Forum Members Age (4 Viewers)

As I’m sure you know but if you delay taking SS until 70, the benefits increase drastically.

Already started taking them. I was operated on for prostate cancer last year and everything is looking good but you never know how long you got left on this old Earth.
Already started taking them. I was operated on for prostate cancer last year and everything is looking good but you never know how long you got left on this old Earth.

Hope you’re doing ok now.
My doctor said I'm doing real good. I had to take 4 shots,1 every 6 months which greatly reduced the chances of coming back. I just took the 4th one in November.
I took voluntary redundancy end of last year, but instead of having a few months off before getting another job it's turned out that I'm now a full time carer and so though my regular outgoings have reduced so has my income, fortunately lack of time and space has curtailed my spending, but will need to start reducing some of my collection to make way for whatever must haves do appear such as the JJD Boudicca and Chariot / Roman Cavalry that's in the works somewhere !:wink2:
74 years old here. I'm staying young by staying active. Everyday I walk as much as I can, averaging between 5.5-7 miles a day. I started this when I had a knee replacement 3 years ago. Since then I have lost over 70 lbs in weight and my doctor took me off the blood pressure and cholesterol medicines she had me on.

90 in April . . . slowed down but still collecting. What am I gonna do with all of it? But retirement is great . . . particularly as I find that I can live well for less than I thought I could!

Bosun Al

That's simply amazing AL....outstanding mate. :salute::
86 last September ... Still active and selectively collecting, however got blind-sided by a malignant colon tumor (successfully excised, no further treatment required). Then hit with two stokes and a heart attack. Still this side of the sod and recovering from all. God Bless the Lord. Maintaining personal blog going after 11 and a half years. See; To All, A Happy and Healthy New Year!

Slàinte Mhòr!
Arnhem Jim
Arizona Territory
86 last September ... Still active and selectively collecting, however got blind-sided by a malignant colon tumor (successfully excised, no further treatment required). Then hit with two stokes and a heart attack. Still this side of the sod and recovering from all. God Bless the Lord. Maintaining personal blog going after 11 and a half years. See; To All, A Happy and Healthy New Year!

Slàinte Mhòr!
Arnhem Jim
Arizona Territory

Glad to hear you’re still with us and hopefully on a way home a full recovery.
Happy New Year, one more year and not quite pre-historic yet at 64. Still got on Santa's ( Granddaughter) lap with bottle of what turned out to be JD...:rolleyes2:

Happy New Year, one more year and not quite pre-historic yet at 64. Still got on Santa's ( Granddaughter) lap with bottle of what turned out to be JD...:rolleyes2:


Now that's a super cool photo Wayne mate. ^&grin

Enjoy that JD too. :salute::
Happy New Year, one more year and not quite pre-historic yet at 64. Still got on Santa's ( Granddaughter) lap with bottle of what turned out to be JD...:rolleyes2:



John from Texas
Coming up to 62 years of age, but my lifelong military service has affected my body. Worn out by being in the infantry. Thank God for Veteran's Affair! Still keep as active as possible. Have chickens, cats, Native Fauna and stray animals to keep me going plus my daily walk to the post box outside our rural property allows for some good walking while taking in the bucolic setting.
I turned 50 this past September. When did that happen??? {sm3} Still try to get a 2 mile run in 3/days a week but it's getting harder. COVID definately took it's toll on my lungs/ endurance. I did get my black belt in Kung Fu 2 years ago and occasionally wrestle with the boys on my sons high school team. Pretty happy that he hasnt scored any back points on me this season! {sm3}{sm4}
Dang, we may be gettin' old as a group.
I'm 46, Dad 25 yrs older.
We used to be whippersnappers...

Best Wishes & Lets Keep It Alive
Just turned 70 this month, and I have to say I have almost no real memory of the past 20 years in terms of passing time. One...big...blurrrrrrrrrrrrr -- Al
I remember the past 20 years, but it still seems to me like I just graduated from college a couple of years ago. I'll watch a movie, or a TV show, or hear a song, and think, "It wasn't too long ago that that came out." Then I'll see the copyright in the credits, or on the label, and realize, "Holy crap! That came out when I was in high school!"

Only in the past few years, since I turned 50 (8 years ago), have I started feeling my age. And I feel comfortable calling a young man "Son". "Hey, there! Do you really want to do that, Son?"

I recently turned 64, I'm taking long service leave end of June, not sure if I'll return to work or retire.
I recently turned 64, I'm taking long service leave end of June, not sure if I'll return to work or retire.

Big decision, so many considerations, usually unfortunately most often involving money. Overriding imo is getting some quality of life aspects, while health still remains a non issue. If you had a crystal ball you would know which way to jump. Generally you never look back once making up your future path. Robin.

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