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Big decision, so many considerations, usually unfortunately most often involving money. Overriding imo is getting some quality of life aspects, while health still remains a non issue. If you had a crystal ball you would know which way to jump. Generally you never look back once making up your future path. Robin.

Robin, yes you never know what's around life's corner. For example late last year I was discussing retirement with a work colleague, he said he was retiring the end of June. I told him I was also thinking of retiring then. Sadly he died of a unexpected massive heart attack last week, he was 70. Which is why I'm even more inclined towards retirement rather than returning to work.
Robin, yes you never know what's around life's corner. For example late last year I was discussing retirement with a work colleague, he said he was retiring the end of June. I told him I was also thinking of retiring then. Sadly he died of a unexpected massive heart attack last week, he was 70. Which is why I'm even more inclined towards retirement rather than returning to work.

You only get to go around the once, if you can live fairly comfortably without having to work do so. If you have health and can travel all the better. Either way enjoy what you enjoy ! {sm4} the US they work us to death and we work until we die, per the SSN administration my expected retirement age is about I retire after I die!!! the US they work us to death and we work until we die, per the SSN administration my expected retirement age is about I retire after I die!!!

Logical. Unfortunately.
Best of Luck with your job searches. Not easy these days, even for a professional.
Your fellow youngster,
Adjusting for when the responses were provided: 70 individual responses and our average age has increased to 63.5 years!
Adjusting for when the responses were provided: 70 individual responses and our average age has increased to 63.5 years!

I'm 64, very close to the forum average age. I thought I was one of the oldest on the forum, at least I've been a member a long time ^&grin
And the youngest and oldest are?

... ... [crickets]
I don't think we know. I'm impressed that Alexander did the math (maths in UK) and found out our avg. age! (Now I want the mean age and statistical analysis, you know:wink2::salute::.)
Seriously, most people collect when they are older. My question is:
In the future will they collect Toy Soldiers or other things?
I think there will always be collections. Sorry, I digress heavily.

Dad and I have an average age of 58.5 but both our birthdays are yet to arrive this year. (Take that fractional solar calendar math, Alex! Sorry friend, just teasing because I like you mate).

For the record, I bought a few sets for Dad when Grandma passed and I was 21. I have been collecting since.

Paddy for Pat Sr. (Dad) and Pat Jr. (Paddy)

P.S. Stay Young! Try not to die. Old age beats the alternative. And always collect Toy Soldiers (well, or whatever your passion is!)
... ... [crickets]
I don't think we know. I'm impressed that Alexander did the math (maths in UK) and found out our avg. age! (Now I want the mean age and statistical analysis, you know:wink2::salute::.)
Seriously, most people collect when they are older. My question is:
In the future will they collect Toy Soldiers or other things?
I think there will always be collections. Sorry, I digress heavily.

Dad and I have an average age of 58.5 but both our birthdays are yet to arrive this year. (Take that fractional solar calendar math, Alex! Sorry friend, just teasing because I like you mate).

For the record, I bought a few sets for Dad when Grandma passed and I was 21. I have been collecting since.

Paddy for Pat Sr. (Dad) and Pat Jr. (Paddy)

P.S. Stay Young! Try not to die. Old age beats the alternative. And always collect Toy Soldiers (well, or whatever your passion is!)

Agree, I would say the curve definitely slants to the older demographic. I wonder about my kids and collecting. With the video game generation, there won't be the nostalgic appeal of action figures...
Two members in their thirties. Most members in the 50-60-70 range.
Mathematically in 30-40 years the hobby will be done :(
Agree, I would say the curve definitely slants to the older demographic. I wonder about my kids and collecting. With the video game generation, there won't be the nostalgic appeal of action figures...

As a fan of computer (and Board) Historical strategy games since Avalon Hill days (maybe not quite the same things as RTS/Action History-based games) I wonder if younger folks will be willing to spend the time on a wargame. Other games may offer more playability. Much less with painting figures. But D&D, etc. do use History as inspiration, so young people may come around to appreciate Historical miniatures once more. And there are many young artists out there.
In some scale, or on the metaverse maybe, but I'll be too dead to care.
I say enjoy what you have. Our Colonial Home was never a shrewd investment, unless you consider the fun we have had in it...
The young will become more like us as the years go by. I'm more worried about us {eek3}{sm2}:)!
Best Wishes & Health
Two members in their thirties. Most members in the 50-60-70 range.
Mathematically in 30-40 years the hobby will be done :(

The toy soldier hobby, like all hobbies, will never be done, I can't see it.

It will continue, no worries, it may change a bit, but it will continue.

Collect what you like and enjoy it for what it is, a diversion from life.
I've been in this forum for a few years, I'm already 60 years old. Time goes by very quickly^&grin

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