Gestapo Staff Car Incident (2 Viewers)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

Long time no speak (write)...anyway re the recent kerfuffle about the review of “Gestapo Arrest” set in Toy Soldier & Model Figure Magazine, I thought you might like to see a copy of my reply to the morally indignant Mr. Hessney, so here goes...

May 21, 2007

To: Stuart A. Hessney, Toy Soldier & Model Figure

Re: Where does “Good taste end and poor taste begin”?

Dear Sir,

Your scathing review of one of our latest sets, “Gestapo Arrest!” in the most recent edition of the magazine, got me thinking about the above question…and several others.

It seems to me that you have chosen to view this set in a very narrow minded light…I view it somewhat differently. To me, this set is about the bravery and fortitude of the thousands of men and women in occupied Europe who fought an often lonely and perilous battle against the forces of darkness and evil. Sadly, many of these individuals were captured, tortured, and paid the ultimate price. Does their suffering somehow exclude them from being portrayed, along with their captors, in a realistic way in miniature? Obviously, I don’t believe so… but you have a right to your opinion and… so be it.

But, and it’s a big BUT, where do we draw the line between ‘good taste’ and ‘poor taste’? ‘War’, as Sherman said, ‘is hell’. From the earliest conflicts it has always been a nasty and violent experience. Ancient Romans (and their enemies) often massacred their prisoners in the most brutal fashion. During the Crusades both sides were frequently guilty of terrible excesses against innocent civilians as well as enemy combatants.

Even in more recent times, rape and pillage were not uncommon during the Napoleonic era and even the American Civil War. In the last century, two World Wars were fought that took the lives of many millions of soldiers and even more millions of innocent civilians.

Now, if King & Country decides to produce, let’s say, a World War II bomber…. A Heinkel… A B17 Flying Fortress… or perhaps an Avro Lancaster… complete with a ground crew loading that aircraft’s bombs… is that in ‘poor taste’?

By your argument, it might be, because, like it or not, many of those same aircraft’s bombs did destroy civilian buildings containing plenty of innocent men, women, and children. King & Country has always, and will always be in the ‘history business’… and that can and does mean exploring “the good, the bad and sometimes… the ugly.” Realistic history is as much a part of our product as the metal from which they are cast.

A big part of King & Country’s success has been built on developing more realistic approaches to the whole toy soldier and military miniature hobby and, dare I say, a more adult point-of-view.

Of course, I would like to see more young people come into this great hobby but I primarily aim my product at ‘grown-ups’ who have the time… the knowledge, the interest in military history… and importantly, the money to pay for it!

So getting back to the original focus of this letter, am I “guilty of poor taste”? I don’t believe so. If however, in your opinion I am, then where exactly does that place your magazine, which routinely prints our and other companies, advertisements for, among many other collections, Waffen SS vehicles and figures? It did not seem to offend your sensitivities nearly so much to take King & Country’s hard earned advertising dollars in those numerous situations. Perhaps your magazine (and you) would prefer we spend our money elsewhere in order to preserve the sanctity of your ‘good taste’.

I look forward to your reply,

Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder & Creative Director

King & Country

P.S. I did a quick check of this issues advertising pages that contain the photos of “Hitler and his henchmen” that so dismay you. They come to about 2 ¼ full pages of paid advertising. Perhaps you should consider rejecting such advertisements in favor of more tasteful ads. King & Country’s own advert on the back cover of your magazine is of course, a very tasteful rendering of our latest Napoleonic Cuirassier.

Well, that’s my tuppence worth on the subject. Best wishes and...happy collecting!

Andy C.
Well said Andy . . . but don't pull your advertising, he's entitled to his opinion too.
Well pointed out Louis. Advertisements shouldn't be threatened to be pulled because of an opinion that conflicts with the advertiser.
I'm going to beat Ron to it.......So if I read this right we are getting a B-17 and full ground crew loading bombs! :eek:

Nice reply Andy...I agree with Louis...let him have his opinion but letting him know who butters his bread isn’t bad either! :rolleyes:
I am going to play Devils' advocate. Pull the ads that will show Mr Morality whats' what. People should realise that they need to be responsible for their words and actions. Too many people get away with being irresponsible. If we take Stuart at his word he probably would not mind. Lots of manufacturers to piss off with future cases of foot/mouthitis
The thread is excellent and the posts interesting except when the argument of advertisement's money shows his little nasty nose.

Will we see another Michigan Toy Soldiers incident?

It looks like (in some posts) that somebody (in the present case Mr. Henssey) does not have the right to have a negative (or even what may appears to be a negative) opinion or can make a negative comment about K&C without fearing the ultimate retaliations which would be, for S.A.H., the lost of the sweet-smelling money of K&C.

Never forget that if K&C has the money to pay for ads, it is because, us, the collectors are buying the products of that manufacturer and that we are entitled to have the maximum informations about our hobby even a negative comment, opinion, review or what so ever you want to call it.

Threatening a magazine to cease all advertisement because an unpleasant paper is censorship and censorship is certainly not one of the basis of a democratic society.

Just my opinion.

Let me jump in here with my 2 cents on a few fronts.

