FL website's images (3 Viewers)


Jul 10, 2014
I'm new. I collect AeroArt and First Legion.

I was wondering about the pictures used on the FL website (the ones used to represent each individual figure).
Are they photos, illustrations, computer-generated images......?
Do other FL customers find them to be adequate?

I envy those of you who can see figures in person at a store or show before making a purchase.
For those of us who can't, barring actual photos posted by forum members or online sellers (which hardly cover FL's extensive range), the website pictures are all we've got.
Just curious if others in my position are happy with them.

Sure do hope I'm not talking to myself....how embarrassing would that be :)
The pictures on the FL website seem to be computer generated IMO but they very accurately depict the product and many times the actual product is even better in the flesh....Best Frank
I have always found the actual product to far exceed the stock images.
The images, with respect, are pants IMO however, what you get is a lot different IMO
I find the figures are much better in person. Some pictures accurately represent the figures, but most are not as good.

Two examples for me are the faces of the WWII Stalingrad Germans that can really annoy me in the pictures, but I hardly notice once I get the figures. The other are the Crusaders which often look 2 to 3 times better in person than in the pictures.
Welcome aboard !
I agree, I believe the pics on the FL website are illustrations, but the actual figures have always exceeded my expectations with regards to paint and level of detail.
The vehicles ain't bad either :salute::
I'm sure they are pictures of the actual figures. I don't think it would be very cost effective to have CGI images produced or pay illustraters to draw them. Much cheaper to photograph your production samples. It is still a business after all.
I too feel they are photos of figures, but there are weird effects on them. I personally don't like it at all, but knowing FL and having many figures, it doesn't bother me in that I know the real figure is always great.

For people unfamiliar with the product, I think they do themselves a disservice with this kind of imaging
Here is a thought. Sack the current juggler and hire Frank to take the pics

I have to agree. ^&grin ,FL should hire Frank for all the new releases,

Well, if i was in Matt pants thats what i would do.


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Agree with pretty much everyone. The Stock pictures don't do the figures or vehicles justice. Much better in person.
Thanks for the feedback.

Most if not all of us seem to find the figures to be better than the pictures suggest.
I tend to agree with Mitch that the images are....well.....pants (I had to look that up :D), but as I have a total of 3 posts, I feel the need to be slightly more diplomatic and say that "The FL images IMO only seem to be useful up to a certain point".

Assuming the obviously talented Frank to be somewhat OVERQUALIFIED for stock photos, any ideas on how to get Matt interested in Macro Photography? :)
I hear it can be a very fulfilling hobby.

Seriously though, isn't it about time FL started to think about doing something about these images.
To paraphrase Zach (hope he doesn't mind) who put it so eloquently, they do themselves a disservice when it comes to those unfamiliar with the product.
Heck, IMO it's a disservice when it comes to those of us who know and very much like the product.

Finally, in a shameless attempt to sound business-like and raise my credibility ahead of that make or break 4th post, if as so many rightly point out, the figures are consistently better than the images, then wouldn't improving the images be likely to improve sales as well?

Hope you haven't nodded off....
On my end, the only thing I am always a little surprised when I get my FL figurines is that colors on the actual items are often less bright than they appear on the site pictures...They look more enhanced on the latter. Not a big deal though :wink2:
My story about First Legion,

If i wouldnt have seen First Legion figurines in person , thanks to a friend of mine,
I wouldnt had purchase a single set.

For me there is something weird about the images , i dont know what it is.

Now i know that even if the photo looks strange , i know that i will be very satisfied with my purchase and beyond my expectation.

But i do think something else should be done instead of what we have right now

Serge. :)
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I have several First Legion figures from a variety of ranges. I've found that some of the figures look better in person than they do in the pics while others do not look as nice in person as they do in the pics. In either case the image processing FL uses can make it a bit challenging to decide what figures to buy because what you actually receive often looks different than what you see in the pics, sometimes better, sometimes not.

With FL figures, you have to be a little bit careful at what pictures you are looking at.

When there is a new figure announced, most often than not, what you do see is a photograph of a figure painted in Russia to top standard. That is the master.
What you will receive in your hands is not painted to the same level of paintingCheers


I have several First Legion figures from a variety of ranges. I've found that some of the figures look better in person than they do in the pics while others do not look as nice in person as they do in the pics. In either case the image processing FL uses can make it a bit challenging to decide what figures to buy because what you actually receive often looks different than what you see in the pics, sometimes better, sometimes not.

Could some kind soul briefly pop over to the chat lounge and respond to "First Post" so that poor old McFuglas doesn't go down in Treefrogging history as the only person ever not to get even a single reply to his self-introduction.

The post is a little terse, rather short on personal details, probably not his best work, he was likely feeling a touch nervy.

Totally understand if you don't have the time or couldn't be bothered though.

I'd do it myself but....I've gotta feed the cat.
Besides, he doesn't collect WW2. What's the guy's problem?;)
With FL figures, you have to be a little bit careful at what pictures you are looking at.

When there is a new figure announced, most often than not, what you do see is a photograph of a figure painted in Russia to top standard. That is the master.
What you will receive in your hands is not painted to the same level of paintingCheers


Hi Alex,
I did not know that FL's promo shots were of the master figures painted to top standard in Russia. I thought the images were just of regular production figures but with the color saturation all of out of whack.

I have not so many figures by FL and from a few ranges (Naps, Rome, Stalingrad and a single Landsknecht) and i was always surprised to open the box and see a better figure than the one depicted on the site.For example the figure in the picture, on the site lacks the sword know..in the real figure you can see a beautiful sword not that adds to the dinamism of the pose.And the painting is always the same!


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I believe, and I apologize to Alex if I'm wrong, that he may be referring to photographs with a blue background that appear on FL's Facebook page and at planetfigure.
I too assume that they are photos of the masters painted in Russia.

The stock pictures on the FL website appear to be a different beast, whatever they may be.

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