No one takes a bath from the market tanking until they sell and if they take their money out for so called safer investments that is what they will do.
True but some people simply have little choice. Its a little easier if you are
young because you have time on your side. People facing retirement are a
different story. I know several people that currently are beside themselves
because they have lost money they were counting on to retire with.
They don't have another 5 or 10 years to build it back up!
They face the decision no one should have to make after years of hard work.
Cut their loses today and save something........or watch even more of their
retirement money disappear.
Personally I would rather see the "Bailout Money" go to assist people that
have lost their retirement.....then see it used to reduce the principal on some
freeloader that bought a house he new he couldn't afford.
They are talking about:
1. Offering these people interest only loans for 5 years. Or
2. Reducing principal so payment meets 34% of income. Or
3. Relocating them to another home.
This is nonsense, like refunding all the money the lottery winner spent
when he complains "I'm Broke"