Good News… and Bad News… (1 Viewer)

King & Country

1st Lieutenant
May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

First the “bad news”… after 20 years in Pacific Place one of Hong Kong’s premier shopping malls we are closing our little shop on Level Three and moving…
Now, for the “good news”, (actually it’s great news”), we’ve been promoted to Level Two and we’ve got 30% more display space and in a better location!!! Here’s how it came about…
Earlier this year our landlord had their annual meeting with us and asked if there was anything we wanted or required. My request, as usual, for the last 10 or so years, was “more space”.
In the past their answer was fairly predictable… “We’d love to give you more space but there’s none to be had… The mall is completely full and we’ve got a waiting list of companies who want to see their store open in Pacific Place.”
This time, much to Helen’s (our managing director) and my own amazement the answer was slightly different… “Well, actually we do have a space that’s bigger than you have at the moment and perhaps an even better location with more foot traffic.”
And so it came to pass… Our beloved old store (which goes back to 1992 when the mall opened) closes its doors this coming Saturday evening at 8:30pm and our brand-new King & Country opens for business at 11am the following morning, Sunday 30th October, 2011.
Some of you guys who have either visited us in Hong Kong (or seen photos) know what the old store looked like… lots of dark woodworkpolished brass and natural brick – homely and friendly.
Our new incarnation is still, I hope, friendly and welcoming. It’s also much brighter with more display cabinets (several showing off Gordon’s handiwork) and more contemporary styling… a blend of Ralph Lauren and Restoration Hardware (two of my own personal U.S. retail favourites).
I invite you all to pay us a visit if and when you come to Hong Kong.
For those who cannot make the trip we’ll post photos soon.
In the meantime… very best wishes to one and all and… happy collecting!

Andy C.​
Congratulations on getting "promoted" to a lower floor and bigger shop. Who do you have either side of you ?

I look forward to the photos.

Good luck with the new shop mate, hope to make it over there one day.

All the best

Good luck with the new shop mate, hope to make it over there one day.

All the best


Mate if you go to HK i will meet you there buy you that pint i owe you.................:)
Oh yeah check out the new shop.
Mate if you go to HK i will meet you there buy you that pint i owe you.................:)
Oh yeah check out the new shop.

You're on my friend, mines a Vodka!:smile2: Maybe we'll meet over there straight after the next Ashes and it'll save one of us postage on the figure!:wink2:



When next I'm in HK, I'll be sure to come into the new shop and 'inspect the troops' and the thier new bivouac.

Maybe next year?

Looking forward to Tuesday's new releases :)

Congratulations on the new store. Looking forward to the photos and I hope you do lots of photos - I'm not likely to get to HK.

One word of caution - since the new store is bigger, Vezzolf may accuse you of changing scales. {sm3}{sm4}{sm4}

You're on my friend, mines a Vodka!:smile2: Maybe we'll meet over there straight after the next Ashes and it'll save one of us postage on the figure!:wink2:



Congratulations Andy, I might try and get over and visit your new store next year. The problem will be you getting rid of me as i will be like a kid in a lolly shop! ^&grin


Congratulations on the new store. Looking forward to the photos and I hope you do lots of photos - I'm not likely to get to HK.

One word of caution - since the new store is bigger, Vezzolf may accuse you of changing scales. {sm3}{sm4}{sm4}


I can hear it all now from over there................hatred and jealiously. Shame, Shame, Shame !!!
Dear Andy:

I will not be coming to Hong Kong to see your new store, but it sounds splendid and I wish you the best of luck with your new store!

"Iron Brigade" / Gary
Congratulations Andy, I might try and get over and visit your new store next year. The problem will be you getting rid of me as i will be like a kid in a lolly shop! ^&grin



All us Aussie collectors should have a get together up there,im sure Andy would love that {eek3} (And the local bar...^&grin).
Congratulations on the new store and the extra space. Perhaps one day I'll make it there to see it in person. Please don't forget to show us Treefroggers on the other side of the world some pictures of the new displays, we'd all love to see them! :smile2:
Congrats on the store location promotion Andy. You and Helen must have been quite surprised to hear such a welcome response to your annual request! Someday I would certainly love to visit.
All us Aussie collectors should have a get together up there,im sure Andy would love that {eek3} (And the local bar...^&grin).

Im in but I reckon Andy would board the place up and hide from us! :eek:


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