Forthcoming and 2nd Dispatches 2011 (1 Viewer)


Andy could surprise everyone and do it for FOB

Yes that would be good, it could be bombing the Radar stations at Dover and being bounced by Hurricanes and then......getting too excited now:D


Was anything mentioned in London about the stuka??

Forget Stukas! (sorry Mitch!) - what about the WW1 warbirds that were hinted at late last year?! Fighting early french would be most welcome too.....

No problem. WWI aircraft from K&C would be a great release and would be interested to see what they were like.
Theres lots of items that could be retiring this month as well, am keeping my eye on the Grey MkIV, Crusader, as well as the BR1 Figures.

So place your bets Gents:):cool:



the only thing 'for sure' that could be released is even more WW2 Germans.... seems thats the only thing that sells.... :( :(

I want NAPs :)

ahem .... its my time of year

feb 23rd - march 6th 1836 - 175th anniversary ....
Im hoping we see some more WW1. Maybe those fighting french Andy said about. We already know about a few more Crusades so thats not a surprise.

February is the traditional WW1 month, so hopefully we'll finally see those French...
Theres lots of items that could be retiring this month as well, am keeping my eye on the Grey MkIV, Crusader, as well as the BR1 Figures.


Rob, you should really consider getting the Grey MkIV (or the AK one). It's a great model.
it could be unique as when do we expect another AFV which will have five crew???
it could be unique as when do we expect another AFV which will have five crew???
Good point, Mitch. An AFV with a five man crew would be very expensive in today's prices. Just look at the new Flak 41 with it's add on crews (neccesary purchases for the gun to have purpose). If issued together, the Flak gun would have been out of reach for many as a one shot purchase. It is high enough as issued, even though the purchases can be staggered. -- Al
Rob, you should really consider getting the Grey MkIV (or the AK one). It's a great model.

Definitely Duke, I gotta have at least one of them before they retire, probably go for the Grey one first.Cheers

What do you think guys,might we see one of these babies in March?




This is a must release vehicle and will accompany all the other RAF releases to date. The good thing with this being just out of the 70th anniversary is it could come out at any time. Last year we pretty much knew that things were going to come aug/sept.

What a scene you could do with the spit /Hurri ambulance fuel bowser fire engine and tilly.

I have said that I do think the stand out figures from each battle range are strecher bearers or, troops etc carrying wounded comrades and, would really like to see one with RAF personal carrying a slightly wounded pilot in future releases.

A really interesting range with great possibilities. Perhaps a SL with waaf's working over a map table vectoring in our aircraft to do battle with the hun???? See, getting carried away its so easy to do with the RAF range

This is a must release vehicle and will accompany all the other RAF releases to date. The good thing with this being just out of the 70th anniversary is it could come out at any time. Last year we pretty much knew that things were going to come aug/sept.

What a scene you could do with the spit /Hurri ambulance fuel bowser fire engine and tilly.

I have said that I do think the stand out figures from each battle range are strecher bearers or, troops etc carrying wounded comrades and, would really like to see one with RAF personal carrying a slightly wounded pilot in future releases.

A really interesting range with great possibilities. Perhaps a SL with waaf's working over a map table vectoring in our aircraft to do battle with the hun???? See, getting carried away its so easy to do with the RAF range

Very much agree Mitch. This is a very exciting range indeed, with as you say so much that could be made in the future. I also agree re the Stretcher bearing set, wounded pilots returning from missions etc would be most welcome. This series has gone from newcomer to major range in almost the blink of an eye.

And don't get me started on a map table Mitch!. WAAF's in tin hats, perhaps Churchill looking down on them as the Battle develops....I'd better go and do some chores else I'll sit here all day suggesting stuff!.

Put it this way, whatever is released I'll be very happy with, its all good!:cool::)

For me, this is the best range that K&C currently does. I know the typhoon will not likely be an RAFclassification possibly, it could fit with D Day's range better that there is a ground crew set specifically loading rockets to the beast.

I hope we get some stunners with the west coaster coming up!!!
For me, this is the best range that K&C currently does. I know the typhoon will not likely be an RAFclassification possibly, it could fit with D Day's range better that there is a ground crew set specifically loading rockets to the beast.

I hope we get some stunners with the west coaster coming up!!!

I am starting to come to the same conclusion myself Mitch, I've always loved my D Day,Bulge and Arnhem collections, but there is something special about this RAF range, can't quite put my finger on it, maybe its because of pride in what they did or the emotion of the subject, whatever it is its superb.:cool:


This period among the whole war has it all great aircraft, even greater characters the lot and, I agree, I do think its a pride issue of what was done at that time to save the world from tyranny.

I will probably have to watch the Battle of britain when I get back from collecting the motor today now we have spoken about it.

This period among the whole war has it all great aircraft, even greater characters the lot and, I agree, I do think its a pride issue of what was done at that time to save the world from tyranny.

I will probably have to watch the Battle of britain when I get back from collecting the motor today now we have spoken about it.

It has to be one of THE best War films ever made, lots of stars, great combat scenes, great music score, the lot. Oh and the late great Susannah York. I'm very glad K&C have made WAAF'S for the range has they did wonderful service in a wide range of often difficult and dangerous roles and Victory couldn't have happened without them

Wouldn't mind seeing a razorback P-47 show up. Gotta love the Jug. -- Al

Its on the cards its just when they are released in the years schedule. A big beast for sure

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