First Legion worth the price? (1 Viewer)


Mar 17, 2013
first of all, I'm new in this forum and second also just starting with the toy soldier hobby. Up till now, I've been very active in historical wargameing and 54mm and up figure painting.

However, I saw the shots of the 1st Legion Samurai Series and I'm very interested about buying some of them. Since there is no shop around in my area, I would have to order them by mail unseen.
Compared to other companies such as Britain, prices of their Figures seam to be 2 or 3 times higher in general (not Samurai topic).

What can I expect in terms of painting, sculpting etc. ? Is it worth the price ?

Best regards
I have been buying and painting Samurai figures since I was a young boy and, I would certainly say that having bought a variety of manufacturers products from plastic to quite expensive pieces that FL samurai's for the detail and paint style in correlation to price are unbeatable IMO.

I started, as I am sure, most did with the Samurai archer and, its a superb piece and, I recently finished getting the last couple of mounted Samurai. I can't think of anything now that is comparable if you have an interest in the history of the warrior clan.
I am a dealer but not in FL but have mentioned their Samurai to a couple of guys solely interested in Samurai.

I am guessing you are a Samurai fan. If that is the case you have little choice of brand for Samurai apart from looking out for the Samurai figures previously produced by East of India which ceased before FL brought out their series. Try searching for them on Ebay. Not sure if any USA dealers would still have EOI Samurai in stock.

Comparing the price of Samurai figures to other subject figures produced by Britains etc is in my view a pointless exercise if what you want are Samurai. Situation might be different if Britains had Samurai at half FL price.

I have not seen a FL Samurai figure in the flesh but of all their series that is the one where I think the price is more justified. Just me but I could accept the price of a Samurai compared to say a Civil War figure where the uniforms are not so interesting and there are plenty of brands to choose from.

I would suggest you buy 2-3 to give them a try in terms of quality and then after that decide if their price / quality coincides with your Samurai interest.

Welcome to the forum.
first of all, I'm new in this forum and second also just starting with the toy soldier hobby. Up till now, I've been very active in historical wargameing and 54mm and up figure painting.

However, I saw the shots of the 1st Legion Samurai Series and I'm very interested about buying some of them. Since there is no shop around in my area, I would have to order them by mail unseen.
Compared to other companies such as Britain, prices of their Figures seam to be 2 or 3 times higher in general (not Samurai topic).

What can I expect in terms of painting, sculpting etc. ? Is it worth the price ?

Best regards

Bonjour Eric,
At this only 2 company provide some Samurais , Aeroart and First Legion. As you say the price of FL figures is 2 or 3 times higher than figures or toy soldiers produced by other company.
But for the price you have high level of sculpting and painting!.
You will find on my website and Facebook page some pics of my First Legion Samurai.
PS en Français :
Eric, voyant que tu es citoyen Suisse, j'enchaine en Français:
Je ne peux que te conseiller d'acquérir des Samurai FL, à ce jour ce fabricant n'a pas d'équivalent en terme de qualités de production/prix.
J'ai collectionné des pièces d'autres fabricants, et je n'ai pas vu mieux.
Honnêtement tu ne seras pas déçu. Tu verras sur mon site je couvre à peu près toutes les périodes produites par FL, ce te donnera une vue d'ensemble des produits proposés.
Bien amicalement.
There is another company, Monarch Regalia, that makes an excellent Samurai product. The figures are a beautiful gloss finish. They can be found at They are VERY reasonably priced. -- Al
Gruetzi, Eric, and welcome to the forum!

I would say that yes, First Legion is worth the price. You get a product that is comparable to the Russian figures and connoisseur style of painting, at more affordable prices. You also get a greater variety of poses, so that larger displays are possible than they'd otherwise be with the one-off Russian figures.

Hope that helps, prosit!
Agree with Brad (Baron). You pay a little more. But the quality is there. You really have to see them in person to appreciate the quality. That is what sold me. Brad (the other one :) And welcome to the forum! :)
first of all, I'm new in this forum and second also just starting with the toy soldier hobby. Up till now, I've been very active in historical wargameing and 54mm and up figure paint

However, I saw the shots of the 1st Legion Samurai Series and I'm very interested about buying some of them. Since there is no shop around in my area, I would have to order them by mail unseen.
Compared to other companies such as Britain, prices of their Figures seam to be 2 or 3 times higher in general (not Samurai topic).

What can I expect in terms of painting, sculpting etc. ? Is it worth the price ?

Best regards

Eric - Shop called Histomania in Southern France (LE CANNET 06110 - Its near Cannes.),is a recommended seller of First Legion Ranges (including Samuri figures). Excellent postal service and after-sales customer care - run by Patrick and Veronique MALE - I can vouch for the shop and service - should you choose to collect the FL range using French Postal services, though I don't collect Samuri figures myself. . Johnnybach
The short answer is all the FL lines are well worth the price, no matter how many competitors they have. I own quite a few in various lines and have seen most others, including their Samurai. Unless you want to pay more for a marginal improvement with AeroArt, when you can find them, you can't go wrong with these.
I started collecting FL's line of American Civil War a few months back and I have not regretted it one bit! I too was a little worried about the higher price, but you really get what you pay for in my opinion and they are top of the line as far as sculpt and painting goes. I have had to cut back on how many figures to purchase at once, but the good thing is whatever line you collect you will have much time between releases in order to complete your certain unit, mine being the 13th Alabama. I say order 1 or 2 figures and see how you like them and if you do...GREAT! And if not you can always send them back. Good luck! :)
I have some and think they look great. Are they worth the price is up to the person paying for them. I like the Vietnam range and they are some of the best toy soldiers I have seen. Take the jump and get a few and I think you will be surprised. Chris.
I love the FL lines as well. Have slowed almost to a stop my purchase of anything else.
I have some and think they look great. Are they worth the price is up to the person paying for them. I like the Vietnam range and they are some of the best toy soldiers I have seen. Take the jump and get a few and I think you will be surprised. Chris.

I echo that but for the Civil War range.
I picked one subject to collect, and it is the Renaissance line for me.
Getting the figures slowly, but am very pleased with them, and think that they are well worth every penny.
Worth every penny. I would say go to a show and scope them out but every show near you caters to either composition or plastic. ;)
I like all the lines, except for maybe the WWII for some reason...don't really know why. The Landsknechte are my favorite.
I started into FL with the British Foot Guards in their Napoleonics line and then some Samurai. Very pleased with them! Was going to go for their Roman range which seem to be very popular but I already have a number of Romans by Aeroart and decided against it. I will be collecting the Agincourt series when it starts up which I have been setting aside funds for! :)
I have only tried my hand at Naps, Glory of Rome and the Crusades series, best of those to me is Naps, hands down...
From looking at photos I'd say the Samurai, ACW, WWII Stalingrad and North Africa, AWI and Renaissance also look fantastic.
I do believe the Glory of Rome series can be improved when it comes to faces/eyes, but that's just me OK?:wink2:

All in all, fantastic connoisseur like figures, well worth the extra dime (if you think they are expensive, think in terms of possibly having less but better...).

Regards and FL, keep up the excellent work, thanks for these great figures,

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