

Damian Clarke

Didn't fully understand this one until I read the previous post about Oz holding onto Lizzie. Pretty funny.

Oz - you also held on to her Majesty, just about (PS I don't mean posh spice):D Pity the sense of humour didn't travel well.....:rolleyes:

We thought it best to wait until the old girl has kicked it before we go down the republic path again ;)

Anyway, in Australia, as in most other countries in the Commonwealth of Nations, the Queen is more a Chairman of the Board rather than a Monarch. And when you think of the alternatives, like South Africa, I reckon we are better off.

Gee, I hope I'm not being to sarcastic, there I go again :rolleyes: :D
I still don't understand the acceptance of royalty in today's world, especially with all the money that is spent to maintain the illusion of regalness. I understand that the royals in England are a large part of the culture and have played a significant role in history and are a fabric of society and all, but still to spend that much money on what is really has evolved into a tourist attraction (Darwin was right after all, the strong survive and the royal family is very good at surviving) is beyond my abililty to understand. :confused::confused::confused:

And by the by, it don't take much to go beyond my abilities. ;):)
I am just bitter about us getting our behinds caned in the cricket and now the rugby by the Aussies
Damian Clarke
I am just bitter about us getting our behinds caned in the cricket and now the rugby by the Aussies
Damian Clarke

Why worry Damian, they're both girlie games afterall :D

Whoops, I've done it again, it's back to the meds for me :)
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Not as girlie as Aussie Rules mate. I mean those guys without sleeves and very short and very tight pants look right dodgy to me.
Hi Guys,

My old pal “Capitolron” wrote that he personally would prefer certain vehicles without additional figures that raise the price to a higher level.

Whilst I appreciate Ron’s point-of-view this particular set, FoB038, the advancing STUG passing the French Customs sign along with the dead “Poilu” was how I originally envisaged the whole scene. At US$129 I still think it’s great value compared to some other items that are on the market at present.

On prices generally, the costs are going up dramatically...raw name it — it’s going north. That said here at K&C we will still do our utmost to keep any increases to a minimum and, if and when possible, absorb them into our own costs by making our operation more efficient and even more cost effective.

However, collectors everywhere are demanding “better quality...more detail...more bang for their bucks”...and rightly so. But, there’s that word again, it comes at a price.

At the same time, as I said in another “thread” elsewhere on the Forum, collectors have a constant and never-ending stream of “wants...requests...and must have” for new items. Many companies, not just K&C, are trying our level best to fulfill many of these new “additions” but collectors must also realize that new production entails major investment by the producers. The funds required to provide for all this new “must-have” product comes from the profits of each company. In K&C’s case we’re happy and delighted to be, thanks to you guys, in the position to plough much of our profit back into new product which, I hope pleases you and helps grow and expand the hobby and business.

So good. Anyway this is a long way round of saying that “more...more...more can sometimes cost more...more...more!”

We will though do our best to keep price hikes to a minimum. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Best wishes and...happy collecting!

Andy C.

Andy, The Stug III and Poilu with signpost (FOB038) is excellent and priced within reason....I will definitely order one........Thank you Vezzolf

In defense of food in Great Britain, the second best meal I ever had was in a restaurant called "Scotts" in London. Venison to die for. The best meal I ever had was in Prague in the Czech republic. Stag medalions. They were killer.

However, as a general rule Italian, French and Chinese cuisine are my favorites, along with good old fashioned barbeque from the Southern U.S.A.

My grandmother on my mother's side was English.
To quote her. " The English have good etiquette. The French have good food."
The Memphis area is BarBQ capital of the World. And one of the world's best is just 2 miles from my house.
Ask Pete & Shannon I FEDEXed them BBQ care package sometime ago.
And fabulous BBQ it was! Some of the best I've had!

Makes me want to go get the grill going again....
All this talk of food on a "Figure Stuffing" thread doesn't make sense.

Or does it ;) :D

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