Forthcoming and 2nd Dispatches 2011 (2 Viewers)

I thought that about the typhoon as I wrote it but, left it in especially, if its going to don the D Day recognition markings. Andy said in December that they were designing the box so, the JT should be sooner rather than later.

I think the disco stuff will be just as interesting this month as whats coming
A Typhoon in invasion stripes would be one striking looking aircraft. -- Al
A quad would be a great set nothing wrong with having some AA guns would like to see some german AA guns done as I don't think a mobelwagon or wirbelwind has ever been done in 1/30th or in this hobby
A Typhoon in invasion stripes would be one striking looking aircraft. -- Al

Talked to Andy about it in London Al, and he was very enthusiastic about it, complete with D Day stripes I think it'll quite possibly be the best Warbird yet:cool:

Talked to Andy about it in London Al, and he was very enthusiastic about it, complete with D Day stripes I think it'll quite possibly be the best Warbird yet:cool:


Don't forget the rockets :D
Don't forget the rockets :D

Stripes and Rockets, its going to be a Beaut!:cool:

Lots to come first though I think. Funny I know we've all been talking about prices and cutting back and such, but I can't wait to place my first order of 2011:)

Stripes and Rockets, its going to be a Beaut!:cool:

Lots to come first though I think. Funny I know we've all been talking about prices and cutting back and such, but I can't wait to place my first order of 2011:)


Hoping were get to see Monty D-Day command vehicle
As mine is more of a 'casual' interest now that I have ended my hardcore K&C collecting, maybe the odd item here or there, so I'm not really too fussed about what the new releases may be. Gone are the days when I sat waiting for a new SOHK release. Will enjoy looking at them whatever they may be and be bemused at the quality/pricing/accuracy/taste debate that will no doubt ensue.

But I am intrigued to know what, if any, the replacement may be for K&C UK now that the Crimea series has drawn to a close? Any hints as to what may be in the pipeline?

A very good question thats been on the mind of a fair few collectors. My good friend Sir Tony of Neville is keeping very tight lipped about this, I will attempt to bribe him with a Jack Daniels in London in March to get some info.I'm hoping its the English Civil War, would be something very different and rarely covered.


I think this topic should have it's own dedicated thread. Rob and I have chewed the fat on a number of occasions on what this will be and Rob is quite right about Tony being tight lipped, or what was it? :rolleyes::D

One subject I would love to scene done is the last stand ofthe 44th ft. at Gandamack, in the First Afghan War. It seems to me it would be perfect for a limited edition as it could be done with not too many figures and it could also be done with a landscape base to display it all on. Just a favorite subject of mine from British military history. -- Al

Yes I agree with that. Great idea.:)
A rocky hill top as a base with the remainder of the troops at the top defending the colour surrounded by the advancing Afghans.

The base could be a separate item and the buyer/collector could purchase as few or as many figures as they wished depending on their budget.
Make it a limited series of say 200 to 250 pieces.

I had a similar idea but for the Peninsular wars. I would like to see the storming of the breach during the siege of Badajoz in 1812. Again a centre piece of the breach in the castle walls with French troops defending and British troops attacking.:cool:
I think the chances of getting either are slim to nonexistent :( so I will probably make my own castle breach when I have finished the one hundred and one other projects I have started and part finished.
Great hobby. So many ideas. So little time.
As always Rob- I am holding fast to that fading glimmer of hope that the Special Forces Modern figures make a return. :eek::eek:

Was anything mentioned in London about the stuka??
while there are all these WW2 Crazed maniacs, my hope is CRUSHED!! :p:D

Yeah,lets have them culled....oh hang mean me don't you:D;).But I'm nothing if not flexible....MODERN ARMOUR MODERN ARMOUR!!!:cool::cool:;)

As always Rob- I am holding fast to that fading glimmer of hope that the Special Forces Modern figures make a return. :eek::eek:

Chris, whilst there's Polystone theres always hope ;)


while there are all these WW2 Crazed maniacs, my hope is CRUSHED!!

Yeah,lets have them culled....oh hang mean me don't you:D;).But I'm nothing if not flexible....MODERN ARMOUR MODERN ARMOUR!!!:cool::cool:;)


Hang on in there guys (BTW, good to see Rob has seen the Afghan desert light). It's that time of the decade! As we know, K&C usually have a cyclical approach to releases, some on an annual basis, others, like the SF range, by the decade.
2001 saw the first announcement of the SF range and here we are in 2011, 10 years on, the SF range is due it's next release.
It's almost a dead cert! :D:rolleyes:
With talk of Arnhem earlier does anyone think with the range well established now a horsa glider will be released??? Would be nice to compare the difference in detail from old to new
With talk of Arnhem earlier does anyone think with the range well established now a horsa glider will be released??? Would be nice to compare the difference in detail from old to new

This was talked about a lot some time back, I think the opinion was that it would be pretty expensive as a full model, however there was talk of sections of the Glider which would be really good for Arnhem /D Day dios.

Having been to Pegasus Bridge and seeing just how close those Glider pilots put their gliders to the Bridge was astonishing, I'd love to see this made.

Im hoping we see some more WW1. Maybe those fighting french Andy said about. We already know about a few more Crusades so thats not a surprise.

Was anything mentioned in London about the stuka??

No come to think of it there wasn't Mitch, Im wondering if that might be this year but after the Typhoon???.

2001 saw the first announcement of the SF range and here we are in 2011, 10 years on, the SF range is due it's next release.
It's almost a dead cert! :D:rolleyes:

Glad you were able to come in and lift my spirits- I was starting to get really down thinking the series was done!!!:D

Hey- no one has done the Bradley- let's start off 2011 right with SF08- The Bradley!!:)

Andy could surprise everyone and do it for FOB

No come to think of it there wasn't Mitch, Im wondering if that might be this year but after the Typhoon???.


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