Gallipoli (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Feb 18, 2008
Just watched a 7 part Australian mini series made in 2015.I found it to be quite good.Very realistic,very gruesome in parts.I'd give it 4 stars.
It was on Tubi.It had commercials but few and far between.
Watched the first 3 episodes commercial free on Amazon Prime. Excellent series and looks to have had a huge budget. The beach scenes look so realistic IMO. Chris
For some reason I can watch some shows on Prime video on my tv,others I have to watch on my computer.I got a firestick but haven't installed it yet.Maybe that will help.I didn't realize that the lead actor on this was the kid in the movie "The Road".And the girl play Vic McQueen on NOS4A2. Yes I thought is was good too,very realistic.
Sent your book out today Al.Hope you enjoy it.
This series is really well done. The realism meter is equal to anything I've seen on screen, including SPR. The scenes of the truce with the burying of the bodies is really harrowing and the episode "Breakout" is just heartbreaking. This is a superb show. -- Al
Episode 5 was hard to watch even though you know what is going to happen. I guess it's a comfort to know Braithwaite and other generals were promoted to senior rank, full generals and even field marshals later. :rolleyes2: This why I don't study WWI much. Chris
These generals for the most part fought in colonial wars against foes with outdated or even primitive weapons.They don't seem to have learned much from the Boer War or the Russo-Japanese War.They also thought the Turks were weak after their showing in the Balkan Wars..
One more episode to watch. The series begs the question, if the allies had won Gallipoli and taken Constantinople, so what? With Turkey out of the war Jerusalem and Damascus would have fallen earlier and no Lawrence of Arabia to write about. But what would the effect have been on the war in France? That was the decisive theater. Would an earlier deployment of ANZAC and other British divisions have mattered? Didn't make much of an impact when the troops were re-deployed in Dec 1915. So in the end the whole Gallipoli campaign win or lose, and the losses on both sides, was in vain.


One more episode to watch. The series begs the question, if the allies had won Gallipoli and taken Constantinople, so what? With Turkey out of the war Jerusalem and Damascus would have fallen earlier and no Lawrence of Arabia to write about. But what would the effect have been on the war in France? That was the decisive theater. Would an earlier deployment of ANZAC and other British divisions have mattered? Didn't make much of an impact when the troops were re-deployed in Dec 1915. So in the end the whole Gallipoli campaign win or lose, and the losses on both sides, was in vain.



Sadly I haven't seen this series, apparently it bombed in Australia, another victim of Political Correctness I suspect, most reviewers were very critical in Australia. Hopefully I'll get to view it one day.

The Gallipoli Campaign should never have happened, a pointless exercise which was poorly planned and executed. It was Churchill's idea, One of several bad ideas he had during his political career, always had a fondness for military operations in irrelevant locations such as Norway and Africa in WW2. He was great at galvanizing the people during the Second World War but his grasp of military strategy was very poor.

I recommend the book by Nigel Knight 'Churchill - The Greatest Briton Unmasked'. It provides the true insight into this famous but imperfect man.
One more episode to watch. The series begs the question, if the allies had won Gallipoli and taken Constantinople, so what? With Turkey out of the war Jerusalem and Damascus would have fallen earlier and no Lawrence of Arabia to write about. But what would the effect have been on the war in France? That was the decisive theater. Would an earlier deployment of ANZAC and other British divisions have mattered? Didn't make much of an impact when the troops were re-deployed in Dec 1915. So in the end the whole Gallipoli campaign win or lose, and the losses on both sides, was in vain.



Watched the series and really enjoyed it.

As others have pointed out Churchill was big on 'side shows' to the main event. He also never seemed to hesitate to use Commonwealth troops for what seemed like pointless campaigns. A good example was sending the ANZACs along with other allied troops to Greece during WW2 when he knew what the result would be. Then evacuating the survivors to Crete and leaving them their with almost no kit. Absolute shambles and the loses were huge!
Sadly I haven't seen this series, apparently it bombed in Australia, another victim of Political Correctness I suspect, most reviewers were very critical in Australia. Hopefully I'll get to view it one day.

The Gallipoli Campaign should never have happened, a pointless exercise which was poorly planned and executed. It was Churchill's idea, One of several bad ideas he had during his political career, always had a fondness for military operations in irrelevant locations such as Norway and Africa in WW2. He was great at galvanizing the people during the Second World War but his grasp of military strategy was very poor.

I recommend the book by Nigel Knight 'Churchill - The Greatest Briton Unmasked'. It provides the true insight into this famous but imperfect man.

Churchill drove Field Marshall Sir Alan Brooke mad with his intervention in military campaigns.
"The Gallipoli Campaign should never have happened, a pointless exercise which was poorly planned and executed. It was Churchill's idea, One of several bad ideas he had during his political career, always had a fondness for military operations in irrelevant locations such as Norway and Africa in WW2."

He insisted on using the brigade that had survived the siege at Malta to invade the island of Rhodes. They were cut off and ultimately surrendered to the Germans.

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