1. I am a business guy (CPA), deal with large, small, individual, but there is always one bottom line - Business is just that, business. A consumer has an opportunity to buy a product or not. A business has the opportunity to sell or not (refuse service). A business (private one at that) has 100% discretion over where to spend and also has a right to "negotiate" where that money is spent, ie if you give me underserved bad press (from the company's point of view, right or wrong), why should I advertise? These are all choices for all involved.

2. Next, all journalists have a right to their own editorial opinion and should say what they want. It opens doors, ideas, etc. BUT, you should not cast stones at glass houses either. In other words, if your opinion is that all LAH is bad, then it is for all companies, not just one or one set.

3. Here is the personal one, one half of my family is Jewish, yet I still and will collect German/LAH designs, not to glorify them, but they are part of history. You cannot nor should not ignore history to be politically correct, that is just plain ignorant and if society continually does this, we will repeat the poor periods of history. As an example, and this is not political, but I would say that you can draw similarities between Iran of today and Nazi Germany of the 1930s, "a charismatic leader continually gaining the will of the people and convincing them they are on the right course while alienating the rest of the world".

Again, just my opinions, Andy has a right to spend where he wants, the editor has a right to his own opinion and review and the subject matter of the pieces in question is just that, SUBJECT to one's own interpretation. You don't have to buy the pieces, you can be offended, but that is your own interpretation and opinion. (Just like all of these posts reflect our opinions, I hope that my post is taken this way as it in no way is an attack on any of the other posters.)

Well said Andy . . . but don't pull your advertising, he's entitled to his opinion too.


And Andy is entiled to support businesses who support him - not attack him - Andy has no requirement to support people who demean him or his products.

What about the Figarti Iraq set of the Marines and the captured insurgent. He is probably going to end up in Abu Garib.
Nice reply Andy.

The reply of Mr. Neilson is as nice as the opinion of Mr. Henssey is.

My understanding is that both of them, in respect of the Gestapo Arrest set, have their own point of view which is either valuable than the other.

"So getting back to the original focus of this letter, am I “guilty of poor taste”? I don’t believe so."


Without a rhetorical pseudo-version of War & Peace, I will simply say that I FIRMLY believe that all aspects of history can and should be taught and portrayed. Before you know it we will be banning the Hilton Hotel chain since one of the "family" daughters is a criminal.

On a lighter, non-related note I was drinking a coffee at a Borders book store checking out the WW II history section when I turned the corner & saw it: NAPOLEON FOR DUMMIES. Within a second I was choking and had coffee blowing out my nose from laughing so hard. Sorry, but I had to share. I might also add that Brig. General Capitolron promtly came to mind as I picked up the book to see if he was a contributing writer!

Hang Tough!

And Andy is entiled to support businesses who support him - not attack him - Andy has no requirement to support people who demean him or his products.


As every companies involved in the films industry had, at least at one occasion, a bad critic (or attack) in every major newspapers in respect of, at least, one of their movies, I am surprised that there is still ads in the written medias (note that the same comment applies for TV and radios companies). Strange, very strange.

Good for you Andy. A toy soldier magazine should be just that...a toy magazine.

Mr Henssy should limit his critique to toy soldiering devoid of any political correctness. He should not use his position as a bully pulpit to promote his own personal agenda. He may as well be an editorial writer at the NY Times.

Sure, Mr. Henssy has the right to personal opinion, and Andy has also the right to put where his ad dollars go. Why support someone who doesn't support you.

It's time to get this "cancer" (political correctness) out of public arena.

...and to Mr. Henssy, let's just play toy soldiers okay?

I hope the editor posts Andy's reply in the magazine.

Beautiful response; he is not glorifying the Nazis with this set, he is paying his respects to the brave French resistance fighters is all.

Kudos Andy.
As every companies involved in the films industry had, at least at one occasion, a bad critic (or attack) in every major newspapers in respect of, at least, one of their movies, I am surprised that there is still ads in the written medias (note that the same comment applies for TV and radios companies). Strange, very strange.


It's true Pierre, but the critique on movie reviews is solely based on the story, plot, etc not directed to the director or producer. It is a standard industry practice just like they do on book reviews. But, to call it "done in poor taste" is a personal attack on the persona of Andy. He reserves the right to be indignant.

Hopefully Toy Soldier & Model Figure magazine will stick to their guns and keep offering honest reviews and not succumb to bullying.
I agree with Andy and think makes a good argument. Along the same line, I never heard any movie critic say that 'Schindler's List' was in bad taste. On the contrary, everyone praised it and it won the Oscar for Best Picture didn't it?
It's true Pierre, but the critique on movie reviews is solely based on the story, plot, etc not directed to the director or producer. It is a standard industry practice just like they do on book reviews. But, to call it "done in poor taste" is a personal attack on the persona of Andy. He reserves the right to be indignant.


Hi N-P,

Obviously, the problem occurs because of the intentions loaned to Mr. Henssey.

I read the article and I did not see it as a personnal attack towards Mr. Neilson but it is only my reading of the whole situation.

As your reading is different of mine, I agree with your opinion.

Mes meilleures amitiés,
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